If you’ve arrived here via the links in the subscriber issue, this is also the discussion page for the edition.
If you’re not a subscriber, what are you waiting for? We have a painless way to try it out: a one-month free trial subscription, which you can sign up for here. You’ll still get access to today’s issue, which covers a lot of ground in addition to the chart for the shooting of Trayvon Martin. There’s a lot of collective material coming up from the depths in these days — so much, in fact, that some events that would ordinarily be big news have barely gotten a nod. But regardless of where the media focus is, the astrology is all about where it all intersects with our individual dives right now — and what we bring with us to the surface.
You can also read today’s issue by purchasing it individually here. It includes Eric’s horoscopes for all 12 signs — like no others you’ll read anywhere else — and a selection of astro-news briefs.
Re: the shooting of Trayvon Martin chart. . . any thoughts on Saturn being retrograde at 29 degrees Libra – the Anaretic Degree? Saturn representing the police in this case?
This feels already like an incredible year.
I caught up on a few articles this morning…Thank You, Planet Waves.
My weekend and personal pending decisions have the bright half of the quarter moon energy on their side thanks to the understanding of the squares, Pluto, Mercury, etc.
Thank You!