Today is Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012.. The Moon is in Taurus all day, where it is exalted. You may feel this as emotional harmony — a nice way to get the year rolling, no? If you begin your day feeling a sense of expansiveness in your desire nature, your attitude about your resources and finances, or your attraction to sensory pleasures and fine things, you’re in tune.
The Moon begins the day fresh off a conjunction with Jupiter. So while you may notice a strong attraction to comfort and ease, note that the Moon very quickly makes sextiles to a pair of minor planets that may reward taking a little action: Chiron and Vesta in early Pisces. As the Moon hands off the energy baton from Jupiter to these two, stay tuned for the sense of wanting to put your money where your mouth is – particularly when it comes to the areas of sexual pleasure, any healing/therapy process you may be considering or beginning, and the creation of the space in your life for these things.
This may not call for the literal spending of money. There are other ways to apply resources to what you value right now — such as the resource of time. The idea is to notice what feels important and let your imagination (with or without your art supplies) play with how to implement these things tangibly in your life.
We are in the early days of a brand new year, with every major planet moving in direct motion. This bodes well for moving forward with your desire to facilitate the healing of mind, body and soul. There is no promise that the path will be smooth, given all that is going on in the world and the astrological events Eric has been outlining in his Top Five Events audio series and the 2012 annual edition readings. We are in for some challenges, to be sure. But today the Moon’s sextiles to Vesta and Chiron are offering us access to some creative solutions to how we can devote our resources to our healing of old wounds. Even more important, it is the nature of the sextile to reward any concrete steps we take to further this energy.