New edition of Astrology News is published

If you are on our Sample List, please check your inbox for the full edition of today’s Planet Waves Astrology News. Based on current server traffic, you should have this by 1 pm ET. Today’s edition includes the weekly horoscope, as well as new writing by Judith Gayle and Carol van Strum. We are now offering recurring monthly subscriptions and this weekend only are running a special offer for new or returning subscribers, offering six months for the price of three.

10 thoughts on “New edition of Astrology News is published”

  1. Six months for three?! How did I miss this?!

    This is something that completely appeals to my practical side and feels within reach insofar as my budget; my reason for waiting just took a back burner. Thank you for making this incredible offer. And I noticed there’s a monthly option too now. Very cool.

    Way to go. So glad I was looking for something else and found this along the way.

    Patricia MoonRose

  2. Have you been spying on me, Eric? 🙂 That “relationship I’ve been obsessing about” (Libra) was definitely a review of the past. Over and done with now. You are spot-on.

  3. Dear Eric,

    Thank you for your article.

    My plans for the gallery are moving forward. I would like to show
    some of your work. I would also like to curate an exhibition on the
    environment and one on animals. Ted Andrews was going to give a
    benefit workshop for my artist-in-residency program/animal sanctuary.
    He was a great man. I just reordered “Animal Speak” last week because
    I had loaned my copy to a friend and it was never returned. I did not
    know he had passed.

    For a time I dated one of the Archigram Architects. Inthe 1960’s
    Archigram had their own magazine. British, they are considered
    by many to be the Beatles of Architecture, they were/are so
    influential. In the 1960’s, Michael designed a car that could be
    plugged into your house. Long before the electric car.

    Talk soon.

    Mia and the Animals

  4. Greetings to all – Over 20 years ago, the State of Texas offered a natural remeditation technology using microbes that turn crude from oil spills literally into a safe and benign fish food. Hard to believe? Then check out this YouTube video clip produced by the State of Texas General Land Office demonstrating the benefits of microbial remediation technologies:

    This microbial technology was developed by Dr. Carl Oppenheimer, the founder of Oppenheimer BioTechnology, Inc, <> , based in Austin. This company has a proven track record in the Mega Borg oil spill disaster off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and in marshland bioremediation in the same region which took only 6 weeks to restore. “OBIOTech” has had numerous success stories throughout the nation and around the world – and has been listed on the EPA’s National Contingency Product Plan Schedule since 1991.
    If this form of natural remediation technologies makes sense to you, then pass this message forward and let friends view for themselves this video produced and endorsed by the State of Texas. Man-made solutions are only making a bad situation worse in the Gulf of Mexico. It is time to end our sense of helplessness and promote solutions that make eco-logical sense. Rather than attacking the symptoms with suppressive technologies, these are solutions that address the root cause of the problem and align with the healing and cleansing forces of nature. We all have an opportunity to become a part of the solution – solutions that honor the beauty and grander of nature, which has so richly given to us. 
    Blessings to the Earth and blessings to each of its beautiful creations – James

  5. Hello Eric,

    Your last two articles on the Gulf have voiced exactly what I am thinking.  Hearing it said out loud has reduced me to a sobbing mess more than once.  I am putting links on my blog to your posts, hoping my friends will care more.

    I really appreciate you telling the truth on the many levels you do.  You are the first person that I have read or heard, say what I am thinking – we truly do not realize the global consequences of this fiasco.  What it represents is mind boggling.  I am flabbergasted more people don’t care more and that the government doesn’t realize this should be treated with the urgency of a massive swine flu outbreak.

    I wonder if you see something that we can do… whether it’s physical, emotional or energetic, because the helplessness I feel about this situation must be mirrored around the country.  I’m amazed at how everyone is looking so closely at the situation that they are not seeing the bigger picture of where this could lead in the future.  Who knows how far the poison of the oil will spread around the world?  I could go on but I might sound like a paranoid nut, but believe me, my mind is going there.  

    Will we as a country feel as hopeless as we do about the financial system?  Will we say “This is the way things are and if Obama can’t do anything to make it better, how can we?”  Are we going to just let this go on?  If only there was some way to fight back, push back against the consciousness that has created this.

    Thank you for your clear headed commentary, I’ll look forward to more even if it gives me a crying binge every time.


    Tracey H

  6. Hello,

    I think that if the people of America would stop buying from all BP owned company’s it would make the impact that would be necessary to create action needed. Does such a list exist and where would we find it??


    Love and Living Light
    Rose Marie

  7. BP’s contingency plan for dealing with possible oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico was so carefully thought-out that in the event of a disaster it included provision to protect “sea lions, seals, sea otters and walruses” – even though walruses are sub-Arctic animals which aren’t actually found in the Gulf area.

    The “BP Regional Oil Spill Response Plan – Gulf of Mexico”, dated 30 June 2009 and written to meet federal regulations, was unearthed by the US green group, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. The plan also mistakenly lists a Japanese home shopping website as one of its “primary equipment providers for BP in the Gulf of Mexico Region [for] rapid deployment of spill response resources on a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week basis”.

  8. Allow me if you will, to say that I have received your news and forecasts etc. for a couple years or so, not remembering why or how. I have gleaned and dismissed, have looked and latched on, have wondered and left, have pondered and cried. I want you to know, I am intentionally putting out to the universe for the means to subscribe, as I am losing all at present and haven’t a dime to spare. But realize how informative and helpful this service is. Thank you for continuing to send although I had no money to contribute. I do so now with all my heart want to contribute, so it is out there, sent, proclaimed and is so! Let us rejoice in the knowing and I will take much delight in the day When I can actually send the donation.

    Again, Thanks so much!!!

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