Two for T

By Len Wallick

Last week we gained a purchase on the current astrology by drawing a picture for ourselves. This week we will start off by drawing two of them.

Welcome back from the re-boot weekend. What some astrologers have unfortunately referred to as the “climax” of the cardinal T-square. Let us take a moment and get some perspective of our own. Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Draw a cross inside the circle just like last week. Remember that the four parts of the circle are the seasons. Remember that the lines of the cross are where each season begins. Finally, remember that motion on the circle is counter-clockwise unless it is retrograde motion.

Start with the top part of the cross and write “Uranus” and “Jupiter”. On the bottom part of the cross, write “Saturn”. On the right side of the cross write “Pluto”. Look at it. That was before. There were four. Uranus and Jupiter in the first degrees of Aries. Saturn in the first degree of Libra. Pluto in the first degrees of Capricorn. Arranged in the shape of the letter “T”.

Right now the Leo Sun is below the left side of the cross. About a third of the way towards the bottom. Don’t bother to write that down, just visualize it. Remember that it takes a year for the Sun to go around the circle. Now, go back to the bottom of the cross and write “Mars” right next to “Saturn”. Then there were five. That’s the “after” that started late last Thursday. Now, keep in mind that the apparent motion of Mars is much faster than the other four. In a few days, the red planet will have moved on and we will be back to the “before” T-square with four planets on three of the cardinal points. Looks more like a restart than a shutdown from this perch.

Climax, schlimax. Of course, if you are reading this, any climax you experienced over the weekend did not shut you down, did it? You are still kicking and so is the cardinal T-square. So, what is Mars doing? Keep in mind that the vibe of the cardinal T-square is, “all of us together, all at the same time.” Mars is part of that for a week or so. Also keep in mind that there has been another theme developing in the astrology; a theme having to do with relationships.

Starting with the big relationship “all of us together, all at the same time” there has been a direction, a flow in the development of that theme. It is moving from the general towards the specific. It is moving from the long term towards the now. Think about it. Look at your picture while you do. The first player was Pluto moving into, out of, and back into Capricorn back in 2008. Going up over the line on the right, back down a smidgen, back up again, never very far away from the line. Pluto takes about 248 years to go around the circle.

The next participant was Uranus, with an orbital period of about 84 years, in the late degrees of Pisces, approaching Aries, at the line that forms top part of the cross.

Next comes Saturn with an orbital period of about 29 years. In November of 2008, it was in late Virgo, approaching Libra, the line that the bottom part of the cross, finding itself directly across the big circle from Uranus for the first of five times. An opposition is what that is called, 180 degrees apart. About a year later, Saturn crossed that line at the bottom of the circle for the first time and was exactly 90 degrees apart from Pluto in Capricorn for the first of three times. That’s a square aspect.

For a while, the three of them danced with each other, trading oppositions and squares, never straying very far from their respective lines on the cross. Then earlier this year, Jupiter joined them, up there on the top part of the circle. It opposed Saturn (which had retrograded back into Virgo just a bit) before leaving Pisces for the first time. Then it moved to Aries to share the same degree of the circle with Uranus. That’s a conjunction. Then it squared Pluto. Now it’s in retrograde and starting over with another square to Pluto which is exact today. Jupiter has an orbital period of about 12 years.

Finally, last Thursday, Mars crossed the line at the bottom of the cross, at the bottom of the circle, moving into Libra to form a conjunction with Saturn. Mars takes 687 Earth days to go around the Sun; just short of two years.

So set aside your picture of the cross in the circle and let’s make another picture on another piece of paper. Draw a nice big circle and let that be a representation of the time Pluto takes to go around the Sun. Now, inside of that big circle, draw one about half the size, but don’t draw it in the middle. Draw it so that the two circles touch, right down at the bottom. Let that smaller circle represent time as well. The amount of time it takes Uranus to complete its orbit.

