Today is Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012.. The waxing Moon enters Gemini at 5:44 am EST. This is a much more mental sign for the Moon than is Cancer, which is where the Moon will be for its full phase on Monday. Today and tomorrow this may mitigate some of the overflowing emotions that can come with a Moon nearing full – but don’t be surprised if you find yourself actually talking about what is going on for you. A lot.
And what could be going on for you is that today and tomorrow you find yourself in a state of constantly trying to relate and adjust to relationship partners of the opposite sex, without ever quite finding a balance that feels right. Mars in Virgo is forming a quincunx with Venus in Aquarius – and Venus is conjunct Nessus.
A quincunx is that somewhat prickly aspect that’s one sign off from being an opposition. So it carries a similar sort of tension: the source feels like it’s located outside of yourself (between you and another). The way to work with both oppositions and quincunxes is to negotiate first with one side, and then the other. The uncomfortable thing about a quincunx, however, is that you’re never quite able to settle the issue in the same way you can with an opposition. The compulsion to keep trying is still strong, however.
In the case of this particular one, Mars in Virgo provides a strong drive to work and serve energetically, but also a certain level of fussiness over details. Venus, for its part, can be a little aloof in Aquarius – especially in terms of one-on-one intimate relationships.