Big River — Sun conjunct Jupiter

By all appearances the Gemini Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter tomorrow at 12:11 am EDT will correspond to a lot coming together at once. That’s not surprising since a conjunction is when two or more objects come together at the same place on the zodiac. This is no ordinary case of celestial coalescence, however. This feels like long tributaries flowing into a big river.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Eric’s brilliant blog yesterday showed us the headwaters of the river. It’s not just the Sun and Jupiter, the two biggest objects in the solar system converging in one degree. It’s their location at 28+ Gemini.  

As Eric’s research revealed, it’s rare for the Sun and Jupiter to conjoin at the penultimate degree of mutable air.

The two most recent precedents (1847 and 1930) symbolically connect the two previous centuries to perhaps the most prominent factor that distinguishes the astrology of our nascent one.

That’s because a disproportionate number of history-making events so far in the 21st Century (beginning with 9-11) have Gemini’s anarectic degree prominent in their astrology. Combine that with both the rapid advancements and regretful regressions that started during the Sun-Jupiter conjunctions of 1846 and 1930, and it’s a lot of history swelling into the river of your lifetime.

That’s what gives rise to the feeling of your life coming together like a big river. It does not stop there either. Other objects are also timing their aspects as tributaries.

At the same moment that the Sun and Jupiter achieve their location-sensitive hookup tomorrow, the Moon and Saturn will be conjoined to the degree in early Scorpio. Together the Moon and Saturn will be precisely (once again, to the degree) trine to Neptune in Pisces. The elemental implications of that simultaneous coalescence are nothing less than widespread and far reaching.

First of all, trines are about flow, of the unimpeded, full-on variety. Second, the monumental trine from the Moon-Saturn conjunction to Neptune involves water signs, where flow is a primal imperative. Finally, as powerful as that trine aspect implicitly is, it is but a trickle compared to its concurrency with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction.     

Nearly everybody knows, at least intuitively, that the Moon is astrology’s complement to the Sun. The Moon combines with the Sun to complete it, rather than compete with it. Not everybody knows that Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (containment) have much the same reciprocating flow of relationship. That is how, at the very least, tomorrow’s particular and unique dual conjunction of complements is contributing to the flow of a nearly unprecedented grand water trine.

A broadly aspected and yet functional grand water trine involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will commence when Jupiter ingresses Cancer a week from today. Because it will last for more than a year, the grand trine will be without precedent in recent centuries, with the only previous occurrence since the Gregorian Calendar lasting less than two months in early 1967 — and look what flowed from that.   

That makes tomorrow’s astrology the confluence where tributaries come together to flow into the river of your life. The first tributary is how the history of this century is deeply connected with anaretic Gemini.

The second tributary is how the two immediately previous occurrences of Sun-Jupiter conjunctions at that powerful place on the zodiac bring the immediately previous two centuries into the present, as if you have lived that long yourself.

The third tributary is how a simple water trine from the Moon-Saturn conjunction to Neptune will flow into everything that the Sun-Jupiter conjunction represents — and combine into a grand trine that will almost certainly make 1967 look like a creek you could jump over.

Which raises the question of how you will deal with the legacy of the ages coming together into the now you must navigate. The answer is that you must grow into the challenge. The means to that growth is represented by yet another simultaneous aspect from Mars to Chiron.

Right now, Mars is bringing up the tail-end of the Gemini train, several weeks behind Jupiter and the Sun. Yet just as Jupiter and the Sun are conjoined tomorrow, Mars will be making its own contribution, exact to the degree, to the big river your life is becoming. Mars is making a square aspect to Chiron in Pisces.

Unlike trines, squares do not flow at all. There is no ease in a square, there is tension. In acting to overcome the tension, you tone up muscles that have gone soft, and stimulate the growth of muscles you did not know you had. The result is a you that you did not realize you could be.

If there is any one planet you could have in a square, Mars would be the first choice because it represents the energy you will need to resolve the aspect and grow on past it. Given the context of tomorrow’s astrology, Chiron is an excellent second choice.

That’s because Chiron’s trademark correspondence is to integration. With Chiron as part of the big picture of tomorrow’s big astrology, its role will be to promote your growth to be both the ample channel of history and its navigator.

Don’t think you are up to it? Please think again. There is a reason you are alive now. There is a reason you are reading these words. You are the reason, and the river. It is what you were born to do.

