The Power of Words — and Feelings

All times and days given are in Eastern Standard Time.

During this Mercury retrograde, I discovered the Twin Peaks series. For a few years I’ve been engaging with a movie that came out after the series ended, called Fire Walk With Me. I’ve watched the film perhaps 10 times and in the course of studying it scene by scene, David Lynch became my favorite director. The other night, I found the 30-episode series in Netflix, with a little time on my hands. Starting with the pilot, I soaked in the first season’s episodes.

FBI special agent Dale Cooper and Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks.

If anything provides a lively, accessible metaphor for the astrology of the coming week or so, it’s Twin Peaks. We don’t need literal references to plot elements like the murder of a 17-year-old girl; what happens in the aftermath of her life tells the story.

Our lives don’t often seem this interesting, though often they are organized in much the same way. The main structure is what we feel and experience inwardly, contrasted with what we express to the world. These are like the two poles of a battery that seems to charge the whole psyche, and direct the flow of nearly all events — until you tap into soul level, when another source of energy and clearer, more dependable information becomes available.

The passion, pathos, layers of deception and truth, the double lives of seemingly ordinary people, and all the things we figure out that we don’t know — that’s what the astrology for this week looks like. It’s the subtle, often un-admitted forces that are driving things forward now, and it would be an excellent idea to make conscious contact with them, if you haven’t begun to do so already. Mercury stationing direct will bring more to the surface than we’ve already seen these past few weeks.

I am not implying that this is unfriendly astrology, though for some it will be experienced as ‘intense’ or challenging. The aspects are genuinely intriguing and also are revealing of the deeper layers of what you may be feeling or experiencing. Mercury stationing, whether direct or retrograde, can come with the experience of the truth coming out. That’s not easy for some, though you can make it easier by making contact with the truth within. Once you’ve done that, what might be known to those around you is of secondary importance.

There is a touch of the dark side to the current planetary movements, and there is a rich quality of healing available as well. Yet the setup offers compelling reasons to stay in contact with the shadowy dimensions of your emotions, your sexuality, your quest for healing and your creative process. Anything that is (or has been) subject to denial is relegated to the world of shadows. If anything emerges in shadow form, for example as something fearful, something associated with guilt or shame, or something seeming to have undue consequences, see if you can trace the developments back to a moment of denial somewhere in the past.

Before I give some additional interpretations for these events, here’s a brief rundown of the aspects so you have an itinerary of these unusual few days. Mercury stations direct in Scorpio at 5:47 pm EST Monday, ending a relatively short 20-day retrograde. [The retrograde began the day of the U.S. presidential election, which I am planning to recap and review sometime this week — possibly in the subscriber edition or on Planet Waves FM.] A few hours later at 8:19 pm, Venus and Saturn form a conjunction in Scorpio.

The lunar eclipse, as well as many other planets, are involved in a yod pattern. That’s the arrow-like shape pointing toward the Moon and Jupiter in Gemini. That in turn brings Mercury back into the story, which is about to station direct Monday.

Tuesday afternoon, Mars and Pluto (the ancient and modern rulers of Scorpio, respectively) form a conjunction in Capricorn. This conjunction, which is likely to come with a long, slow burn of energy, makes a sextile to Venus-Saturn.

There is an exchange of energy called mutual reception between Saturn in Scorpio and Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, accentuating the potency of the alignment. (Mutual reception is when the rulers of two signs occupy each others’ signs). Then Wednesday morning at 9:46 am, there is an eclipse of the Moon in Gemini. This is called a penumbral eclipse, a very partial lunar eclipse, though the Moon touches the foggy shadow of the Earth — the penumbra.

The eclipse, while involving the Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Sun, is involved in the above two aspects because they flank the Sun and form a yod to the Moon. That is to say, the Moon gathers up the energy like a condenser, focuses it through Gemini, and ties it back in to Monday’s station direct of Mercury (which rules Gemini). In other words, everything is related, no matter how unrelated it may seem.