Inside the Uranus circle, draw a third one, again about half the size, touching the other two at the bottom. Let that be the time for Saturn’s orbit. Then, inside that, a fourth one, half the size, touching the other three at the bottom, representing Jupiter’s elapsed time. Finally, inside the Jupiter circle, draw one more, touching the other four at the bottom, for Mars. Five concentric circles all touching at one point. One point in time. This point in time. Today.

Now, with one hand, hold the piece of paper with the circle and the cross. Look at the names of the planets you have written at the top and on the bottom and on the right of the cross. Say to yourself, “all of us together.”

Visualize the Sun moving counter-clockwise around the circle, now beneath the left hand part of the cross, about a third of the way towards the bottom. Think about your relationship to the seasons. Think about how the cross divides the circle into seasons. Think about how each one of us has such a relationship, separately, each in our own way; yet also together, very much in common with where the Sun is.

With the other hand hold the other piece of paper, the one with the five circles; one inside the other. All five coming together at one point. Look at the point where they all come together. That is now. Say to yourself, “all at the same time.” Think about what has been happening in your life. Think about the lives of people you know. Think about what is going on in your nation and in the world.

Go back and forth between the two pieces of paper a few more times. Look at the picture you drew. Say the words. Think about your life. Think about other people. When you have finished, put the paper away. Direct your attention to what is going on around you. Then feel what is going on inside you.

Now, isn’t that better than having someone tell you how to think? What a wonderful way to begin the week, to start a month. Drawing your own pictures. Thinking for yourself. Keep your pictures handy; tomorrow we start talking about some of the other planets.

Offered In Service

10 thoughts on “Two for T”

  1. jinspace,

    I’m rooting for you kiddo; amazing, the number of obstacles a little seed of creative life has to go through just to get “rooted”. Like the poor old salmon, swimming upstream to do her thing, somehow you will be graced with the ability to get where you have set your sites; keeping your eyes on the prize.

  2. The phrase that comes to mind for this cardinal T-square is “structured havoc”. In my case (and in the world’s, I suppose) it’s playing out in all matters of business/finance/contracts and the relationships that lead to and through those matters… buried messes slowly, finally bubbling to the surface (the LaBrea tar pits come to mind) to be dealt with, at last. Getting my many, many ducks back in a row, taking a lot of hits for things done to me while I wasn’t paying attention. Ouch.

    So now, lots of re-thinking, restructuring, renegotiation, loss and renewal all at once. Beginning to see a David vs. Goliath structure here – little me vs. behemoth organizations (governments, banks, guilds – all of whom want money I have simply never had and have yet to earn); vs. new and old competitors who actively try to sabotage my absurdly tiny business on a daily basis (this is the most tedious of all); vs. an endless stream of swindlers ranging from car dealerships (goodbye, car) to landlords to ‘professionals’ of dubious ability and sleazy practices… the list is staggeringly long. But beginning to shrink, rather than continue growing.

    The lesson? #1 – Never take my eye off the ball ever again! #2 – It’s all manageable, none of it’s going to kill me (although the thought of having to work until I’m 80 sure puts a damper on things). This David doesn’t need to slay any giants, but it’ll sure be nice to chase them all from my backyard.

    Restarting, yes, definitely. Thanks Len & be, for the maps and timelines (be – amazing! You hit on everything I know I’m headed for this month).

  3. emily,
    That is beautiful and probably truthful. Your comment achieved beauty and truth in just a few words. Thank you. Are you accepting students?

  4. aword . . thanks for getting us fixed; afraid yours is the only mind working right today. (“comment platform” doesn’t get the desired attention; dare say you don’t want to be alone with me on a life raft!) Amanda. . .thanks for getting us back on track. A little paranoia goes a long way (thought it might just be me!) but I’ve had those kinda days that you are having. I’m suspicious that Jupiter square Pluto, 1st on 7/24 and now again tomorrow AM. Good grief, what the heck is that all about?!

