The ‘Fuck Aunt Millie’ Party Self-Implodes

Chiron rewards awareness and detests ignorance, especially the kind that knows, or knows better. Chiron has the power to shine light into the musty, dark halls of power, where the name of the game is control. We know history. If we pay attention, maybe we won’t have to repeat it. — Eric Francis on Chiron in Capricorn

Let’s get right to this. The Romney presidential campaign and the Republican Party are a slow motion train wreck. The gaffapalooza list for just the month of July is pretty long. Romney’s refusal to release the last ten years of tax returns was made worse by Sen. Harry Reid’s hints that he has proof from a former representative from Bain — Romney’s company — that Romney had not paid taxes the last ten years.

Romney’s foreign relations inexperience was magnified by the gaffe questioning Great Britain’s competency in managing the 2012 Olympic games, forgetting the name of Ed Milliband, Leader of Britain’s Labour Party, and putting a blowtorch under the Middle East’s already seething tensions by referring to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and saying Jews were culturally pre-disposed to wealth. If being arrogant, clueless, racist and ignorant was not enough, now back home, he is in deep hot water with radically conservative elements of his own party because of his campaign.

An ad by the Obama PAC Priorities USA showcased a man whose wife died of cancer after he was laid off from a company that went under from Bain Corporation’s takeover. Romney’s campaign spokesperson Andrea Saul responded he would have been much better off moving to Massachusetts, saving his wife’s life under the low-cost health care assistance program, Romneycare.

If we were a compassionate country, Saul’s response would have been a logical step, helpful in fact, shifting the narrative away from Romney’s perceived callousness. But this is the Republican Party of 2012. Call it Obamacare or Romneycare, no matter what it’s called, government-sponsored health care is such a loathsome concept to America’s radical conservatives that even the mention of it triggers an autonomic rabid foam reaction on their lips. Imagine the horror when its reference is from one of their own party. See what I mean about train wreck? And this is just the stuff at the surface.

Digging deeper, the press, finally doing its homework, has uncovered even more and in a tragically comic way it’s not anything new. Romney’s first investors in Bain Corporation had ties to the Salvadoran death squads in the 1980s? This story was first reported by The Boston Globe in 1994 when Romney was running for Senate against Ted Kennedy, followed by a new report in Salon in January of this year, last month by The Los Angeles Times, and now The Huffington Post. Running for leader of the supposedly free world has its consequences, including accountability for one’s decisions in the past.

From corporate boardrooms to the halls of Congress, our empire-making the last century was and is intrinsically tied together by geopolitical and economic agendas which have yielded this crop of corporaticians like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. And even though in fact both sides do it, and that Washington is rife with politicians on either side ready to be bought, no one does it better than the bankers’ party with the name that begins with the letter “R”, as in Reagan.

Having been through the presidential campaign of 2003-04 as a blogger from the primaries to the general election, I have been observing the Republican Party’s 2012 self-annihilation with bemused curiosity, amazed at the irony of the full flaming karmic wheel upon which the Republicans are roasting. It’s not just one story happening here and there. It’s the entire house, bedrooms and all, with smoke coming from all its windows.

Two weeks before the party’s nominating convention is normally the time when the campaign coalesces itself towards the center. Despite this, Mr. Romney is trapped by the most radical elements of his own party. It’s plainly evident in this campaign, brought to you by Citizen’s United, that Romney is now the warden of an asylum run by the inmates, and if they want him to dance naked with a corn cob up his ass, he’s going to do it.

In Eric’s article on Chiron excerpted above, he noted it shines a light on what needs fixing, and if it’s not fixed, it becomes the norm. Chiron was in Capricorn in 2001 with the Enron downfall and 9/11, followed by the second stolen election of 2004 and ultimately the runaway investment schemes that led to the crash of 2008 when Pluto moved into Capricorn. Pluto-Capricorn ushered in the era of chickens coming home to roost, and because none of the problems in finance and politics — the very realm under which vulture capitalists like Mitt Romney thrived — was fixed during the Chiron-Capricorn years of Cheney-Bush, it is now the toxic norm that Pluto in Capricorn is working on.

Pluto is its own special kind of energy signature, a dredging unit and a backhoe digging up the failing septic tank that is now American politics. This era of politics was abetted by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, which raked in billions on war, football and pretty blondes making shit up as news every night for the political advantage of the Republican Party. As a perfect example of Chiron in Capricorn then and Pluto in Capricorn now, ask Rupert Murdoch what he thinks about all of the Romney news of the day as he is forced to step down from chairmanship of News Corp.

Please forgive me for being so over the top. I have been hesitating for awhile on writing about this because it was hard to imagine that after years under the American conservative junta we would be watching them in disarray, failing to hide what is now obvious. The interests of money, the pay-for-play in Washington leading us closer to becoming a banana republic, is laid bare for all of us to see. That is, if we can find the strength after job-hunting all month to see it.