The energy will be there if you can apply it and act. The vision will be there if you can take responsibility for it by acting in integrity and growing into what you need to be. Let there be giants to stand astraddle the river flowing from the vast tributaries of history. Let you be among them to make history anew.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

20 thoughts on “Big River — Sun conjunct Jupiter”

  1. Len, thanks for the welcome hun. Funny choice of word that ‘rapids’……it’s exactly how my life feels right now 🙂 Wish I had a proper birth chart to work with, but not knowing my time makes it really frustrating because a lot stuff just doesn’t ring true (although the basics are bang on) I’m hoping through watching you guys that I’ll come to understand what is happening to me atm.
    Can ‘see’ a lot of the astrology playing out in others around me and am even able to help them understand a few things but I’m starting to think I’m one of those (chiron in 12th) that can help others just not the self:-) I’m happy if I can help, teaching others is how I learn a lot more myself….:-)

  2. Such a guiding light, Len, as always. Thank you.

    Be – and isn’t it fascinating? …something about the moon’s 28 day cycle and the 28+Gemini degree….

  3. Really great column. Wish i could live up to it! All this big astrology happening right on top of all my stuff and i’m still very “meh.” And you warned me about not being all like that when these gears started shifting! sigh. must keep swimming.

  4. An addendum to the Sun-Jupiter conjunction. In addition to being conjoined at precisely the same degree of Gemini today, the Sun and Jupiter are also sharing the same declination (to the degree) today. That means that Earth, the Sun, and Jupiter (on the other side of the Sun) are lined up in a remarkably straight line today. Just putting that out there since i have not seen it published anywhere else.

  5. susyc: Thank you for one profoundly good poem. It appears that as the Moon waxes, so does your lyrical inspiration. May the Full Moon Sunday find you experiencing the solace of producing a magnum opus.

    oziedon/Don: Thank you. It is so very good to receive comment from you again. Especially so as you bring us news of your son and his course through our time and his place in it. May you know pride and joy as you watch him run his course from the your headwaters and into the big river.

    MidAgeNan: It is an honor and a privilege to have you navigating your personal rapids in our company.

    be and Strawberry: Thank you for sharing your exchange (and your separate but confluent wisdoms) with us.

  6. Be, I love the obedient secretary motif; I had no idea–that’s easily the second most interesting thing I’ve heard all day.

    The first has to be your ideas about Pallas in the 12th. Now that you put it that way, I see her initiative everywhere. I can’t tell you what that does to what I’d thought was a vacancy in my life, but might actually be something I was close to that I couldn’t see it. I feel almost silly now, knowing me, and thinking Pallas should be concerned with external strategies. Good lord. I swear, one of the joys in life is that there’s always so damn much to learn. 🙂

    I’m always unsure if I should post comments, but every time I do, I gain an enormous amount–not just of support, but of insight. This really is an incredible community.

  7. Strawberry, I’m so glad you relate to the message I got based on Len’s Sun-Jupiter-Moon-Saturn relationship tomorrow. I believe I have a top-notch Pallas-Athene (in Gemini) and sometimes she probably IS the one to spot a pattern. I’m more inclined to think it’s my progressed Sun-Venus conjunct natal Neptune-progressed Neptune situation – always picking through the details – that uncovers these minor or at least subtle aspects and astral bodies. Frankly, what I type is rarely what I believe I’m going to type. I just start in and then some discarnate voice starts dictating. Being an obedient ex-secretary, I just type what I hear. Sounds pretty Virgo-ish doesn’t it?

    A 12th house Pallas-Athene is less likely to be interested in the detail of a pattern and more likely to be drawn to strategies that fool the eye I would think; something that looks like one thing but is really something else. Or maybe something trompe l’oeil. Maybe that fog you see could be protecting something not yet ready to be seen!

  8. Be,
    Thank you so much for this! Talk about rising to the occasion–this is so illustrative. Can I ask (you obviously don’t have to answer!) whether Pallas Athene is strong in your chart? Your ability to strategically pick out and make use of patterns is stunning to me. Part of the reason I ask is that she’s in my 12th, and I don’t find that pattern-deciphering easy (more like trying to see through a fog as thick as peanut butter!). Pallas or not, it’s truly a gift you have, and we’re so fortunate you share it with us. This “addendum” to Len’s brilliant essay is so what I was in need of. Many, many thanks.

  9. Hello everybody. Gee I love this site and ALL who contribute. I’m a real mess here, I’ve been watching this astrology personally for me since 2010 ‘knowing’ something was coming……All hell has broken lose in my life and I have no idea where I got lost or lost control. Just wanted to say you guys manage somehow to keep me somewhat grounded…….so just thanks and keep up the inspiring work you do.

  10. Thanks Len, I will be watching this conjunction closly as my son born 20th June,28 degrees Gemini will be 22, currently in Melbourne will be flying up here (Sunshine Coast) friday to be part of the Nexis conference(a three day event on Holistic affairs and world changing happenings)a very strong soul and it will be good to see him and to see how he is influenced by these strong currents.
    Don downunder.