We have four separate events — Venus conjunct Saturn, Mercury direct, Mars conjunct Pluto and the lunar eclipse, each of which is lavishly interesting — though they are all focused into one pivotal event, which is the eclipse. Remember that this is in the background of the first eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio since 1995, which happened two weeks ago and has indeed stirred many conversations.

Mercury’s change of directions addresses the power of words as a means to healing. Communication and awareness — the specialties of Mercury — can be the most accessible and useful means to healing, though for many reasons they need to be used with precision and with caution. Those reasons involve the next few aspects.

Venus conjunct Saturn emphasizes one side of the power aspect of sex. There is something here about an obsession with secrets, and the way that they help us accumulate power. That is THE purpose of secrecy. If you can raise this to full consciousness, you may discover some exquisite modes of contact, including exploring the dance of domination and submission, the interplay of female and male, interesting attributes of age differences and how good it feels to use personal revelation and self-disclosure as a means to intimacy.

Mars conjunct Pluto provides the energy to deal with, and move beyond, the past. Look for even a moment and you will notice the obsession with the past that keeps us trapped in its patterns, ideas and compartments. Nothing says busting out of the box like Mars-Pluto in Capricorn, especially when aligned harmoniously with Venus and Saturn. You don’t need to apply much force, or any at all. Use intent and precision instead.

The eclipse suggests that the way to the center begins at the edge. It’s not necessary to dive into your feelings all at once; rather, make contact with what is moving through you, and proceed inward gently. The eclipse has momentum and if you set yourself in a direction you want or need to go in, that momentum will carry you there dependably. Everything in your life may not change in a day — though this is certainly a moment that contains the seeds of change, and some fully manifested progress.

19 thoughts on “The Power of Words — and Feelings”

  1. Eric: Your correlation of this week’s astrology to the work of David Lynch (“Twin Peaks” in particular), is, upon a day’s worth of reflection, a master stroke. i doubt any other astrologer could have made the connection, which is not only valid, but sublime. Thank you also for the “dream” video snippet. That guy is a way better dancer than me. Maybe i can have a dream where he gives me lessons.

  2. “A dissolving of polar extremes we have lived with all our lives (and even previous lives) requires that negative feelings (fear, etc.) be brought to the surface (consciousness) and then let go”. Yes – woke up this morning with the usual survival fears, how I’m going to make it, while realizing at the same time how my mind is addicted to fear and anxiety, Thank you for your marvellous comments, dear be, bless you. This is a truly wonderful place.

  3. ” The main structure is what we feel and experience inwardly, contrasted with what we express to the world. These are like the two poles of a battery that seems to charge the whole psyche, and direct the flow of nearly all events — until you tap into soul level, when another source of energy and clearer, more dependable information becomes available.”

    Eric, this is such clearly explained astrology, it is truly useful. Thank you.

    This first event you describe, Venus conjunct Saturn is so true to the form and for me is/has been in full play…

    “Venus conjunct Saturn emphasizes one side of the power aspect of sex. There is something here about an obsession with secrets, and the way that they help us accumulate power. That is THE purpose of secrecy. If you can raise this to full consciousness, you may discover some exquisite modes of contact, including exploring the dance of domination and submission, the interplay of female and male, interesting attributes of age differences and how good it feels to use personal revelation and self-disclosure as a means to intimacy.”

    I am for the first time more recently and building over the last few years, really ‘coming out’ socially in respects to what I always have felt i had to always hold so close and keep inside of me. Dropping the facade of always having to keep my societal position as one of equal to, ‘strength’ (which for me stands outside the greater community ‘norm’). Although for anyone is quite challenging in having and raising a child on ones own. In my choosing a different path than most, and in order to not stand out I traded emotionally in my not wanting to ever be an imposition, on anyone. I have always had to make it on my own. Somehow believing if I showed a weakness in not being the same, would be a personal acknowledgment to be treated differently and would somehow be ‘accepted’ as less of a success inside of me. I assumed all that I had to be strong for if shared might actually just crumble me and thus then mean and create an inability to carry on and handle my greatest responsibilities.

