We are the luxury brand in astrology, offering hand-crafted horoscopes, readings, and the best articles that integrate astrology (a spiritual approach to life) with world news coverage (usually, anything but).
Dear Friend and Reader:
Thank you for visiting Planet Waves. We continue to update daily and to provide you with excellent free and paid astrology services.

We are the luxury brand in astrology, offering hand-crafted horoscopes, readings, and the best articles that integrate astrology (a spiritual approach to life) with world news coverage (usually, anything but).
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My renowned horoscopes are part of our subscriber service.
You will notice that there are no ads on this website. We are sponsored exclusively by our subscribers — and we answer only to you. Most of the “news” you read or see on television is beholden to corporate overlords; we want no part of that. We speak for humanity, not for robots and shareholders.
If you like what you’re reading here, and if you find that you feel better, please explore.
Meanwhile, if you’re looking for something, please ask.
With love,