New edition covers the ‘Your Sign is Wrong’ hoax

Hello Blog Readers!

In today’s edition, I go into detail on the Your Sign Is Wrong hoax, studying the issue from a symbolic as well as scientific perspective. I look into the allegedly new constellation Ophiuchus, where it fits the history of astrology, and what some of the leading minds in the field think about its use. This edition explains how two different zodiacs evolved, how they are used and their philosophical implications.

If you’re a subscriber or contributor, please check your email soon. For single issue purchase of this article and this week’s horoscopes, please click here. To try out a three-month subscription, please click here. Note that subscriptions grant you access to my full library of articles — more than 300 extended essays in the Friday series, covering everything from astrological topics like this one to relationships to some of the most challenging news events of our time — all from an introspective viewpoint.

You’re invited to join us on our journey.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

9 thoughts on “New edition covers the ‘Your Sign is Wrong’ hoax”

  1. Nancy Reagan.

    I love the info on Vedic astrology – it helps explain a lot about the shadow side of astrology. It puts my shadow moon at Gemini conjunct the birth of my daughter I placed in adoption, among other things. Spirit works in not so mysterious ways after all, you just have to pay attention.
    I appreciate knowing that you review the shadows for your reports. This was very enlightening to read.

  2. Really really great ‘history’ lesson, Eric. Thanks to you (and David and Rob and Amanda) – this one is a keeper in my astro reference file.

    Adding (because Merc is on natal Mars and I have no choice but to talk? 🙂 ) — I ran a “synastry” chart for the first time last night because of the discussions here about Juno…..and accidentally found a whole new way to light up my chart (which had grown dull. I’ve learned a lot about basic astro here, but my own planets still aren’t speaking to me hahaha)

    But looking at the chart of a close friend and mine together shed new light on my own planetary alignments – really really cool new visual.

    Thank you and Thanks to Juno and thanks again for this really educational read 😛

  3. Eric:
    I really enjoy this topic and love that it keeps coming up. You artfully demystified a Q mark re:seasons.
    Astrology and I fell in together through magazines like Nexus and New Dawn; writers like G.Hancock, where ‘constellations and precession of the equinoxes’, resonate like conspiracy theories. Those reporting on this subject – with the exclusion of the book by Graham Hancock ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’ – can hardly understand it, much less write a 2 pager.
    I am simpatico with the guy that compares Sidereal and Tropical to a ‘faded tattoo’ only diff – Sidereal is the faded . I’m a sun Scorpio, Libra is in the 12th solar house. I’m familiar with Libran traits from within psyche (can’t really explain it) and the way Libra draws me in but I have an acute sense it’s outgrown.

  4. This was a very satisfying read; thanks to Eric, Amanda and the collaborative team who created it. I understand that much more now that I feel grounded in some of the basic facts of astrology so clearly presented. I’ll be returning to read this article many times over in the future I’m sure of it.

    It grounds me in some of the basics of astrology while further whetting my appetite for so much more. I intend to go exploring the vast layers upon layers of this ancient, mysterious craft as much as possible.

    Thanks again everyone.

  5. yes, goddess bless mr. hand and mr. arner! their quotes are succinct and accessible and their conversations with eric have surely resulted in one of the most educational (in a fun way!) issues i’ve had the pleasure to work on.

    and it *is* a pleasure.

    oh, and i’m into non-platonic stuff, too. (nudge nudge, wink wink)

    ok, time for someone who doesn’t contribute writing to PW to comment on this issue! 😛

  6. Thank you David Arner and Rob Hand who took hours talking to me, to get it straight.

    And Amanda who went on a hunt for Platonic stuff and images, and helped edit it into a readable format :-).


  7. Eric,
    You raised the bar again. If this is not the equivalent of a master’s thesis, i don’t know what is. This one piece is worth the price of subscription all by itself. Thank you so very much for the deep integrity of your service to our erudition.

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