This is MY Body

“The enemy now is nothing less than a force lusting to make the world their personal Walmart — everything is cheapened — human lives and cultures, the personhood of women, the wealth of the land and air and water that is the life of the planet — all for their purchase and disposal. Akin is a tiny demon in the stream of Mammon, but he’s (also) another telling blip. We cannot just defeat them in this election, we must make sure that every last one of their outmoded, inhumane theories are debunked and permanently wiped clean from any further valid consideration in public policy, education, and history. This is the past that needs to be swept clean away, boxed securely and dumped in the darkest cellar we can find.”

I wrote those words at Daily Kos in response to the remarks on “legitimate rape” made by Todd Akin, Missouri’s Republican senatorial candidate. At the encouragement of my Daily Kos colleagues, I have expanded my thoughts, which I share with you here today.

What came out of Akin’s mouth was a blip on the sonar screen of a larger and widely held belief, a belief deeply ingrained in our society, and one that will take all our efforts to root out not just during this election cycle, but over the coming generations. Undoubtedly, the platform the Republican Party will build in the lead up to their convention in a few weeks will be a free-market free-for-all we’ve come to expect, now with legalizing rape an undercurrent. But the larger picture is all-consuming commodification.

A commodity is the generic term for any marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs. Economic commodities comprise goods and services. The Republican platform is a way to further facilitate commodification of our country, its finite resources and its people. It is about removing governmental obstacles so companies can have their way, and in terms of women’s reproductive freedom, under this mindset, it’s easy for those of this belief to imagine that our bodies are ‘real estate’, a commodity whose future use is to be determined and controlled by someone else.

We’re familiar with the model used a few hundred years ago when cheap-to-free labor was used to fire up the economic engine of America’s Southern agricultural industry. The cost of that industrialization was horrific human misery, which we are still trying to progress ourselves past, with some still fighting against that progress. And they’re fighting hard.

It is my belief that any policy, politician or party that does not respect the Earth certainly does not respect women, and by extension, children. That was the gist of what I wrote over a year ago in my weekly column here. The subject at that point in time was Fukushima, and the industrialized mindsets that carelessly use and abuse the planet, her resources and her people. Does this not remind you of the Koch Brothers-owned political subsidiary called the Republican Party?

Now more so than ever, the female body — my body, your mother’s body, your sister’s body and the body of our mother, our planet — is the battleground. Those same people who complain we are indebting our grandchildren to pay for government programs we can’t afford are also more than willing to mortgage the future of their grandchildren’s planet. Many of the people who use our bodies as political fodder to gain votes are the same people who will let their grandchildren and great-grandchildren choke on the toxic garbage they will leave behind. They will allow for a climate of rape for women because they’re doing it to our world. And they call themselves pro-life.

I had been piecing together the larger meaning of what I’ve been reading in the news this week because the correlations of current events and our national history make it appear that we are heading towards a terrible path if we do not act. But the type of vehicle that it was was elusive to me. It was an itch that was too deep to scratch. That is, until I caught sight of another Kos diary with words and historical pictures from the civil rights and abolitionist movement which helped to coalesce my thoughts.

The battle in this election is not just about republican and democratic platforms. It’s about a battle of our belief systems. That is one reason why I think it’s hard to counter the arguments of far-right conservatives with fact, let alone common sense, because we are fighting their beliefs. It’s why a Todd Akin is allowed to continue his candidacy past the deadline to withdraw without shame. Regardless of whatever he spews when he opens his dumb mouth, his followers continue to believe he is right in a broader sense under the general umbrella of their beliefs. And even if some didn’t publicly agree with him out of fear of political reprisal, they secretly cheer that he actually said it.

This election, we not only need to vote against them, we need to counter their beliefs with our own, which hold something dear, humane, and forward thinking in a world that desperately needs us to do so. At the heart of this is a symbolic struggle over what government is and the role of government in general: is it here to serve all the people or to commodify them? Such are the stages built by Pluto, upon which Uranus comes to act.

Starting with the free-market principles of Ronald Reagan, the lines for their argument have hardened with over 30 years of acquiescence. We have free-marketed just about everything short of our souls and are paying the price for other people’s greed. Now the new price is my body, the bodies of my niece, my sisters, my friends, and the body of our planet. All are at stake, and Akin is a tool for people who use his righteous, misogynistic and wrong-headed agenda to advance theirs, and at a profit.

