By Len Wallick
Tomorrow, Friday August 20, Mercury stations retrograde at one minute before 4 pm EDT at 19+ degrees Virgo. This is an event that takes place three times in most calendar years. This corresponds directly to the fact that Mercury goes around the Sun about three times in the period that it takes the Earth to go around once. This particular year we get to experience most of four because one was already in progress when 2010 began.
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Not all Mercury retrogrades are created equal. Granted, all of them have a great deal in common. In addition, the sign or signs in which the retrograde takes place, and even the degree at which it stations are subject to subtle cyclic repetition. However, the location and direction of that sign’s ruler, the orientation of the luminaries and the placement and direction of all the other planets are never precisely duplicated. Thus, every retrograde period develops a theme of its own.
The first thing to realize about any retrograde is that it is an illusion of perspective. There’s not much difference in the actual speed at which planets move but the varying size and shape of orbit will create a difference in the apparent speed. To simplify, the planets on the inside lanes will lap those tracing a longer ellipse. This creates an observational experience somewhat akin to being on a train that starts to move forward, making the stationary train on the next track appear to move backward.
Another thing to know is that when a planet stations it turns on a dime and gives you ten cents change. One moment it is slowly moving in one direction. Then, precisely the same moment it is slowly moving the other way. No, there is no stationary moment. Just think, if you could do that, you would either be a superhero or a very highly paid athlete.
Specific to Mercury retrogrades is the general pattern of expression that has become proverbial and even iconic. Indeed, the characteristic synchronicity is consistent enough to serve as the gateway to astrology for many people. If it has to do with communication, transportation, electronics or finance, expect Murphy’s Law to prevail. Indeed, many of you may have recently experienced this.
That’s because the few days before and after a Mercury station are when what can go wrong is most likely to go wrong to the greatest degree at the worst possible time. This period is often called the storm and is comparable to the tidal surge that precedes a hurricane. Misplaced the car keys lately, have we? Your intrepid correspondent had a taste just hours ago having incorrectly saved and entirely lost the first draft of this blog, having to start over from scratch in the middle of the night. Oh well. Such is the fragrant fertilizer that contributes to spiritual growth and stronger character. And if you believe that, Eric can get you a good deal on a serviceable bridge in Brooklyn.
Like the much shorter period called a Moon void, things started, acquired or put together during a Mercury retrograde have a nasty tendency. They often need to be done over, be replaced or will fall apart. Nevertheless, life does not and cannot come to a standstill at any time. Sometimes it’s necessary to begin, proceed with or complete things in spite of auguries. Indeed, it’s healthy if you refuse to be dissuaded from any reasonable effort or enterprise so long as you are just as determined to resist discouragement and exercise positive persistence.
As regards to appropriate behavioral protocol, it’s almost like being a boy or girl scout. If there ever were a time to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind (let’s leave out “obedient”, ok?) cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent, Mercury retrograde is that time. Be sure to add patient and make wry note that the scout credo does not include the word sober, just in case you wondered where that song about one hundred bottles of beer on the wall came from.
Finally, those of us who have grown up in the modern world of multi-national corporations, instant communication and media saturation have not been taught about a concept that was common knowledge not so long ago. The pan-cultural concept of the Trickster. The elusive entity that messes with our perception, leading us to error. In Greco-Roman mythology, that was one of the hats worn by multi-tasking Mercury. For the present-day, please consider the probability that the Trickster exists inside us and that taking responsibility is also taking control.
That about brings us up to speed on the generalities. This specific retrograde is the third consecutive one to take place entirely within the bounds of an earth sign. As such it completes a grand trine tour of sorts. It has been written in this space before that three times indicates a pattern. Let’s look at how the previous two Mercury retrogrades began and see if we can distinguish one developing.
The day after Christmas 2009, Mercury stationed at 21+ degrees Capricorn. A cardinal Earth sign ruled by Saturn. Just days before, the Sun had ingressed the same sign, marking a solstice that was concurrent with the epic Mars retrograde station in the first degree of Leo. Also in Capricorn was Pluto, in direct motion at that time, almost exactly ninety degrees apart from Saturn in early Libra (a square aspect), very close their present position. Combining those elements of context with the fact that the phenomenon carried over to the next calendar year, retrospect seems to have developed a theme, that of sorting through our accumulated and common cultural baggage. We’re performing the sort of purge that one would conduct before packing only the essentials in preparation for a new life at a new residence, far far away.
