Time and Place — Cancer Full Moon

The Moon will occupy Cancer, the sign it rules, when it is precisely full at 5:21 am EST tomorrow. Since every calendar year concludes with the Sun in Capricorn, it feels right that the final Full Moon of any given calendar year would occur in the opposing sign. For 2012, it will work out that way, even though it is not always the case. In fact, both the timing and placement of tomorrow’s Cancer Full Moon will be appropriate not just to the end of a year, but also to the astrology the year has brought.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Like every year, the astrology of 2012 was one thing after another. Unlike many other years, some of those things will not repeat again until the next century. Foremost among those events was Venus’ transit of the Sun.

On June 5 (or June 6, depending on your time zone) Venus passed visibly over the face of the Gemini Sun as seen from Earth. It will not happen again until the 22nd Century. That extraordinary occurrence distinguished you, the year, everybody, and everything concurrent with the event. The astrology of tomorrow’s Cancer Full Moon will recall the circumstances surrounding the Venus transit in several ways.

Tomorrow, the Sun will occupy the same degree of Capricorn the Moon held when Venus eclipsed the Sun’s countenance. That means the Moon will oppose its placement during the rarest of solar transits. In other words, the Cancer Full Moon of 2012 will be reflecting more than just the Sun’s present light. Luna will be reflecting back onto a day when the cosmic clockwork symbolically selected this year and its contemporaries as one among many, and it will not be alone in that aspect to the past.

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