    As it turns out, I have been finding out through communicating –finally finding the courage of voicing (yes i am human, i have) needs, my ‘assumed’ weakness in revealing this secret truth and inner vulnerability is really what is (and seems viewed by others) strength. And instead of finding pity, which I usually heard and felt, surprisingly now my intentions and actions are being met with incredible acts and words of compassion and i am seeing and fi ding my strength mirrored back at me.

    I guess this is ‘some form of’ true intimacy. I am looking forward to how the other three aspect of these events play out!

  4. Have to say, I’m a huge fan of David Lynch.

    Ever since Eraserhead came out, I have waited anxiously for anything of his marvelous mind.

    Mulholland Drive is my favorite, with a spanish version of Roy Orbison’s “Crying” leaving such an impression, it still gives me chills to think of the scene…

    Also his movies will always mean something different every time you watch them, depending on what you are going through in life. Double Entendres anyone?

  5. Thanks for commenting on this Bodymindalchemy. Sphinx (retrograde) sits on a degree whose symbol is of a woman airing an old bag through the open window of her room, and Dane Rudhyar gives it a keyword of purification. As the Moon is now or soon will be passing over Sphinx, it is remarkable how apt this symbol is. Len Wallick spoke of this moment, when the Moon would oppose Mercury, just as it was stationing direct, in his last offering. Now Moon will be void of course (without further influence) now, and then cross into Gemini where she will square Neptune, an outer planet, then sextile Uranus, another outer planet. It would seem that we the “masses” (Moon) are being emotionally cleansed of hidden “secrets” (Sphinx) and between now and when she is eclipsed, she will be only influenced directly by energies beyond our conscious experience. These are the days of miracles and wonder.

  6. The influence of asteroid Sphinx often passes unrecognized and unacknowledged. Sphinx, moving retrograde in Taurus, has infused this Mercury retrograde cycle with an an “eyes wide shut” quality of mystery.

    When Mercury stationed retrograde on November 6th, Sphinx and Sedna were moving in opposition to Minerva in Scorpio, and square to Nessus and Hercules in Aquarius. The fixed T-square highlighted the extraordinary efforts of awareness and the refined perceptual skills needed to navigate the enigmatic depths of our experience, during this Mercury retrograde and beyond.

    The total lunar eclipse in Scorpio on November 13th was in opposition to Sphinx (I called Chelsea at PW about this aspect).

    Today, during its last hours of retrograde motion, Mercury has been dancing in opposition to Sphinx. Then, in a precisely choreographed fusion of forces, the Moon enters a conjunction with Sphinx only minutes before Mercury stations direct.

  7. Michele, Lizzy, Sarah,

    Michele – One thing I believe that links the two sets of eclipses (May and November) together is Venus and she is the one whose pattern (aspects) is most informative. In May she made her rare occultation of the Sun and the chart for that moment can be, and has been, most informative on a personal level as well as a global and national level. Venus will be at 6+ Sagittarius at the time of the Winter Solstice on 12/21/12. That’s the same degree that the Sun will occupy this Wednesday when the Moon is eclipsed. As the details around Wednesday’s eclipse unfold, expect an echo of it in the story around the solstice.

    Lizzy and Sarah – These outcroppings of anxiety we are experiencing I believe have to do with the theme primary to the Winter Solstice of 2012 story, which is Ascension or Evolution. A dissolving of polar extremes we have lived with all our lives (and even previous lives) requires that negative feelings (fear, etc.) be brought to the surface (consciousness) and then let go. Sarah describes the best way to deal with that I believe. Just allow it to pass. This is apparently part of a process, a cleansing, a healing, which will bring us more into a balance of energies.

