Open To Healing — Jupiter Square Chiron

Jupiter’s Gemini journey reaches its first square to Chiron tomorrow, just after 9 am EDT. It will be a first for Chiron as well. Chiron’s Pisces residency has taken many aspects, but a square to Jupiter has not been among them. Now we are entering a period when Jupiter and Chiron will form three squares over nine months. That indicates we are on the threshold of something new. Taking the symbolism of the constituent energies and their orientation into account, Jupiter square Chiron implies you are on the threshold of realizing that you are the healer you have been waiting for.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The world needs healers right now. Nearly every one of us could use some healing as well. Yet we live at a time when few are inclined to act, even when need is evident. The wounded will to act is an inner wound. Perhaps that is where healing should begin.

Square aspects imply an inner wound that can be healed by taking an action, such as telling the truth. Think of a time when simply telling the truth lifted a great burden of tension and you will have found an example of how squares work in your life. On a zodiac circle, squares take place when two or more objects occupy the same degree of different signs that share the same quality. The qualities are three: cardinal, fixed and mutable. What the qualities mean is best illuminated by the Sun.

When the Sun enters a cardinal sign, a new season begins, however subtly. With solar ingress to a fixed quality, the ambient season has gathered enough momentum to make its identity clearly evident. Finally, the Sun on mutable turf brings hints of a new solar personality in development. All the other objects and points used by astrologers emulate the Sun and proceed through symbolic seasons of their own. Hence, when two or more objects view each other from the same phase of different seasons, they see eye-to-eye regarding matters of quality but contrast in their elemental character.

What Jupiter and Chiron currently have in common is their expression through mutable quality, which means their respective energies are both on the threshold of a new manifestation. Where Jupiter and Chiron currently differ is in the stage of their development.

Because Jupiter has been visible to the unaided eye for all of human existence, its expression is familiar and straightforward. Most fundamentally, Jupiter is expansion and inclusion. When you open your arms and take someone in, either literally (as with a hug) or figuratively (as with a welcome guest) that’s Jupiter working through you.

Similarly, ingesting or creating a place for something to be is Jovian action. Jupiter’s manifestation is not limited to the spatial or tangible. When a sense of awe opens your consciousness to the abundance of time, or when your mind dwells in an awareness of possibility, you are also working with Jupiter. Only two months into the mutable quality and airy element of Gemini, Jupiter is a fledgling, just beginning to spread its wings on the threshold of flight.

We are not as well acquainted with Chiron’s archetype, yet it is more sophisticated and complex than Jupiter in its presentation. When it was first observed in 1977, Chiron’s characteristics were unlike any other solar system object known up to that point. That’s how Charles Kowal, the astronomer who discovered Chiron, referred to it as “a maverick.” As it turns out, Chiron was just first of many objects that required astronomers to revise their classifications and methods. Perhaps that is how the maverick astrologer, Al Morrison, sensing a kindred spirit, referred to Chiron as “the inconvenient benefic.” While the implicit inconvenience of Chiron originates in astronomy, the assumption of Chiron’s benevolence is rooted in the mythology of its name.

In the Greco-Roman mythology that underlies so much of Western Civilization, centaurs were a hybrid of human and beast. The origin of centaurs was ascribed to misadventure. Their nature was usually misanthropic, but there were exceptions. Chiron was the most notable case of a centaur that people could trust and identify with, precisely because he was a benevolent being, a teacher and healer.

Another way that Chiron did not conform to the rule is that he was immortal. For a benevolent immortal to suffer an incurable wound, as Chiron did, elicits sympathy. Yet, to describe Chiron’s role in astrology as symbolizing a ‘wounded healer’ is to place too much stock in the mythology. It would be like calling Albert Schweitzer a benevolent physician, ignoring the holistic complexity.

The consideration of holistic complexity is essential to Chiron. Its role in astrology must necessarily incorporate the serendipitous name, its place in history, and the features of its discovery chart into a systematic whole that forms an interconnected and interdependent system. Chiron is the equivalent of a symphony orchestra, where the ideal symbolism of the composer’s written score is manifested by humans working in concert under a conductor who must track both the ideal and the manifestation in real time. It’s an inconvenient process. It’s also a dynamic system with the potential to transcend its parts to perfection, finding unlikely distinction through its most imperfect part. Pisces buoys all of the parts of Chiron’s systemic pattern to their highest level.

