Friday: Arachne enters Sagittarius

Dear Friend and Reader,

TODAY ARACHNE ENTERS Sagittarius. Arachne is a main belt asteroid which was discovered in 1895. It takes her 4.25 years to orbit the sun. Mythologically speaking, Arachne was a weaver who got turned into a spider because of her hubris — she dared to say that she could weave better than the goddess Minerva.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Martha Lang-Wescott understands Arachne to be about intricate detail, conspiracies or weaving. In other words, anything that has to do with interconnectedness or layers of understanding in the mundane yarn sense or in the more emotional interior sense will fall under the domain of Arachne.

Because of her place at the very beginning of the sign, Arachne also tips off the Aries Point. This aspect feels to me like a flash of intuition regarding how things order themselves in reality. It would be like looking at a woman in an incredibly fancy set of clothes and suddenly being able to see all of the hands that went into weaving the fabric, sewing and measuring, stitching, manufacturing, shipping and stocking the outfit for her wearing pleasure. A sense of interconnectedness that spreads from the self to the surrounding world is suggested by this asteroid.

Arachne in Sagittarius suggests conspiracy of the global nature or the story of the world. We are coming to a point of awareness where we are beginning to wonder about the ethics of commerce: are people getting paid fairly for harvesting coffee, for example? More importantly, Sagittarius-Arachne presents us with the story of the world.

Sagittarius is enjoying a full house, which I believe is adding the spiritual flare to Pluto’s ingress that we all seem to be tuning into. The ninth sign of the zodiac is about looking upwards and out, imagining the distant horizons and going for it, leaving behind what can weigh you down in favor of new experience.

What is your story? Where does it connect to the story of the world and of our history in the making?

Merry Met,


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