Sitting on my sunny Berkeley porch, I remember Enron as the company that screwed my state of California into paying exorbitant amounts of money for simple electrical power. This brought us to the edge of insolvency that, eleven years later, we are still trying to overcome. Enron — the company whose employees literally crowed “Fuck Aunt Millie” (the elderly complaining about paying a such high price for heating to keep from freezing to death) — was not just a corporation. It was a template. It got people to pay way over market price for the simplest thing, being intensely callous to the lives of others as they did it.

When Pluto comes along, even the rules the 1% bent to buy the Presidency through the Citizen’s United ruling are coming back to bite them in the butt. Karl Rove can wangle the billions Romney is going to need from other billionaires to counterattack. Their investors are paying a lot of money — way over the market price — to secure their tax breaks and continue their hold on politics through the Republican party and their candidate, Mr. Romney. That is, if there is still a Republican Party standing after their convention at the end of August.

There is still a high possibility that the election could be rigged again, particularly with Election Day happening with Mercury stationing retrograde like it was in 2000. But today, I’m not going to worry about that. Not with the party of Enron’s “Fuck Aunt Millie” tearing each other apart in an orgy of cruelty, blame and corruption. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of folks.

9 thoughts on “The ‘Fuck Aunt Millie’ Party Self-Implodes”

  1. People hold to their identity in politics, too. Billionaire spending sinks the anchor of identification into a whirl of arrogance, egotism and righteousness — blinding, deafening, impervious. What will it take to come to our senses? A really good fuck? Don’t hold back, Fe.

  2. Hi Fe,

    Wonderful words as always, and directly on the mark, as always.

    Interesting to read DKos this morning, as there are several strains of comment running about Ryan being picked. Many are along the line of ‘joy’ at having such an easy target, and others are about how this takes Rmoney even more to the right, AKA Tea Party land. There are some who posit that Rmoney is apparently, somehow, going to distance the campaign from the Ryan Plan, wait until after he is elected to reveal his own budget plan. Since he endorsed it long ago, that’s another flip-flop… R.(not)I.P. Republican Party.

    Already beginning to plan the second week of school here, which is a lot of why I’m now so scarce here: vacation has been over for three weeks now.

    Romney & Ryan 2012: “Austerity Now, Austerity Forever!”

  3. Had absolutely no idea that Ryan would be Romney’s pick, but it’s completely to brand of the Enron model. Ryan will continue to rob grandma of her Medicare and Social Security, and do it with a straight face.

  4. Len:

    Thank you for your words, which keep me on track. Sometimes you don’t know to what effect your own words have, or even if they make sense.


    Your analogy is spot on — fear of anger/fear of lust so speaks to the divide and it peaks around the area between our legs, doesn’t it? This is where women become all the more important in this election. The stakes are incredibly high.

    I seem to remember that I think it was Regulus that moved from Leo after a stay of two millennium, to Virgo — which happened in the last year. To me, this could be about waking the Sleeper. Would love to hear more about her.


    If both parties implode they would be imploding about money in politics, and that would be a good thing. I am speaking as a progressive, left-leaning fear of violence type of person. If only the NRA would move out of its permanent sleeping quarters on Capitol Hill, I would be pleased. Very pleased.

  5. Great writing, Fe, bringing the news together so clear and tidy. I have a sneaking suspicion that the democratic party implodes sometime after the republicans, given the dance between Uranus and Pluto.

  6. Yeah, Ms. Fe, I hope you are right… the mantra on the Left today is that Romney can’t be nominated. We’ll see. What I am discovering in my itty-bitty straw poll (70 seniors and counting) is that people don’t vote FOR, they vote against. Hatred outweighs Love some 5:1 in this game. Especially when there’s no one to love.

    I have not figured out how to leverage one simple insight that has come in the last two years: American political animals break down into 2 camps: those who are afraid of violence (trending Left) and those who are afraid of sex (trending Right). Or to say it differently: afraid of anger/afraid of lust.

    I suspect that those afraid of anger/violence outnumber the other side, but how to energize them. It does come down to this, you know. Finding out what people most despise and painting the Other Side as coming from the very womb of that aversion.

    Yeah, this sounds dark, dark… but here we are, in Pluto’s hood. Gotta know the rules if you’re going to change them.

  7. Fe: Thank you for a read that kept me reading and wanting more. i don’t think you have been over the top at all. The one success of the Pubs so far, their prodigious fund raising in recent months, is indeed at the cost (and loss) of their own. It is surprising that the stable of billionaire contributors has not been able to see past the euphoria of being able to contribute as much as they want. One would think that somebody intelligent enough to make a billion dollars would also be smart enough to realize what being played for a sucker looks like. It’s very unlikely that all of the Pub contributors will realize a full return on their investment. As you so well demonstrated, that’s just part of the madness. You hit every nail squarely on the head without a wasted word.

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