Cancer solstice and Capricorn Full Moon: Precipitating life

Even the newly installed blackboard wall outside the waterfront pizza place is in on it, asking passers-by to finish the statement, “Before I die I want to ________.” That is, the blackboard seems to be articulating the sensation of things building to something that many people are feeling here on the verge of the solstice and the Capricorn Full Moon. That question (and that ‘something’) is not about death — it’s about actively living your life in a ‘get real’ moment. So is this Full Moon, which is exact at 7:32 am EDT Sunday.

Waxing Moon caught in a crane on the Portland, Maine waterfront. Photo by Amanda Painter

On Friday, the Sun enters Cancer moments before 1:04 am EDT. That puts it on the first degree of a cardinal sign, beginning a new season and making a square to the Aries Point — that first degree of Aries where our personal lives and the patterns of global events tend to intersect, invert and mirror each other in striking ways. The early degrees of all the cardinal signs (Libra and Capricorn are the other two) share this sensitivity.

The lead-up to this solstice and Full Moon has seen one of the most far-reaching instances of whistle-blowing ever, in terms of the number of regular citizens it directly affects. Responses to this huge example of boundary crossing appear to range from outrage to acceptance, or feeling too overwhelmed, too numbed out or too cool to care. And the revelations just keep coming and coming.

All the while, there has been this gradual migration of planets from Gemini to Cancer. On Friday, the Sun joins the pool and four days later, Jupiter does, too. In between, we have the Capricorn Full Moon. All of these movements are contributing to this sensation of ‘something building’ that the nightly news is reflecting. It’s like all the ideas and duality held in mid-air by Gemini finally burst open like a thunderstorm.

From here, the Capricorn Full Moon looks like a precipitating event. It’s where we shift into ‘action mode’. The question is, what are we acting on? What are you acting for? What do you want? Can you call on a sense of adventure when you’re in the midst of so much uncertainty, when so much is unknown to you?

Try this metaphor on for size, since the Capricorn Moon is an image of crystallized emotions and the Cancer Sun is all about letting feelings out. Remember the Morton’s Salt slogan, “When it rains, it pours?” In general usage, it’s a phrase used to suggest that when a little of something happens, chances are you’ll get a lot of it. But in the case of Morton’s Salt it’s a pun, referring to the salt crystals’ supposed ability to continue pouring from a shaker when the air is wet.

The air is getting wetter. Can you be a little like Morton’s salt for this Capricorn Full Moon, allowing your more rigid emotions to flow some as we step into the unknown? More importantly, will you take a step beyond writing on the chalkboard wall?

15 thoughts on “Cancer solstice and Capricorn Full Moon: Precipitating life”

  1. DanielF, interesting role reversal Lilith/Priapus. Seen this way, they are treading the edges of socialization, propriety, and traditional roles. I am getting the sense that Lilith and Priapus are the raw, untamed, unsocialized states of the energies. Primitives? Elementals? Let’s see what the weekend brings.

  2. Hi all. Looks like it’s time for me to come out from under the illusion I’ve been living for 12 years and finally stand on my own two feet. Something I am seriously and anxiously looking forward to. Maybe now that ‘fog’ will start to lift and I can finally put all the pieces of puzzles of astrology together that I have been studying for over 20 years lol.
    It’s time for me to come first, finally.
    I am so grateful to this site and it’s contributors, I almost didn’t make it….:-) Through the solid uplifting and positivity that lives and thrives here I have fresh hope. Thankyou most humbly:-)

  3. As far as I know and I am not a professional astrologer but only passionate about it, Priapus is abandonment to pleasure and instincts with the risk of losing on longer term. It has an opposite meaning as they are ever opposing points.

    In a sense, the pair Lilith/Priapus is very similar to the pair Sun/Moon. It’s about Lilith = Ego and Defense of Individuality vs. Priapus = surrendering to instincts and melting into nature

    Sun Moon duality is very similar (Sun corresponds to Ego, Moon to instincts and feelings).