The mutable waters of Pisces are deep and wide and beyond ken, yet its ultimate nature is as simple as speaking your truth. As a rule, when a planet’s energy dissolves into Pisces apparel, it is not lost, but becomes simultaneously unfathomable and unmistakable in your life. Every half century or so, Chiron finds both empathy and amplification during its Pisces tenure. During those periods, human beings emerge prominently, yet subtly, as avatars in the original sense of the word, demonstrating immortal attributes and a proficiency for healing. 

An unlikely waif named Louis Armstrong took up music while Chiron navigated Pisces nearly 100 years ago. In doing so, he not only rescued himself from a life of misadventure, he very possibly saved the world with inspiration that transcended his art form, and a breadth of influence that surfaced from the depths as both theory and practice in disciplines beyond art. During Chiron’s most recent previous swim through mutable waters, The Beatles motivated a crucial quota of people to put flowers into gun barrels, rather than taking up guns, by giving voice to the simple truth of love. Now, over two years after Chiron’s return to Pisces some are looking for the next avatar even as the divine stirs within all beings.

Fear and worry separate us from the immortal. Hate and avarice divide us from the divine. Humanity has reached a threshold where avatars no longer emerge to close the abyss and heal the wounded will to act. Now, we each must do that work, starting within, in order to cultivate our true humanity and recover the capacity to do the same work in community. You cannot rely on somebody else to act until you are willing to do so, and to inspire others by your example. That’s what the coming series of Jupiter-Chiron squares means for you. Healing your will to act, then acting to heal others. 

In the elemental sense, Jupiter and Chiron are currently at odds. Air and water do not join to promote stability, but they do present a unique horizon. Where air meets water, the sky expands to infinite possibility. That’s Jupiter expressing through Gemini. Where water meets air, the depths of love and truth rise to the sky, without separation, seamless and whole for as far as the eyes can see. That’s Chiron in Pisces. The same horizon exists with you.

You know that we do not live in stable times. You can feel the anxious need to spread your wings, just as you can feel the tension of an emerging maturity. It’s like being young and old at the same time. It’s a weighty dilemma, but the weight can be lifted if you act as though both your fledgling and your avatar are on the same threshold. If you focus your will on the threshold and act to go through it, the weight will be lifted. On the other side is acting to both speak and be the same truth at the same time. You can start by simply telling the truth to yourself; open to healing whatever is holding you back.

Offered In Service                               

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

28 thoughts on “Open To Healing — Jupiter Square Chiron”

  1. Thank you, Len, for your kind and very generous words!

    I feel that, at *best*, I may be a healer, tiny h. I think healing (inner, spiritual or outer, physical) comes from heeding that Small Voice/Instinct/Higher Self. Learning to hear that voice and trust in it seems to be the hardest part, and even when we do heed the voice, it doesn’t mean our journey will be smooth, just that we’re on the right (rocky) road.

    I started pre-nursing back in late 70’s, but knew even then, as a teen, that medicine was not holistic and that healing *had to be* holistic in order to be effective, so I dropped out, had my children (via mid-wives) and began to try and live the kind of holistic, natural life I knew we all need to live, in order to save this planet and ourselves.

    Far from perfect, I did better some years than others, and find it far easier now, with the children long grown and on their own, to be able to put effort into making more of the right choices for my life, and having these choices be accepted, if not totally understood, by my husband.

    Having had cancer affects the entire family’s perspective, not just the sufferer’s. Taking on an illness is one way to affect healing and openness within others, as I’ve long accepted that I signed on for this, and was completely calm when I heard the diagnosis, and never did freak out about it.

    Like Amanda’s beautiful Dill Forest photo, sometimes we just need to see the world, our world, from a different perspective.

  2. Hi Charle,

    I was just talking about (well writing actually) about you today. A friend has asked me to look at her grand-daughter’s birth chart. She was born last week and if I’d not seen your chart and talked with you (well, read you) I would have been at a loss. You see, her grand-daughter has a grand cardinal cross, just like yours except this little baby has Mars in her cross instead of Saturn like you. If I’d seen a chart like this 10 years ago I would have freaked out, but fortunately I’ve learned a lot since then, and knowing how well you have turned out gave me confidence to find encouragement for grandma and parents. Books and lectures can only supply you so much information about astrology, but seeing it come to life through people you know is the true key to understanding this tool.

