It’s cool, he’s a honkey (or, I’m a Birther, too)

Detail of John McCain's birth certificate, showing he was born in Colon, Panama -- not the Canal Zone.

By the way — astrologers learned a grand total of absolutely nothing new today, vis a vis Obama convincing the state of Hawaii to release copies of his birth certificate. He was born at 7:24 pm; at least we have double confirmation of that. We can call this absolutely, positively AA data — the requirement for that being birth certificate in hand. Lois Rodden would approve. The computer printout one released in 2008 gave the same time. (There were at least three other speculated times circulating prior to that.) I will get into that chart again soon. If you’re feeling nostalgic, I wrote about it in an article that referenced Barack to the Sword of Damocles story.

While we are on the subject of birth certificates and whether someone is a “natural born citizen,” I just want to add this. According to his birth certificate, Sen. John McCain, who kind of almost became president in 2008, was not born in the United States. Our Constitution requires this for a person to be president. McCain was born in Panama. There is a rumor that he was born in the Canal Zone, which was then leased by the U.S. government. That is arguably not a U.S. territory, but it would probably pass muster with a federal judge. You know, it sounds good, the Canal Zone and all. That’s why they keep saying it. Were I a federal judge, I would probably say, sure, good enough for government work. It will pass muster with the Peoria Ladies’ Reading Guild.

But the city of Colon is not in the Canal Zone. It’s just another city in Panama, and unlike Hawaii, Panama (while it has palm trees) ain’t a state. Not only that, it isn’t a territory. It’s a foreign country, where foreigners come from. But it’s okay; McCain is a honkey.

18 thoughts on “It’s cool, he’s a honkey (or, I’m a Birther, too)”

  1. @ B-R: Deal!

    Pretty much the same time frame for me too: around November things started to truly be ‘different’ as regards to the ol’ life and times of self.

  2. @ Brendan–me too bro–about month coming up–pressure building since last November–I’ll watch your back if you’ll watch mine. Deal?

  3. Thanks, BR! The steam pressure has been high this week, and only now is the relief valve working. It’s going to be a strange but interesting month to come for me, so the pressure is not letting up all that much. 🙂

  4. Lettin’ off the steam in the pressure cooker, Brendan. Sometimes a necessity. Thanks for the hissssss…. for me. ;>)

  5. I’m just thinking of the sharks, the water borne ones. Nearly all species are threatened across the world, and we can show them some compassion by ensuring a brief, but plentiful food supply.

    I say this purely in jest. Today I was remembering a great uncle who died in the Pacific during the war. The most likely cause of his demise was not gunfire, but shark attack following the sinking of his destroyer after a battle with the Japanese navy near the Philippines in 1944. It is a fate I would never truly wish upon anyone, no matter how repugnant they may be.

    R.I.P. Tom

  6. Brendan, maybe we can start bake sales to come up with the money for the boat you’re talking about (I know, Fe, I’m slipping–it’s in my genes I’m afraid, but honestl;y, I AM working on this last piece of my spirituality. (Compassion for CEOs etc. ) Glad it’s progress, not perfection in the spiritual circles I walk in :>)

  7. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Lawrence O’Donnell’s attempted interview of Orly Taitz on Wednesday night. He actually started with a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but she would answer neither his simple question of “Do you believe the President’s birth certificate” or his request to apologize for the 2 1/2 years of lies.

    She crazily did not answer, and started to show an alleged Selective Service Administration form for Obama and how it was forged (in some way) and then began screeching about his ‘social security fraud.’

    O’Donnell lost it, began yelling at her, and then had her taken off the air. Great fun.

    I’m in a hole for the draft: The year I turned 18 I didn’t have to register. There was no registration from 1973 to 1980. In 1980, the registration legislation was re-enacted, limiting it to all those born after January 1, 1960. I’m 2/11/1959 – so I was free! The Prez was not exempt from registration however, so this will drag on, somehow. According to Wikipedia, no one has been prosecuted since 1980 for not registering or keeping their records updated (willful disobedience has to be proven).