    The Yod Eric talks about is a preliminary to the Yod in the Winter Solstice. The difference being that the lunar eclipse yod includes personal planets. Mars (personal) conjunct Pluto (non-personal) sextiles Venus (personal) conjunct Saturn (non-personal) and they, together with the focal point of the yod, Moon (personal) are symbolizing the assimilation of the non-personal energies. At the time of the Winter Solstice in December, it will be Saturn sextile Pluto and instead of the Moon it will be Jupiter (non-personal) in Gemini as the focal point of this pattern. As the Moon is partially eclipsed, some of the energy assimilated will integrate with our individual instinctive nature. This will prepare us to better integrate the Solstice yod energy which will be experienced as a societal event. It is the final part of an ongoing series of “upgrades” for our psyches as we prepare to rise above the long-standing dominant masculine energy imbalance to a balanced male-female, yin-yang energy field. A lot more pleasant for all of us.

    In the meantime, try to reflect on these experiences and as Eric says “proceed inward gently”. My heart tells me that Eric’s thoughts on the Twin Peaks series will be illuminating as we approach the Winter Solstice, for all of us. I only remember that it was really, really wierd! Above all, be aware of Venus’ flight path as she is leading the change we see in our lives and in our world. She repesents the language of love which is spoken through the heart. We must learn to speak and think through our hearts.

  8. Dear Eric,

    Just a quick note this morning, of appreciation for the amazing
    astrology, and a special appreciation for your broadcasts. Your format,
    your voice, your musings, and the wonderful guests and musical artists
    you present are only some of the reasons why I check your site every day.
    I especially look forward to the broadcasts. Kudos on the “blue” series
    as well; it’s about time someone cracked open the taboos on frank and
    open talk about sex in all its glorious manifestations. I’m a Sag/Scorpio
    rising; I feel like I’m getting a personal reading any time I listen, but
    the sex discussions have been so timely in my own life. Just turning 60
    next week (!), and this year has been amazing. Not that I ever forgot the
    sexual abuse in my family–I didn’t, I just minimized how the patterns
    were laid in as a result of those early experiences–but something kicked
    in in the early spring of this year where I was able to connect the dots
    in a really tremendous, meaningful, and healing way. So far one sibling
    (the one who subscribes to Planet Waves, hmmm) is in sisterhood with me
    on coming out of the deep levels of denial. The more I delve into this
    topic–and speak openly and frankly about it–the more I come to realize
    it is the great big fat taboo of our society. I feel quite sure that a
    conservative estimate would be that over half my generation has been
    sexually abused, and that’s where the real mind control began. When you
    really delve down deep into that muck, as distasteful as it is (I spend
    the entire month ofMarch, every morning, on my yoga mat, forcing myself
    to recapitulate my life), the resulting coming out into the light on the
    other side is so liberating–a return to one’s authentic self, something
    I continue to explore in every engagement. I see that if our generation
    could heal the wounds of countless generations of sexual abuse (because
    let’s face it, the abusers were themselves abused, going all the way
    back, and that’s the only way I can forgive my 101-yr.-old father and
    older sister), we could open the door to a new zeitgeist on this planet.
    Imagine if the sexual abuse of women and children were to cease, why we’d
    become a peaceful planet …! I’d welcome any future “blue” broadcasts in
    which you discuss this issue, which is so prevalent, so needing of frank
    and open discussion for mass healings to take place. Meanwhile, my
    sister, whom I haven’t spoken to in a year, sends me a gift, so I’m
    compelled to write a frank and open and compassionate letter. Wish me



    PS: looking forward to the Sag b-day report.

  9. and true to Mercury stationing:

    wrong numbers, my email just decided to download duplicates of 100+ old messages, and yesterday just *after* getting home from the hardware store, it seems the second light fixture in my home has died (with a total of 3 burned bulbs, but i think the third fixture is fine & it’s just the bulb).

    it occurred to me that maybe the message is to look a little more closely at my shadow in some area.