    What you are feeling can probably be traced to some transiting planets that aspect your own natal planets. Right now Venus in Gemini is sextile your Uranus and that will set off your cardinal cross. Venus is also trining your Moon and Venus also recently crossed over your ascendant. Venus isn’t a troublemaker though. In fact we all enjoy Venus transits as a rule, but even a friendly little sextile to Uranus can cause a chain reaction when he is part of a complex pattern like yours. Nerves and Uranus. . . inseparable. But this transit means you no harm.

    Your natal Vesta, the asteroid that represents the comforting security and protection of home was also being exactly squared by transiting Mars today and what’s more, transiting Moon passed over Mars earlier today. Now that combination can also jangle the nerves. Something may have happened to you that put you on the defensive.

    Soon the Moon will conjunct your own Moon in Libra and yes, your Moon is part of your cardinal cross. Still, she moves swiftly and by early tomorrow morning (3:57 AM EDT) she will be trine transiting Venus and will exactly conjunct your natal Moon. Just knowing that should calm down your nervous system and you should get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow night (or very early on Thursday) Mars will sextile your Jupiter and that should put you back in good spirits. These are very unsettling times for everyone and you are like a barometer letting us know when there’s a change in the atmosphere. In 10 days when the Sun reaches your Jupiter it’s likely you will feel much more optimistic than now. Stay in touch Charle!

  3. dawnbrocco: Thank you for your comment. Thank you for being a healer and for passing on the art of healing through your teaching (which is sure to benefit not only your daughter, but the entire world). As your work ripples out to heal the world, please rest assured that you are taken seriously, respected and deeply appreciated here at Planet Waves.

  4. “Jupiter square Chiron implies you are on the threshold of realizing that you are the healer you have been waiting for.

    The world needs healers right now. Nearly every one of us could use some healing as well. Yet we live at a time when few are inclined to act, even when need is evident. The wounded will to act is an inner wound. Perhaps that is where healing should begin.”

    Yes, always, tho I am not on the verge of understanding this – I’ve known this for decades. I worked to heal those inner wounds from when I was about 18. Back in the late 70’s, early 80’s, between new age books and psychology, I released myself from childhood wounds and parental thumbs. Long ago healed, only subtle nuances of understanding still rise to the surface.

    Healing, for me, for the past 13 years, if I really go back to the beginning, has been a need for physical healing.

    *Everything* happening in my astrology lately, no matter the source, has been relating to practical matters – mine, or a loved one’s, physical health.

    For instance, I read a horoscope this morning that said “You could hear some wonderful news when Mercury sextiles Jupiter today”, and I knew instantly that my daughter’s brain MRI has come back fine, nothing wrong. And, indeed, when she called me, it had come back fine.

    I know what’s wrong with her health. I sense it, from my own experience. Now it’s just a matter to get the doctors (doctors, ha) to hear her.

    Women have historically had quite a time being taken seriously, when it comes to our health (not to mention our abilities.) That time really must come to an end, asap. Women cannot be free to help change the world and bring about peace, understanding, and a cooperative mindset in the world, if we are ill, and not cared for properly within our medical institutions (institutions, ha.)

    So, yes, I have been my own healer for quite some time, and I am teaching my daughter how to be her own healer and listen to her body.

  5. kimbobean: Thank you for your natal chart perspective. Please allow me to suggest that you meditate on where transiting Mars is for you. Either first house (“i am”) or second house (“this is mine”) from the sound of it. Please think about where you are putting that energy – it has to be going somewhere. If it is not going somewhere productive, please think about how you could re-direct it so you own it instead of it owning you. As transiting Mars approaches transiting Saturn, there is potential for you to seize the day and win it.

  6. Charle: Thank you. That’s the spirit. The cardinal squares are in common because of the solar emulation phenomenon i described. We are united by the condition of the boat we all find ourselves in. Hence the reason to attend to the boat and each other.
    Previously on this blog, Eric, be and others have done a good job of describing the astrology of the tragedy in Colorado. There is little i could add except to emphasize that Neptune (and its association with motion pictures, chemicals, delusion, confusion, and emotions) is clearly identified by the circumstances. That, and it is unusual for Neptune to be clearly implicated in anything.