The next date Mercury turned retrograde was April 17, 2010 at 12+ degrees Taurus, a fixed Earth sign. This time the station took place just before the Sun ingressed the same sign on April 20. This was the same day Chiron found itself in Pisces for the first time in over 40 years. This was the same day a particular oil rig in the Gulf Of Mexico blew up. This made for the most foreboding Beltane since Mordred was born. That seems to be the gist of the theme: a disturbing, unbounded, ill-defined sense of loss, featuring layer upon layer of deception with no sane motivation. There is interminable uncertainty with no closure or resolution. It’s like waiting for Godot to sing ‘Hier sitz ich zur Wacht‘ and wondering whether that is dry ice or smoke appearing from behind the curtain.
Which brings us to tomorrow. Having absorbed an eclipse cycle during June and July, we are still getting our bearings on the other side of a wormhole. We’re in the midst of a tight, new rendition of the cardinal T-square that we must learn to experience physically in order to sustain awareness. It is concurrent to the hour with the Leo Sun opposing retrograde Neptune in Aquarius, and concurrent to the arc minute with the hard-earned yet compromised conjunction of Venus and Mars in Libra. Once again, just days before the Sun makes ingress to the sign where Mercury retrograde is taking place in a mutable earth sign — Virgo, ruled by Mercury itself.
What are we to think? One may propose that first and foremost we must think. It is the reason your servant has proposed that we now be in the process of knowing and tracking the cardinal T-square in the auspices of our intuitive, emotional, physical body. Appropriate because, like any physical discipline or occupation it frees our mind to think. Mercury regressing in a sign of paradox and promise will require every bit of awareness, focus and reason we can muster.
The potential is that we can experience what recent colloquial terminology has called change on a cellular level. That’s another way of saying accelerated evolution in this life, now. Necessity is in the process of becoming a real mother. The current synchronicity of the planets is extraordinary and is asking for us to respond in kind, by re-inventing ourselves consciously and intentionally. We can no longer afford to leave the important business of evolution to natural selection lest we be selected out.
If you don’t believe that, consider this. Uranus, the planet historically associated with change that is as unpredictable as it is monumental, has retrograded back to Pisces, the twelfth solar house, and a mutable water sign. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, which is currently retrograde in Aries, part of the new rendition of the cardinal T-square yet still functionally conjunct Uranus. No sooner does this happen than Pakistan, already the most unstable nuclear power in the world, finds itself literally under water and figuratively hung out to dry by the rest of the world. How would you feel if you lived there? Pissed off maybe? Betrayed? Abandoned? Desperate?
And all the while the lunar nodes are rolling back like the hands of a retrograde clock. Back towards Gemini and Sagittarius, the nuclear axis. We have our work cut out for us, folks.
Offered In Service
I had a similiar experience although not so profoundly “on time” – but one which is flavored the same as yours- that is,
Trickster created what could have been an uncomfortable situation, but rather than that, a lovely experience of human interaction and kindness came about. And in the end, everything came out “equal” – but without the Trick, the experience would have lacked the important elements. Now, it is a small thing that will be remembered for a long long time.
Thnks for sharing your story ;x
Well, well. Here on the almost Costa Brava at PRECISELY 9:59pm Friday (I checked!) – which is 3:59pm EDT – we got hit with a big fat blackout. At least 2 towns affected that I know of, sparks flying on the train tracks, thousands of folks out enjoying a hot August night, precisely the hour when people here head out for dinner, so needless to say a really bad night for business. Total calm through the whole affair, though, and just a well, because there wasn’t a cop in sight. We turned everything off, let the handful of folks on my terrace linger to enjoy the night sky (the Moon was in full view above the palm trees) and what they could see of their supper and was grateful that everyone had cash and that I could make exact change (cash register locked shut by the blackout). By 11:45 I was out the door and done for the night, which would normally have gone on till 1:30am. The minute I rounded the corner, on went the power again! Trickster, indeed.
Thank you, yeti. Thank you too, Len, you gorgeous beast.
