Today is Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2012.. The waxing Taurus Moon is making its way toward full phase on Monday. As happens every year, the first Full Moon of the year is in the Moon’s home sign: Cancer.
Obviously this is a comfortable sign for the Moon, but since it is being opposed by that big bright thing holding our solar system together (the Sun, currently in Capricorn), expect that your urge toward comfy nesting and effusive emoting may be at odds with the other things – and people – asking for your time and attention. Keep an eye on rising emotions as the rest of this week progresses, as well as when others start reacting rather than responding. The most aware person may not end up with the most toys, but rather has the ability to defuse volatility. You can offer the box of tissues instead of a rebuttal. It’s okay to have your feelings and express them, just remain in ownership of them.
Oppositions in general tend to locate the presumed source of any tension we feel outside ourselves, and you’ve likely noticed the way Full Moons instigate ‘acting out’ – especially if you work for a hospital or in law enforcement. Of course, that does not account for the lunacy we’re witnessing in the Republican primaries. That’s a longer story. Though it is interesting to notice that yesterday’s Iowa caucus – the first in the process – kicked off while Mercury is conjunct the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius (exact tomorrow).