  7. This square sits on my MC and Saturn (Jupiter) and my Descendant in Pisces. I have seen a lot of new career prospects with Jupiter hovering around the midheaven but I am not entirely certain how this one is going to play out. All I can tell is there is a flurry of activity in all sectors of my life…so much so that my ordinarily decisive, planning self (Taurus sun, Virgo Rising) seems to be just riding the wave to see what happens. But I also have a moon/Chiron conjunction natally and I am approaching my Uranus opposition (which will conjoin Uranus and the moon) so this could be the source of some of the tension.

  8. Thank you so much, Len –

    Yes, I do understand…many are having incredible challenges of late and I do the best I am able without “talking” astrology configurations to them. I am very active in helping my little spritual church and also friends who are disadvantaged medically and family members who need help. It helps tremendously to have different situations to focus o, other than my own. Did not mean to imply being selfish..

    Am I to understand that whether or not you have Cardinal planets and/or a Cardinal cross/square in you chart, that the planets still have an impact?

    Did the horrible Colorado incident come into conflict with this?

    Thank you for responding………Charle

  9. toddy: Thank you. You are absolutely correct. Acting is a great (if demanding) calling. The actor helps to create community. When the members of the audience identify with the character portrayed, they are only one step away from identifying with each other. When members of the audience identify with each other, all are affirmed and validated. Thank you for your good work.

  10. len, so deep and exquisite… i’ll have to read this offering several times, i think… i love that you evoke Louis Armstrong, as a dear friend of mine will be acting in a one-man play about him a bit later in the summer, at my theatre company in lenox, massachusetts, and from you i learn that this may represent a meaningful second chiron return… and i’m acting in a play called, “Cassandra Speaks,” another little gem of synchronicity with current astrology… mine is about Dorothy Thompson, the journalist famous in the 30’s for her passionate warnings about Hitler and the rise of Fascism… unheeded by those in power, who in fact preferred Fascism to Communism… but she wouldn’t shut up, no matter how she was ridiculed… the magic of theatre offers an opportunity to re-learn the lessons of history, by telling and hearing truths that may not have been told or heard completely enough the first time around… and as actors it is our privilege to “both speak and be the same truth at the same time.”

  11. Jann: You are most welcome. The composed aspect known as a kite is a fortunate thing to have. It’s like walking for exercise, the perfect balance of tension and release, repeated in cycle.

  12. Charle: Thank you for checking in. The first thing, the last thing and the always thing to remember about the cardinal square(s) is that you are not alone. When the Sun ingresses a cardinal sign, every human being on Earth has the same experience of the Sun, all of us together at the same time. When other objects are in the early degrees of cardinal signs, they emulate the Sun. What you are feeling is what the world is feeling. All of us together at the same time. Therefore, to care for yourself is to care for the world. Also, and perhaps more important, if you can find an opportunity to be of service to another (because you know that they are in the same boat you are), your own situation will be improved. In other words, you have the power available to you to be informed by what you are feeling and help those who (unlike you) don’t understand what is happening to them. You know the astrology. Knowledge is power. In this case, the power to do some good as a way of receiving by way of your action. It is difficult, but there is a way to act in a giving way and find relief from that.

  13. “Jupiter is expansion and inclusion.”

    “. . .ingesting or creating a place for something to be is Jovian action. Jupiter’s manifestation is not limited to the spatial or tangible. When a sense of awe opens your consciousness to the abundance of time, or when your mind dwells in an awareness of possibility, you are also working with Jupiter.”

    “You cannot rely on somebody else to act until you are willing to do so, and to inspire others by your example. That’s what the coming series of Jupiter-Chiron squares means for you. Healing your will to act, then acting to heal others.”

    Add the sextile between Jupiter and Uranus, there may be a chance of a gentle awakening to healing.

    Ooooh! With Jupiter in the 8th house and a focal point of a kite pattern in my chart, my take-away for the day, the week is “reach out and heal someone, even yourself.”

    Thanks, Len. There is so much in your writings, especially today – much to be ingested. My gratitude to you.