I apologize if I appear overwrought, but I find it hard to be calm when there is talk about promoting rape through legislation. It’s not like our current rape laws protect us, let alone the ordeal of a court system that vilifies the victim when we choose to press charges. The fight for women now and until we win is that our bodies are no one’s property. Not to be abused, not to be used. Sacrosanct. This is my body.

The fight against the greed attempting to consume the planet begins with the proclamation that the body of the planet belongs to all of us. Holy. This is our planet. If we need more sights, sounds and pictures to get more women to stand up and vote, I will be happy to do so, from here on out to the election; but right now, I can’t get any more personal or upfront about about my beliefs than this. This is MY body. No politician or policy will ever be allowed to take it from me.

20 thoughts on “This is MY Body”

  1. Every time I wander down the “voting doesn’t change anything” road (and yes, I do) I remember that a hundred years ago our foremothers were rounded up, jailed and beaten for our suffrage. That is enough to keep me registered and hitting those little buttons, howsoever futile it may seem.

  2. Fe and others:

    This article is so incredibly important that I realized (in my newness here) that my last post was not conveying at all what I was trying to say. Too little sleep, too many words…in a nutshell, I just want us to support and take care of each other in whatever way we can.

    Please keep up the excellent, insightful, necessary work.

  3. Got LOTS of pots and pans to bang away on, Fe … and lots of heart to put into the project. I’m well aware of how much overwhelm folks feel about this and your piece gives focus to the anger, vents the steam and opens the dialogue. Brava!

    A word to those who think voting doesn’t change anything: it is easier to make change to a moderate agenda than a radical one … and if the corporate party wins this election, we — as the American collective — will have decided against love and life, diving deeply into nihilism and suffering. We have a toe-hold on movement with a Democratic presence and a way to address our issues. It is not enough, and the world we want to build seems far away from their influence, but without the Dems holding space for modernity, we will be in the deepest darkness, with only physical activism our recourse, so unless we are all prepared to march against the level of repression planned — like our ancestors did, bloodied and dying for the basic American liberties — cast your vote.

    Remember:The last two years are a DIRECT RESULT of progressives staying home!!!!

  4. Hey Morgana:

    Thank you for your comments. I’m not completely sure I agree with you on the politics of this issue. If women do not vote we become pawns in the game even more so because we are relinquishing our remaining vestiges of power. Because believe me, there are people out there willing to throw out our votes if and when we do. The merits of our voting is not a luxury we can afford to parse. If nothing else we need to be there for people who no longer CAN vote. Lives really do depend upon it now more than ever.

    Remember we started out the year with transvaginal probe laws to “allow” women seeking an abortion a good look at the ramifications of their decision. That personhood for a fetus begins prior to zygote viability, and women would be criminalized for having a miscarriage. These are the people running for Congress. And those are the policies affecting women alone.

    I think there is much to differentiate the candidates and the platforms, and I know if I vote I am also voting for the lives of others who can’t. They are usually the most vulnerable among us.

  5. I love this, Fe. You are are articulate as you are impassioned. Yet I feel rather hopeless at the moment. Voting doesn’t change the game – it merely changes out the players. We can’t just vote, we have to change the game. *How do we change the game???*

  6. I am overwhelmed by this article and the commentary. Keep going, Fe. We need to be outraged, and enraged by this terrorism. The assault may be directed overtly at women’s bodies, and self-ownership, but the result is that everyone, men, women, children and the earth, are clamped in chains by these moronic attitudes, dropped onto dangerously media-drugged populace.

  7. Fe:
    Thanks for your warm welcome earlier.

    In your last response you say: “A woman involved in empowering herself does not do this to scare or denigrate men. A woman empowers herself to be her best self. Not for her man or any man, but her self.”
    It’s my hope that all women (especially those women might have issues with other women empowering themselves) embrace their power and essence, to be able to support and nurture themselves first, then other women along the path beside them. Sometimes I feel like some women can be very quick to judge other women who might be on this path, sabotaging the effort in one way or another with cruel intent, words, or actions. (At least I’ve been exposed to this and suppose other women may have as well, but figure it’s another opportunity for growth.)

