Find Your Mind – Mercury Enters Capricorn

It will be a busy weekend for Mercury, and by implication for your mind. Just after 1:30 am EST on Sunday morning, Mercury will enter Capricorn for 20 days after having been in Sagittarius for over two months. In the process, between Saturday morning and Sunday evening, Mercury will aspect every major (sign-ruling) planet outside the orbit of Mars. That’s a lot of activity. As that activity corresponds to your life, you may expect to receive a rapid series of mixed signals from your environment. You may not be able to modulate either the frequency or consistency of those signals for the time being. What you can do is know your own mind well enough to find it in all the hubbub and express yourself coherently until things settle down. 

You may have noticed that coherency has been problematic as of late. That would correspond to an unusual situation. In the two weeks since the Capricorn solstice, Mercury and Sun have been in different signs. That is a long time for Mercury’s archetype of mind and its expression to be on a different page from the solar representation of consciousness and self-awareness. By this time next week the situation will have stabilized quite a bit, but first things will probably go through one last disconcerting episode. That episode would correlate with two aspects Mercury will make on Saturday, just before leaving Sagittarius.

On its last day in Sagittarius, Mercury will form sextile aspects to both Saturn in late Libra and Neptune, which will be in the last degree of Aquarius. Sextiles are generally considered to be affirming, supportive and validating relationships between objects and signs. Concurrently drawing to an odd couple like Saturn and Neptune, however, can only contribute to incoherency. We are reminded of Robert Hand’s observation that “Neptune dissolves whatever Saturn builds.” While a sextile from Mercury to Saturn favors the critical faculties of the mind, the same aspect to Neptune just hours later would seem to set us up for some sort of mental whiplash, pulling our thoughts the other way. The situation is not lost, however. There is some consolation in a dichotomy taking place on the threshold of Capricorn.

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