  14. Hi B and everyone –

    Any help for me? Think the Cardinal square is really playing havoc with my psyche, nerves, and my Cardinal square- can not seem to stay calm……….

    thanks………and blessings to all……….Charle

  15. mystes: Thank you for sharing your etymological exploration. What a treasure you and your erudition are! Please keep us posted on your birthright previews.

    hitchhiker72: Thank you for your kind acknowledgement. Your e-name brings back fond memories of hitchhiking in 1972.

    paolo: Thank you for your generous words and additional insights.

    be: Thanks triple for engaging us to further understanding.

  16. Thanks to you Len! Subtlety and precision Maestro!

    I was thinking about what these two would say to each other at a table. With Jupiter comes a sense of false expectations, and with Chiron a sense of “it is got to hurt a bit first”. I sense in a square they could be saying “prove it” to each other. Prove the medicine works, or prove the gifts and promises are real. This is as you say, a moment of real action and healing, and this time results. But maybe I take this off topic of how you describe each of us to be effective healers inward and outward, which is so beautiful and true.

  17. Hey mystes, I’m uneasy about it too. But then, I’m uneasy about going to the doctor’s office, so just trying to keep it in perspective is a challenge. Hopefully, by the time it gets here we will have a better understanding of just what “it” is all about and knowledge is power.

    As for Jupiter in Gemini, think of a big important tycoon from the City, visiting a small town variety store. His voice will be too loud, he won’t find the brands he’s looking for, but his good nature will ease him through most situations until he can adjust to the confines of his space. He might even learn a little something about life in the small, but for sure he will broaden the perspective of the locals.

  18. Lovely article, Len. As I was visualizing your words, I also kept seeing *two* centaurs, the icon for Jupiter (in Gemini, so there you go) and the Good Doctor Chiron. I’ve never had a clear sense of Jupiter in Gem. It has always seemed a bit borderless there. As I was looking for the etymology of Saggitarius (thinking about the saggital breach in the skull) I came across this: “The star Nunki, the sigma star of Sagittarius, is identified with Enki – “of Enki, Sumerian god of waters and of most ancient city of Eridu” So this ‘healing’ impulse may be a little wetter than it first appears – or not as square as it seems.

    “Transiting Pluto will eventually exact his opposition to the U.S. Sun. We all, as a country, will face the “other” and we will be at a disadvantage in one way, but if we heed the proddings of Chiron and Jupiter (as well as Neptune and Uranus), we can make it easier to accept the reality it represents.”

    Be, I will take your view under serious consideration. This square and others may well ease us into the Pluto/US Sun opposition. But I have to say, I am uneasy about this Pluto opposition at the larger scale. (And of course, having been born with the same Sun/Moon/Rising as the USA, I get the previews).


  19. be: Thank you so much again for taking us further and deeper wth your erudite perspective. Thank you also for your reply to Hummingbird.

    Chef Niwots Son, aword, marymack,Burning River, Hummingbird and Lunesoleil: You are all very welcome. Thank you in turn for finding my service acceptable.

  20. Hummingbird,

    Seems to me that astrological symbols work in part because they have so many meanings and so many ways to be interpreted. It also seems that we are evolving into an ability to manifest, or co-create by exercising our minds, our imaginations and our hearts. By combining different symbols with one another as they form their aspects in the sky and trying out different combinations of meanings so as to intuit the purpose of such aspects, we are taking the first steps in co-creating our future. If you build it they will come, or if you ‘see’ it, it will happen. If we were all to join you in your vision – that better, more holistic ways of healing, rather than narcotics, will be our future – then it will happen. Thank you for stretching our understanding of the possible, and count me in on the healthy alternative to drugs.

  21. It is an area dedicated to the action and the wound it is we who can lead it or have social.
    For the moment I did nothing felt special, certainly a junction with the need to choose a direction… following the personal history of each… thank you Len for sharing

  22. I guess as I think about Gemini and Jupiter (the ruler of Sag the ruler of the 9th house) what comes to mind is education, faith, and finding higher meaning and with Chiron the healer in Pisces would indicate some form of devotion. But, be, if you add Ceres into the mix, I think of healthcare and especially holistic healthcare. Which makes me wonder if in fact this is an energy that can offer us an opportunity to move forward in finding resources for healing through holistic forms rather than the narcotics that we all have become accustomed to.