    The pre-flight safety speech comes to mind–in the event of loss of cabin pressure, place the oxygen mask on yourself first…

    Perhaps it could go something like: in the event of loss of awareness of your fellow traveler’s (of either gender), place your energy, honesty, and love on yourself first…

    Then we can always have a good, deep, cleansing breath first for ourselves (so we can help those around us.) And they may help us, and so on…

    Thanks so much for everyone’s articles, responses, and sharing of yourselves. I learn so much and feel much comfort reading your words, hoping to keep my heart and mind open for growth and change.

  8. patty — my empathy to your loved ones who have been through this, male and female. to press charges against a teen for consensual sex with another teen, just because you’re upset that your daughter is sexually active, is tragic. as is the physical violence endured by your female family members and the blame and silence surrounding it.

    be — thank you for the astro-snapshots. amazing.

  9. Wowza, Be.

    I so appreciate the astrology you apply in your comments. It gives me both context and hope. Chiron active between Nessus and Ceres is a tell in this instance. I think women around the country need to take a look, grab their pots and pans and gather in the streets. The assault on women physically and politically has to end.

    Here’s another thing, something that I learned in my early days in Women’s theater. A woman involved in empowering herself does not do this to scare or denigrate men. A woman empowers herself to be her best self. Not for her man or any man but her self. This war against rape is not about disempowering men. It’s about disempowering violence.

    Be- do you know anything about Regulus? It moved out of male Leo into female Virgo not too long ago. The last time Regulus changed signs was 2000 years ago. Do we see a correlation to the rise of the patriarchy? Hmmmmm.

  10. Another point I should have noted regarding the timing of all this about Women and Rape talk in the U.S. is that the U.S. natal Sibly chart has Nessus, the old rapist himself, conjunct Ceres in the U.S. chart. Right now, transiting Chiron (he who suffers pain, inflicts pain and also heals pain) is conjunct them and the progressed U.S. Sun is also conjunct them, and the Natal U.S. Uranus is square them. It’s an ‘aha’ moment brought to us courtesy of Venus in the solar return birthday chart for the U.S., with her conjunction to natal Uranus. Who else?

  11. Hey Fe!

    Great piece sister, I’m so proud of you. Do you remember Len’s article last month when he taught (some of) us about the mitochondria DNA? That it was “passing between every mother and daughter” and that it is “the batteries that keep every cell running, symbiotic sub-cells that allow us to trace the continuity made possible by connection”? He also said that we are “probably descended from a group of sisters who would not have survived had they not given equal value to compassion and cooperation”. And “it was their wisdom that put us here. Now it is our wisdom, or lack of it, that will determine whether their living legacy will continue past the culmination of challenges we are about to face.”

    You are doing your part and more dear Fe.

    I am one of many who don’t dig deep into the subject of Rape, just because. But, at least in this country it must be examined now in order to understand why it exists. The Universe and the symbols of the planets are saying this. The U.S. solar Return Chart has Mars at 0 Libra, a cardinal sign, a sign of relationship, an Aries-Point degree, a symbol of offense (as opposed to defense) and it is on the MC of this chart where all the world can see it. The Year of Mars in the USA.

    The U.S. progressed Mars is now retrograde; a turning inward of this energy. Sometimes that will be an attack on the self. Perhaps a punishment in some minds, or a warning of punishment if laws are not followed. This is just me theorizing, but it seems obvious that Rape is not just a manifestation of the Libido. Oh, it’s primative alright, and probably unconscious on the part of the Raper, but mostly it appears (to me) to be Rage. Rage against women primarily, and what they symbolize which can be varied, depending on the Raper and the Rapee.

    Transiting Mars just recently spent much time associating with transiting Saturn as they start a new cycle. All about partnership, balance, and communication due to it happening in the sign Libra. Saturn has to do with law and restriction and suppression and fear as well as protection, achievement and providing structure. It isn’t just a coincidence that this particular idiot, this Akin person is being offered up by the Universe to make us conscious of the extent of our group unconsciousness. He is also a symbol, bless his little (very little) heart. We have risen to the bait and with enough discussion, this taboo subject will reach into the recesses of the combined but unconscious DNA of all Americans, and hopefully most of humanity to find out why we do these unspeakable acts against our vulnerable.