    In my case, I ran into trouble for not registering when I applied for a student loan in 2001. I did not check the little box indicating I had registered (I was 42 for Godess’ sake!) and it brought the entire process to halt. I had to explain to the young (18-19) student aide in the financial aid office that 1) I was exempt because there was no registration when I was 18, and 2) I had enlisted at 17, so that by my 18th birthday I was already serving in the armed forces. Silence and utterly no comprehension from her end. This was data that did not fit any form of hers, nor had any such combination of information ever been presented to her. She promised me they would check and get back to me. Never did, I got the loan.

    We need to invite all these birthers, Tea Baggers, and other prominent Repugs on a free ocean cruise – and then have an ‘accident’ at sea, where all hands are lost and the sharks have a field day. After all, sharks are Earthlings too!

  8. HA!!!

    Rand Paul Questions Trump’s Republican Credentials

    CONCORD, N.H. – Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, opened a breakfast speech here Thursday before the Merrimack County Republican Committee with a new demand for proof – not of President Obama’s citizenship, but of Donald Trump’s Republican credentials.

    “I’ve come to New Hampshire today because I’m very concerned,” Mr. Paul said. “I want to see the original long-form certificate of Donald Trump’s Republican registration.”

    As a bit of laughter erupted in the room, he added, “Seriously, don’t you think we need to see that?”

    One day after Mr. Obama released his long-form birth certificate from the State of Hawaii – a move that was followed by Mr. Trump’s claim during a visit to New Hampshire that he believes that he deserves credit for the president’s decision – Mr. Paul sought to change the subject. He gently urged Republicans to take notice that Mr. Trump has contributed money to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, and many other Democrats.

    “I’m going to believe it when I see his embossed seal to his Republican registration,” said Mr. Paul, a rising figure in the Republican Party who is visiting New Hampshire this week during the Congressional recess. He spoke with a smile, but his words marked one of the first times that a leading Republican has challenged Mr. Trump’s ties to the party.

  9. The longer the birthers and Tea Party go after the President this way, the better the President’s chances for re-election.

    And we should be asking for Trump’s tax statement and investment portfolios.

  10. MSNBC’s lineup was breathing fire on the racial issue last night. Maddow invited on a writer whose (black) great grandfather was jailed and beaten for some weeks because he didn’t have an identification card on him at the time the police asked him; he forgot his wallet home.

    Now Trump wants the college transcripts and is doubting that he earned being president of the Law Review.

    I am sure Trump has far more in debt than in wealth. I bet he’s leveraged at least 10 to 1, probably much more.

    Carnival barker! That’s the best line since lipstick on a pig. Same difference.

  11. ok, i wish i could say this is from the onion, but it is not. these are a pair of headlines from democracy now! today:

    White House Releases Obama’s Birth Certificate

    The White House has released a more extensive record of President Obama’s birth certificate in response to longstanding right-wing claims he was not born in the United States. Obama said the issue had become a distraction.

    President Obama: “I know that there’s going to be a segment of people for which, no matter what we put out, this issue will not be put to rest. But I’m speaking to the vast majority of the American people, as well as to the press. We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We’ve got better stuff to do. I’ve got better stuff to do. We’ve got big problems to solve.”

    Trump: “Very Proud of Myself” for Obama Birth Certificate Disclosure

    One of the most prominent so-called “birthers,” real estate tycoon and prospective Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, took credit for pressuring the White House to finally release Obama’s birth certificate.

    Donald Trump: “Today, I am very proud of myself because I have accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish. He should have done it a long time ago. Why he didn’t do it when the Clintons asked for it, why he didn’t do it when everybody else was asking for it, I don’t know.”

    Trump is now calling on President Obama to release his college records.

    [emphasis mine here]

    maybe you’ve all seen these quotes already, but that last line is what made me do a double-take, expecting to see i was on the onione site by accident.

    seriously? trump is going after obama’s college records???!!

    yes, mr. president — we’ve got better stuff to do. enough with the silliness. shit.

  12. Eric–LOL!
    Scary thing is one of my granddaughters reminds me of Emily. Really. I wonder where SHE came from, eh, Fe?

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