I love it when I am able to comprehend what you all are talking about here — when I am in the right place and it clicks for me.
Just read thru the comments folks and I don’t know why no one else mentioned the scary factor about the nodes slipping back into the “Nuclear Axis”….this gave me the chills and I ask the Universe that it does not need to come to Pakistan utilizing their nuclear option for the “Tipping Point”
Let’s all visualize help flowing their way and resources pouring into Pakistan instead of water. Send compassion to the people, our brothers and sisters who are suffering the worst kind of struggle- The fight for survival.
NOTE::::MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN: Me and my sweet lil doggie survived a vicious Pit Bull attack on a beautiful beach in Maui today…..(unscathed!… except a scratch or two). Believe it or not, this SAME Pit Bull attacked my dog 3 weeks ago at a place called the “Sacred Garden” Labyrinth and Nursery (the irony, I know-and believe me, it’s a beautiful slice of Maui heaven)…..that time my dog escaped physical damage too! No scratches, just a shooken up Pup and her Ma. I sobbed on the ground after it happened…..because I could not believe I could be so blessed. Angels have saved my ass from many a brush with death-and I thank them tonight.
mahalo planetwavers,
Wandering Yeti — absolutely true for me too. Perhaps this way of living (the step away and breathe method) is why the retros never seem to matter. Or better – never matter more than any other reason to take pause, consider, breathe.
Your comments are very welcome and constitute some profound observations on their own. You segue very well with Eric’s theory that fraud is only people asking and wanting to be lied to and somebody making bank on obliging them. Your detachment kata protocol is well taken. Yay, yeti!
Keen observations Len. Trickster abounds. I think part of its structure is a personification of a human’s ability to believe absolutely anything no matter what. All these wrinkles in our heads expand the surface area of the head brain so we can create vivid hallucinations spiraling out and beyond the data of sense perception. I’ve found during many previous Mercury retros that a reliable way to evaporate the trickster response is to release attachment to a particular thing when it appears not to work such as the internet connection crashing. Step away from the machine and take it as a sign from whatever is meaningful to you that it’s time to do something else. I’ve found repeatedly that when I do this I come back later and the thing works as though nothing happened. Heaps of unnecessary suffering arise, on the other hand, when I persist in the thing that’s not working. It’s all about flowing with the changes, which is also staying firmly rooted. Mmmmmm…internal martial arts have such wonderful side effects.
You made exactly the right choice intuitively, even without having the grasp of the German. Good job!!
Thank you! To me it was just a song title – it was the experience that stuck with me to share. Never know how far to go in explaining things. From now on, no more fancy foreign words. Never knew German, should not have used it. Must say though, if you get a chance to see the opera you should. Made a real impression.
Or literally “Here sit I to watch.”
“Hier sitz ich zur Wacht” means “Here I sit to watch.”
Forgot to say thank you for your help as first editor of this piece. Thank you! Thanks to Eric as well.
It’s the title of an aria. It’s by Wagner. It is sung during the immolation scene in Gottadamerung (i think that’s spelled wrong) which comcludes the tragic story told over three operas with no resolving chord until the very last. i’ve seen the scene at the Seattle Opera some time back – very impressive production – the fire looked real. However, i don’t know an accurate English translation. i got the meaning from the context of the performance. i got the title from an old program that i saved because of a cute singer’s autograph.
Been meaning to ask you, what is the English translation for “Hier sitz ich zur Wacht”?
Thank you for your kind words. Don’t worry. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto move slowly. Unless we have a nuclear winter you will get the chance to dance with the planets soon. Never been to New Jersey myself, so not familiar with the weather patterns.
Len – thank you as ever for your pellucid prose. It was pouring with rain in New Jersey on Monday, then clouded over Tuesday and last night, so I couldn’t do the body alignment you recommended (or rather could have but wasn’t sure which way to point?) … it looks as though Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will still be more or less in position tonight when it should be crystal clear at last? My body was literally buzzing like a tuning fork Monday and Tuesday, so much so I couldn’t even sleep, and it’s my birthday tomorrow, so all of this action is playing out very viscerally. and I love the idea of tuning into the energies of these powerful planets without all the words and concepts in the way. Yours in deep gratitude. M