    Before transiting Mars made his conjunction to transiting Saturn, which by the way was square the natal U.S. Sibly Pluto in Cap and Mercury in Cancer, his arrival was anticipated by 4 asteroids gathered at the Super Galactic Center around the 1st degree of Libra. As he crossed the border from his long endurance test in Virgo, he made a conjunction to each of these feminine symbols. Klotho, symbol of a new start, Minerva (aka Pallas-Athene) Goddess of Wisdom and Justice, Pandora, the “first woman created” according to Olympian mythology, as a punishment for humanity for using Prometheus’ gift of fire, and finally the last conjunction Mars made with the four symbols of the feminine, Astraea. Astraea will stick it out no matter how bad humanity becomes, long after all the other gods have foresaken us. She did it before when we had sunk as low as we could. Now we are here again it seems.

    Mars entered Scorpio this morning, a sign ruled by himself and Pluto. Pluto (if you can imagine it) is the “higher” octive of Mars, and I don’t doubt for a moment that we will see the struggle in the psyche of Man, especially in America, as we attempt to ascend the lower nature of Mars for a higher universal expression of these energies. All part of the process./be Here is Len’s article

  12. Patty:

    Great points. I agree. Even though part of what is said in the discussion over the prosecution of rape and whether or not men are victimized in what may be a spurious charge may be a cause for Akin’s remarks, it shouldn’t be justification to further subjugate women. Prosecution of rape is already difficult when your appearance, your lifestyle, your race is used against the legitimacy of your charges. It’s not fair.

    By qualifying what is “legitimate” rape in a statement on policy, Akins, as a politician, puts out a kind of weather balloon — a test theory. Like an “alleged murder”, or a “presumed wife-beating”. It already raises the legitimacy of the concept simply by his position. He is a person running for senate to create policy for his state and all of us.

    And voila. Even though members of his own party and the Republican ticket are moving away from Akin, they include on their platform a stand that prohibits abortion in ALL instances, even when the women has been a victim of rape.

    We are already a shame based society. What Akin is saying and what the Republicans are promoting are policies that push us further back: to the point of controlling what happens to women even after raped. A situation where a woman had no say. This is beyond dangerous. People with these backwards and idiotic ideas and concepts like Akin should not be allowed to make policy.

  13. Patty, so much pain you’ve been a witness to.

    The quantity of injustices – personal, social and political – still being perpetrated against each other is astounding, as if there was an illness deep down within our society causing so many of us to cause ourselves, and each other, pain. So much needs to change.

  14. I think that what a lot of men aren’t saying, is that they have often been unjustifiably accused. A young man that my son went to school with dated the same girl through high school, but when he turned 18 the girl’s parents found out he had sex with their then 17 year old daughter. They were in the same grade, but he had turned 18. They pressed charges. They later tried to drop the charges but it was too late. The state picked up the case. Now at age 34, he is still deemed a child molester and cannot live within 100 yards of any school, and must notify all the neighbors anytime he moves, that he is moving into the area.

    I know a lot of male rape victims also, victims of older men. It isn’t just women who are raped. Unfortunately, I seem to know a lot of women who were raped – some brutally (knifed), others just brute force. We don’t talk about it. Some are relatives that I know about – just learned two weeks ago that a niece was raped as a teen (stranger rape) and put a baby up for adoption. Another niece flirted with the neighbor across the street and he raped her. She blames herself. My sister in law and her young sister (age 13 and 17) were raped and knifed by a neighbor, and their mother blamed them for it. Women usually get blamed for the situation they put themselves in. I read a joke about Joe Paterno’s statue, that Penn State put it in the library to remind everyone to keep quiet. isn’t that what we all do all the time? Better to say nothing and hope it goes away without too much damage. Pretend nothing happened!

    I appreciate what you are trying to do. The national discussion needs to heat up on this subject. It is long overdue!

  15. gumbybug:

    Welcome to PW! Love your name, and thank you for your words.

    Now to get a mere 90 million who refuse to vote off their butts. We need people in the streets, waiting patiently in line to vote, to help stop the war on women and on the planet. It’s going to take all our passion to move this forward

  16. “The fight for women now and until we win is that our bodies are no one’s property. Not to be abused, not to be used. Sacrosanct. This is my body. No politician or policy will ever be allowed to take it from me.”


    I don’t find you “overwrought” in expressing so eloquently and passionately an issue that is screaming for examination on so many levels and exposure to “light” on many more.

    Thank you so much sharing.

  17. Fe: Thank you. You make me cry. Tears because i want to cheer and applaud you until stars fall in tribute to you. Not sure if that makes any sense, but you surely do.

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