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Dear Friend and Reader:
Introducting Planet Waves by Eric Francis, an astrological viewpoint like no other. What makes us different? An ability to use astrology as the mirror of human nature that it truly can be — of our relationships, our quest for meaningful work, our desire for prosperity and for dealing with a world that often seems to be going mad.

We publish Tuesday and Friday mornings. You get your edition both by email and on a special subscriber homepage. Topics range from the astrology of the food we eat to deeply intimate matters of growth to our relationship to the ‘world scene’ that seems to create such challenges now. Eric uses astrology as a way to focus perception, to see behind the veil and as a power tool for improving our lives. Knowledge really is power, and the goal of Planet Waves is to provide a source of wisdom and intelligence to help us in the process of becoming authentic, fully realized people.
Below are several recent samples of Planet Waves by Eric Francis. Subscribing also gets you access to six years of archives, our nine-year horoscope database and Oracle and many other perks and features.
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Thanks for checking us out.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Forever Young
In this May 20, 2011 issue, Eric honors the 70th birthday of troubadour Bob Dylan in two segments. The lead article considers Dylan’s life and music in light of his birth chart. A Gemini, Dylan is “the messenger-trickster, who is witty and articulate in a way that is distinct to that sign.”

“But that’s not the part of his chart that I find the most interesting. To me the really interesting part has always been that he also has four planets in Taurus. Gemini can have an airy quality and, by itself, can want for substance. This is where Taurus comes in. He is working from a foundation of solid values, and this is what he expresses in his music. Let’s consider how this works in his chart.”
The second article in this issue peeks at the chart for Dylan’s departure from his hometown of Hibbing, Minnesota: the trip that eventually landed him in New York City, where he would plug into the folk music scene and proceed to bust it open. Eric writes here, “Fittingly, this day we see him embodying the Uranian principle: sudden change, reinvention, liberation, boldness, revolution. In terms of how a human personality might experience this, it would be a restless sense of urgency and the need to bust free.” If you’re a Dylan fan, or even just curious to see astrology applied to a musical icon, this is a fun read.
The World in a Grain of Pholus
This July 15, 2011 issue offers a view into the astrology of the Rupert Murdoch / News of the World scandal — and the wider implications for such a huge media implosion — you won’t see anywhere else.

This is partly because Eric can handle a story of this complexity, and he happens to be a veteran of the tabloid press in England. But he’s also a specialist in the minor planets that factor so strongly in the current events.
The main planet to watch is Pholus, which “represents processes of rapid transformation that can be provoked by seemingly minor things. Robert von Heeren, one of the first astrologers to delineate Pholus, gave it the key phrase, ‘small cause, big effect’.
Its energy is highly reactive, unpredictable and can be grossly irresponsible.”
And guess what? Pholus is the link between the charts of Rupert Murdoch and The News of the World itself — and Pluto, the unstoppable force, triggered Pholus in both charts this year.
Yearning for Dharma: An Epistle of the Eclipses
Summer 2011 was notable for a trio of eclipses within one month; we usually get them in pairs. Astrology has come a long way in its ability to guide people to use these events usefully, instead of being afraid of them.

But part of the trick to that is getting a handle on the concepts of Karma and Dharma that eclipses ask us to work with, and which are associated with the South and North nodes. The lunar nodes are the two continually-moving points which the Sun and Moon align with when there are eclipses.
Eric writes in this June 3, 2011 issue: “We tend to lean heavily on the South Node. It’s familiar, it’s got a sticky quality and a habitual feeling, and that can often overpower the tentative quest of the North Node. … [The North Node] will manifest as a person wanting to do what they came here to do, though often feeling helpless to get there, or even to begin. There are both counseling techniques and astrological techniques that can facilitate this, but really the client needs to be willing to cooperate with what is indeed his or her own agenda. It will usually help to clear some baggage out of the past, which might come in the form of dysfunctional beliefs or the agendas that others attached to us with that glue known as guilt.”
I hope you enjoy reading these samples of what we do every week for Planet Waves by Eric Francis. We consider ourselves a “warm spot on a vast and often chilly Internet” and our readers tend to agree. So if you find yourself resonating with our work, feeling as though you’ve found your ‘tribe’ as you read or simply realize it’s time for some grounding, consider giving yourself the gift of a subscription.
P.S. Here are three older editions from the past couple years, all excellent representatives of the depth and breadth of our archives:
Revolution in the Aries (or is it Pisces) — is about the recent popular uprisings that have been rolling through the world. “The ingress of this inventive, revolutionary energy into Aries feels like an extended springtime of the soul. It looks like the ultimate astrology of a global awakening, based on millions of individual awakenings. … We get an invitation to expand our ideas about existence, and live closer to the edge with more vitality and explore life with an experimental spirit.”
You Are Who You Are — Remember those first few weeks of 2011 when everyone from Jon Stewart to your local news anchor to your sister was in a panic because some astronomer decided to recycle the idea that the zodiac has shifted and there’s actually a 13th sign? This is Eric’s Jan. 21 response to the incredible misinformation that was swirling around at the time. It is perhaps the most accessible, most clearly-written and genuinely helpful explanation of why the shift in the Earth’s poles does not affect Western astrology; a must-read, and one to share with your friends.
Let’s Get Real: Saturn in Libra — is a close look at the ways we’re taught to do relationships, and what we can do differently. The article explores the many contradictions of our culture and how we can heal our minds, get real and begin to outgrow them — by choice.