  10. ..and I think it’s also about experiencing fear as just that, without attaching it to a precise object. Not an easy feat.

  11. “But I am feeling more vulnerable and less defended than ever and I am thankful for that”. Yes. Thank you for sharing what you’ve been working through, Sarah – your ability to stay with these feelings, to open up and surrender to them, thus transforming them is so inspiring and helpful.
    “When you start to shine a light, you get the darkness – you get the contrast”. So good to be reminded of this. Thanks again. xx

  12. “The issue that’s coming up for me loud and clear right now is that of security – that at the bottom of financial and survival fears, or the fear of entering into deep intimacy with someone, is the need to feel safe, secure. Wonder if others are experiencing this with the present astrology.”

    Lizzy – I’ve written about this here recently too. Yes, I have been experiencing this more than I have ever before. Attacks of fear like panic attacks without the elevated heart-rate – so that I get to a point where I feel trapped in my body in the way someone might feel when they’re trapped in rough storms at sea: no way to get out, alone.

    So part of me is terrified in those moments, but another part is rejoicing! *This* is the Ten of Swords point of choice from yesterday’s Weekend Tarot Reading. When you start to shine a light, you get the darkness – you get the contrast.

    Last night, as I was lying in bed with another wave of, “Good God, I’m dying!” I let go, and lay with that feeling. In that moment, it disappeared, and I felt serene. 🙂

    Tis crap, though, when it hits. But I am feeling more vulnerable and less defended than ever and I am thankful for that.

  13. The issue that’s coming up for me loud and clear right now is that of security – that at the bottom of financial and survival fears, or the fear of entering into deep intimacy with someone, is the need to feel safe, secure. Wonder if others are experiencing this with the present astrology. How amazing life could be if it could be lived as an adventure rather than putting so much energy into trying to feel safe, protected, loved. Here’s my fav pema Chodron quote apropos this:
    “The wilder the weather is, the more the ravens love it. They have the time of their lives in the winter, when the wind gets much stronger and theres ice and snow. They challenge the wind. They get on the tops of the trees and they hold on with their claws and then they grab on with their beaks too. At some point they let go into the wind and let it blow them away. They play on it, they float on it. After a while they go back to the tree and start over…..the animals if Cape Breton are hardy and fearless and playful and joyful: the elements have strengthened them. In order to exist here, they have had to develop a zest for challenge and for life. This adds up to tremendous beauty and inspiration and a feeling of being uplifted. The same goes for us, we should be like those ravens!”

  14. This has been the most rewarding experience. Saturn conjunct my Sun in the 11th, the eclipse and Nth Node conjunct my 12th house moon.
    Without Saturn’s backbone, much of what had arisen would have floated away like helium balloons.
    Malefic planets? No way

  15. I’m curious about eclipses.

    Specifically, I really started digging deep sometime prior to the last solar and lunar eclipse in May/June and committed to going this route… *This route* being shedding the past, being present, (with specialized and focused help and with, obviously, some fairly freaky moments of fear), and well, a whole slew of other business, and it’s all come together, tangibly, in ways that I could not have foreseen back then. (Inside and out.) And alone, too. Conversations with people, definitely, but making decisions strong in myself.

    Tonight I said to myself: OK, we did this. Phew. Wow. And in my book, the last page of a chapter is sloooowwwwly turning. I feel it on all levels. Like a project I started, not knowing where it would lead – though I had a few specific objects – it finished. And a whole new project is beginning.

    I guess my question has to do with the specific connection between the May/June eclipses and the recent eclipse and of the 28th coming up. I can feel it, in my own life… But I wanted to learn a bit more of the technical aspect of this re: astrology. Eclipse cycles…

    Conversely, would I more properly be looking back to the ’95 happenings? A larger cycle?


    If this is already addressed and I missed it, I would appreciate a link.


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