New Edition: Barack Obama and the Sword of Damocles

Dear Friend and Reader,

Is Barack Obama just like every other presidential candidate — a hypocrite? What about his supporters?

Planet Waves
The Sun and other planets in Barack Obama’s natal chart.

In Friday’s edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, Eric Francis looks closely at Obama’s chart. The edition will be available momentarily, sent to the inbox of thousands of our subscribers. It’s our Planet Waves version of the Sunday New York Times. This week, Eric employs the power of astrology to glimpse inside Obama’s complex nature.

Eric discovers that he has the minor planet Damocles exactly opposite his Sun — he is like the king with the Sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Several small, newly discovered planets are crucial in Obama’s chart, and help us get an understanding of his personal history and inner nature. As always, Planet Waves presents these chart factors in a way that is easy to understand and helps you understand yourself.

We offer a detailed look at the time period of Obama’s birth — the early 1960s — in our most comprehensive retrospective of this era since the series “Born in the Sixties” appeared on these pages years ago. The edition also includes Eric’s latest weekly horoscope and a new essay by Political Waves editor Judith Gayle.

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Yours & truly,

Rachel Asher

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