  4. Shock. The contrary of numbed out. My native American teacher talks about helping people wake up via shock. Make them laugh, make them mad, scare them, startle, offend —

    Priapus is all of the above, with a little sexual violence thrown in. Kind of a heyoka figure/coyote figure, short ugly god with a big dick, frustrated, angry, an obscene joke. All the shadow of the adolescent masculine, who also guards the gardens and fields, makes them fertile and protects them from crows and poachers… a very mixed bag of a god

    Natal Priapus is conjunct Mars in Taurus. Always wondered what to make of that.

  5. Perigee means the closest approach to Earth which means a magnified influence (of the Moon) on Earth. Therefore, feelings will intensify.
    Apogee is the furthest distance from the Earth and in the case of the Moon would indicate a sense of calm, listlessness or even malaise.

    The lunar perigee may signify a general excitation in living things: an upwelling of emotion, excitability, restlessness, etc.

    Here is a list of this year’s lunar extremes. The words above and this list is provided by Richard Nolle . . . .

  6. thanks to everyone for the questions and responses — and i’m afraid i forgot to credit eric for some of the ideas i was playing with — we had a conversation about this full moon and how to approach this blog post that was very instrumental to what it actually became.

    rucognizant — i’m afraid i’m not familiar with a “Draconian” chart, so i’ll have to leave that to someone else.

    danielF — susyc’s answer might not be far off. i’m not familiar with Priapus, so i hesitate to make an interpretation. but it does sound like some form of boldness or “standing out for who one is” no matter which direction that goes…

    and Len: you are most welcome. and i thank you — i am learning much from you.

  7. susyfreelove – maybe not necessarily “shocks” — you can also think of “precipitating” as in a chemical reaction, where one substance is catalyzed to crystallize back into solid form after being imperceptibly mixed in. once you know what’s there, you can work with it more consciously.

    or it can be things freeing up to be released and flow, as when the clouds finally start to rain, dissolving the static, full, sticky feeling of the full air and moving energy.

    lots of ways to feel it and think of it; many ways to experience movement. feeling shocked out of a previous state is one of them — but hopefully things will roll a little more for you!

  8. Perhaps due to my chart I am feeling these shifts profoundly. Already several shocking events have occurred unexpectantly seemingly intensifying with each of the last two full moons. your recent blog seems to indicate ever more unexpected shocks so I am feeling a bit of apprehension of what this next full moon may bring. Of the unknowing state I have been experiencing in recent years this by far has been the most outrageously crazy period in my life.
    Thank you for your insight.

  9. So Sun conjunct Lilith opposes Moon conjunct Priapus. How would you interpret this? Hmmm…sounds like someone’s either going to get laid or get slapped, one of the two…Love your input Daniel and hope to hear more informed opinions on your question.

  10. “Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

    ― Steve Jobs

  11. Looking at my draconic chart. The N Node is @ 0˚ Aries the Aries point. ( in my 5th H. ) Natally it is @ 8˚ Scorpio 5th H. Is THAT the determining factor of everyone’s Draconic chart? Everyone’s NN @ 0˚ Aries?. My Draconic Sun Uranus, Moon, are in early degrees of cardinal…….where I skated free, natally with those planets in middle of fixed signs…….does it now mean I am being called to evolve or else? ( feels that way)

  12. The Moon is at perigee, meaning it is conjunct Priapus (=moon’s perigee) and opposed Lilith (moon’s apogee). The Sun-Moon opposition is exactly conjunct Lilith-Priapus axis (less than 1 degree)

    To my knowledge Priapus means impossibility of containing instincts

    So Sun conjunct Lilith opposes Moon conjunct Priapus. How would you interpret this?

  13. “Before I die i want to…” do whatever i can to convince Amanda Painter of my sincere gratitude for her interpretation of astrology, for how she writes to humble me, for her photographs that inhabit me, and for being my supportive and perceptive editor.

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