    Anyway, Len? (PW, if too much, please delete the original entry under the Oracle)

    Again, you have stimulated my imagination regarding the extraordinary and awe-inspiring phenomenon, the Cardinal C. . . t-square of Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, and presently, Mars. (aword. . JUMPS is good!) I was wondering what the “ancients” (societies, astrologers, etc.) would have made of this particular astrological configuration.

    They would not have included the Capricorn section because they wouldn’t know of Pluto yet, but still the Capricorn principle of “structure” would be present through Saturn in Libra. Perhaps too, they would have sensed the “elimination and regeneration” principle of Pluto through the conjunction of Mars to Saturn.

    They wouldn’t be aware of Uranus either, but this symbol of “expanding parameters explosively” might be attributed to Jupiter. Anyway, what WOULD they see? Only the opposition between Aries “the newborn” (entities, countries, companies, ideas, individuals) vs. Libra “the partnership” (marriage, relationships, open enemies). I think the timing would have been important to their interpretations of this aspect.

    7/31 – night of 7/30: Mars conjunct Saturn (9 Libra) – new partnership structure energized.

    8/3: Mars opposed Jupiter (3 Libra, Aries) fortunate expanding of new entity vs. energized new partnership structure.

    8/8 – night of 8/7: Venus conjunct Saturn (1 Libra) – increasing attractiveness of new partnership structure.

    8/9: Venus opposed Jupiter (2 Libra, Aries) – attractive partnership structure recently energized vs. expanded fortunate entity. This happens the same day as the New Moon at 17 Leo, the dark of the moon – seeding of conscious and creative expression.

    8/16: The 2nd Jupiter opposed Saturn (2 Aries, Libra) with the Moon in Scorpio square the Sun in Leo – entity expansion contained by/balanced with partnership structure. Merging of resources conflicts with conscious creativity.

    8/20: Venus conjunct Mars (12 Libra) and Capricorn Moon square both – attraction to and aggression of partnership combined (seeding), but modified by containment of feeling. This happens the same day as Mercury (19 Virgo) goes retrograde – time out to re-examine practical details.

    This was fun to imagine and yet the message of relationship is still potent enough to warrent speculation by the old timers. Even in these times, it is possible for more than one level of consciousness to have life-changing experiences.

    As to the objectionable word “climax”; perhaps the ancients saw all this merging of energies, partnerships and seedings as a form of copulation, and rather than use the word orgasm, . . . . . . . . . !

  5. I am very happy with this new direction you are taking us, drawing pictures REALLY helps…….its just a small scratch of clarity for me but it’s a start.

    Thank you thank you.

  6. Thanks for the fix, Amanda!

    Thanks for another amazing article, Len!!

    It fascinated me that my writing this morning prior to reading you was so in tune with your article – although this kind of surprise is becoming less of a “surprise” and becoming more of a conscious-aware-level of that Synconicity thing. AND, Len, you ALWAYS give me basis for broader understanding of what intuitions may come.

    As for me, I only had one irreverant comment to make after having had a wonderful child-like time drawing the circles and x’s and marking the spots and diagramming the orbits etc……which is that Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars make J.U.M.P.S.

    I think I can imagine how “JUMPS” fits the bill – at least in my little orb of the planet.


  7. hey all —
    my apologies if you were hoping to comment on this post earlier and were unable to. i think i may have accidentally disabled that function (along with causing some other havoc) while just trying to fix a simple typo. still not sure how it happened in the first place, but sometimes when you add together a funky internet connection, a laptop track pad and me, the inexplicable occurs.

    hopefully you have come back to this post and remember what you were going to say!

    len — i love the diagramming directions! hopefully once i finish my list of tasks for today i’ll get to give it a try (i may even get ambitious and try a version with some of my natal planets completing a grand cross).

    nice work.

  8. This was amazing! Thank you. I can your description of the cross and circles clearly in my mind but I’m going to draw them anyway and see where that goes.

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