    Also, be, I loved your comment of the U.S. being forced out of it’s comfort zone (even as it can be quite painful). I wrote a few months ago that “It is the comfortableness that can create isolation, bit it is the uncomfortableness that can bring people together”. There seems to be a lot of isolation in this world, and there are a lot of people who live in the US who have been forced out of their own comfort zone for a very long time now, what with the housing crisis and the job market. So, as I begin packing my own things and moving to another state without the security of a job, well, let’s see how uncomfortable I’m going to get. I think I can be up for the task. Anyway, thanks for the article Len and the comment be.

  23. I have been touched deeply by your words, vision and wisdom today. Touched to tears. Words of gratitude to you from me never seem enough. Thank you. Receive my humble thanks, please.

  24. Chiron is the equivalent of a symphony orchestra, where the ideal symbolism of the composer’s written score is manifested by humans working in concert under a conductor who must track both the ideal and the manifestation in real time. It’s an inconvenient process. It’s also a dynamic system with the potential to transcend its parts to perfection, finding unlikely distinction through its most imperfect part. Pisces buoys all of the parts of Chiron’s systemic pattern to their highest level.

    Len — my spirit sings and your composition soars … beautiful music we make when we unite. Bless you.


  25. Hmm, Jupiter is sitting on my natal Sun right now, amping up the inner and outer dimensions of life. Now Chiron in Pisces (my natal chart position- 1+ degrees) comes along with a dynamic challenge? Good stuff!

  26. Thanks for talking about this aspect Len. I was especially moved by your noting the necessity of considering the whole when trying to understand Chiron as a symbol, and comparing him to a symphony orchestra made up of many varying parts. Remembering that Chiron’s use of various natural plants and minerals in healing likewise was a complex undertaking requiring just such an ability to evaluate. Barbara Hand Clow feels that Chiron rules Virgo and that makes a lot of sense doesn’t it? If this is so, then Jupiter and Chiron currently have another thing in common; they are each in the sign opposite the one they rule.

    On the one hand that can put a planet/symbol at a disadvantage, making it less able to express its qualities to the fullest. On the other hand it provides the point of view or perspective of “the other”. As we all have been in this position from time to time, we should be able to appreciate the dual effects of being out of your comfort zone as well as the opportunity to broaden your understanding. Surely this is meant to enhance the process of transition symbolized by a mutable square.

    The United States of America is directly confronting these energies as transiting Jupiter conjuncts the natal Uranus in the Sibly birth chart of 1776, while transiting Chiron conjuncts the natal Ceres in the Sibly chart. The mutable qualities of Pisces and Gemini affect the things associated with these symbols too. For Ceres the nurturing has a spiritual quality and being in the third house it manifests through our ability to communicate, especially within our communities. For Uranus in Gemini, communication is also a primary form for manifesting the often jarring break-through energy he represents. Jarring and nurturing wouldn’t seem to go hand in hand, and yet, sometimes it does seem necessary in order to get unstuck and move forward. Chiron conjunct Ceres at this time could be providing his healing through the repetitious (and difficult) times of awareness for this country necessitated by the coming changes. Jupiter being conjunct Uranus in the U.S. birthchart might provide the outlet for the outer planet’s impersonal and jarring energy through his ability to connect the society through its many Jupiterian networks.

    This year the Solar Return birthday chart for the USA has Venus in the same degree as the natal Uranus (and now the transiting Jupiter). She also connects to Mercury in Leo in a supportive sextile, resulting in a doubling of the communication theme. They are both connected to the solar return Pluto in Capricorn to form a Yod, with Pluto being the focal point of all that energy. Can there be any question that this “coincidental” timing of the same degree in these various signs, in these various charts, and these various symbols, are a unified attempt by the cosmos to get the U.S. to leave its comfort zone? Transiting Pluto will eventually exact his opposition to the U.S. Sun. We all, as a country, will face the “other” and we will be at a disadvantage in one way, but if we heed the proddings of Chiron and Jupiter (as well as Neptune and Uranus), we can make it easier to accept the reality it represents. They don’t call them growing pains for ‘nuthin.

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