  11. If this fits anything, I am too tired to figure out where, but too jazzed with energy to sleep. But it does seem to fit somehow. Love to all, susy

    Magic, do I
    believe in you?
    my left brain
    says no
    my right brain
    speaks without words
    maybe that is magic
    magic do I know you?
    my conscious says no
    my unconscious notices
    that synchronicities
    have moved from the outside
    world into the computerized world
    where, there are so many
    infinitely digitized
    they are hard to notice
    it’s almost as if they
    aren’t here at all.
    it takes a crisis to move
    me shocks from an
    earthquake shocks and
    aftershocks of situations
    I cannot control
    tonight a future self
    joined me just at the
    moment a poet
    was drumming
    we have been here
    before she said
    we have heard this
    drumming before
    we have been here before
    and done this magic.

  12. gumbybug10: It is for me to thank you for your kindness.

    Lolly K: Special thanks to you for finding my poor service fit to share. May it work for them as it has for you.

    Strawberry: You are very welcome. Please think of it as an upward spiral.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for sharing your graceful capacity to cogently grasp event the most complex situations. By that we have come to gratefully know you.

    Sina: Thank you for sharing how the astrology is working for you. That is the most important level from which to feel and understand astrology – how it works for you. My heart goes out to yu as your son goes out into the world.

    be: Thank you. Nobody pulls all the threads together like you do. It is gratifying that you found my poor contribution of a thread useful in your tapestry.

  13. There you go again! Just when I thought I’d read all there was to read about this Jupiter-Sun conjunction, you Len, uncover even more to the symbolism about this simultaneous Moon-Saturn conjunction. I get the feeling it is a sneak preview of coming events because of the overt duality (in Gemini to start) between man and woman (Sun-Moon), expansion and containment (Jupiter-Saturn), personal (Sun-Moon) and societal (Jupiter-Saturn) and also the conjunction of 2 feminine sign rulers happening at the same time as the 2 masculine sign rulers are conjunct. The Sun will blot out Jupiter (where visible) and the Moon will blot out Saturn (where visible) so that only the personal, rather than the societal will be noted by observers. There is more here than meets the eye.

    As the shaman Chiron, poised in his station-retrograde position awaits the catalytic square from Mars tomorrow and then from Pallas-Athene just before the Full Moon, change is in the air (temporarily). Soon those toned up muscles will be helping us swim out of the shallows and into the deep, leaving the past behind and moving us into the future.

    The Moon’s short 28 day cycle is about to express her fullness in Capricorn and Jupiter’s 12 year cycle will soon celebrate his participation in the grand trine. Both will “meet their match” then, the Moon will oppose the Sun and Jupiter will trine Saturn. It is the sign of Pisces that holds the connectivity isn’t it? Isn’t Jupiter the “old” ruler of Pisces? Isn’t water the great dissolver? It is Jupiter and Sun that will put the fire in our spirit but it is Neptune who prepares us for the next round between Uranus and Pluto, so take a deep breath everyone and jump in.

  14. Thank you, Chief. I so cherish my PW family & friends. A motley enough crew, it’s true, but lovable.

  15. Wow, my son (my baby) turns 18 yrs old tomorrow, born Sun +28 Gemini, and I’m the one feeling the emotions described as the “baby” of my two children, becomes a man, a few days before his older sister (born Moon +28 Gemini) moves to Australia to start a new life.

    Yes, I’m definitely feeling the changes life will bring tomorrow into my family, these tributaries flowing together into a river that could overwhelm all of us, if we don’t hold steady. Lucky we have Mars and Chiron revealing muscles we never knew we had.

    Trying to be a brave Mum and not let the emotions get the better of me, but let my beautiful children bloom and flow where they need to go.

    Thanks for the gift just describing perfectly my life at the moment, Len.

    Love you all xx

  16. As you say Len, Chiron is key. With all the past seemingly drawn into this potent present moment, and being within the time of the 3 day Solar Stillpoint (Solstice), I feel as if all this past history and energy is available for Chironic healing. No easy task to hold, yet the Solstice and the great stillness of the Sun, rising and setting at the same point for several days, is the real container here, the safe space in which we can hear the “still, small voice” that can point us in the direction of freedom. Of course with a water trine going on this may involve a lot of flowing emotions, in the literal sense and in the larger sweep of history.

    Mars powering Chiron, now that is the energy we need to clear old blockages and move forward into the present. The Warrior of Healing!

    Hi Strawberry- we’re your friends and family now, an unlikely crew to be sure be one of good heart.

  17. Thank you, Len.

    I always count on you for perspective, and this is about as big as it gets. I’d begun spiraling into the loneliness of leaving so much of the familiar–family dynamics, belief systems, friends–behind. This is a lovely, non-subtle reminder that all of that was for a purpose, and in fact, may have just been practice.

    Grateful to have you.

  18. Inspiring words. And timely for me.

    Over the weekend I was trying to make astrology “visible” to a group of guys, so I asked them to visualize a transmission full of gears. Then I mentioned Eris as a cam which puts pressure in some places. They nodded like they had grasped the analogy.

    This well written article will be shared with those young men. Thank you.

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