Weekend Astrology: Cancer Full Moon & Mercury in Capricorn

'Analog Tweets' in the window of the Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine. They were created early this fall during an outdoor art event. Passersby could compose a 'Tweet', which the printers would then hand-set using wooden block letters, print, and then raise up in a 'stream' from the ground to a third floor window via ropes and pulleys. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Today is Friday, Jan. 6, 2012.. Mentally and emotionally, this is a busy weekend. The two big events are the Cancer Full Moon early on Monday (2:30 am EST) and Mercury leaving Sagittarius for the first time since Nov. 2. It enters Capricorn at 1:34 am EST. If this were a short newspaper horoscope, it might simply read, ‘Whatever you are feeling or thinking, stop and take a breath – or ten – before you express it’.

This is because Mercury makes a slew of aspects between now and Monday, right on the Aries Point — that mysterious cosmic amplifier. It’s in the Uranus-Pluto hot spot, with Jupiter giving a boost, so you may find one choice leads to some kind of surprise or unexpected turn. Plus Full Moons are generally polarizing and this one is in a rather emotional sign. Our minds will likely be changeable and active and our feelings heightened, but neither situation is necessarily a bad thing. Both simply call for awareness, though that may not be so simple.

The swing toward the yin/feminine that comes with a Full Moon may actually bring us collectively closer to gender balance. As one person said of this Moon yesterday: “When in doubt, hold to the yin.” This Moon/Sun opposition along the Cancer-Capricorn axis also brings an opportunity to find balance between work and home, structure and flow. Remember to give each side of the equation some attention as you find balance.

Today, before Mercury makes its move, it’s still conjunct the center of our galaxy. Where you are vociferously committed to your sense of justice and liberty, watch out for soapbox conversations when you’re ’just getting to the good part’. Where do you fall along the spectrum between having something meaningful to say (or listen to) and being full of hot air? That said, if you do take a time out to meditate today, keep your antennae up: downloads from more extensive domains of order are the order. The Galactic Center also has a way of working behind the scenes, out of sight. Look for what is influencing you that is not apparent or visible.

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