FBI agents last night arrested a terrorist suspect in connection with Saturday’s attempted bombing of Times Square. This was an extraordinarily fast investigation. Politico has provided a description of the investigation (which I will post as the first comment) and lists the time of the arrest as 11:45 pm at Kennedy Airport, so let’s go with that.
Note that this will be an initial, cursory reading of the chart — the angels and the devils are all in the details, and those can take some time to come out, though certain things leap off the page.
In looking at a news chart or a horary chart, there are two things to check first: one is the last aspect the Moon has made, and the next one it will make; the second is the ascendant. Those give the initial clues; they set the tone of the chart and give some indication of the sequence of events. Based on some very old rules, you use the chart to make up a story; a narrative. The story is not ‘true’ — it’s like a sketch or a diagram.
One thing to note straight away is that Mercury is still retrograde, so everything that has happened is preliminary. That would count for the investigation, the arrest, and my interpretation — though I’m using that as part of the story. Mercury stations direct overnight [next] Tuesday to Wednesday, so we have plenty of room for new stuff to develop — and it’s clearly there, behind the scenes.
While most astrologers out of habit will glance at the ascendant of any chart first (that’s the dark, horizontal line on the left side of the chart) and see what is rising, which you can think of as arising (which is Capricorn, and several planets/points: plenty), let’s take a look at the Moon. That would also be in Capricorn.
The Moon’s most recent aspects were a trine to the Sun and a conjunction to the North Node. (Note, following the old rules of horary, I am not counting quincunxes [150-degree aspects] or semi-sextiles [60-degree aspects] in the first round.) The Moon’s current, exact aspect is a square to Eris. The Moon’s next aspect is a sextile to Jupiter. All of this looks good enough: the Moon on its own ascending node is natural enough; Moon to Sun aspects are almost always helpful. This Moon looks like the G Men doing their job, working overtime, drinking coffee, getting lucky.
Eris is a new factor. She is the dwarf planet (discovered from 2003 to 2005) that created the class of dwarf planets; the first three were Eris, Pluto and Ceres. I don’t have a definitive Eris interpretation for horary, but what’s interesting is that she shows up at all — as the operative energy; as THE very thing that is happening. That’s a really nice, exact square. She is a subversive factor in mythology: she moves by clever, stealthy action; she is psychological, and does not operate by force. By the official accounts, the FBI and other law enforcement agents used a lot of technology to solve this crime. (There is a big hole in the story, however, covered in the comments area.)
Cap is rising and therefore the sign Cancer is on the 7th house. The 7th is the house that deals with the theme of ‘open enemies’ and in our chart, the Moon rules this house. So the Moon in Capricorn represents the ‘open enemy’ as well as the G Men — the open enemy we’re hearing about: the lone suspect. In horary, the secret enemy is represented by the 12th house — in this chart, by Jupiter (ruler of the 12th house) and the Moon makes its next aspect to Jupiter. It’s not there yet. That aspect represents something that’s about to happen.

Now for the Capricorn ascendant: Ceres and Pluto are rising. These show up prominently in the chart for the BP oil platform disaster as well (notably, as a money factor). So we have a lot of dwarf planet activity in this chart — new factors, new concepts, new classifications — not old ones. The presence of Capricorn and so many planets in Capricorn tells us this has a lot to do with government interests, rather than public interests.
Now, with all this Capricorn, what is Saturn doing? Saturn should tell us a lot about the issue we’re facing here. Well, it’s not doing so much. It’s just floating there like a balloon — waiting for a trine from the Moon and an opposition from Jupiter. True, it’s in the 9th house — the house of all things ‘foreign’, such as dudes in turbans, priests and the less-interesting college professors you had. But a 9th house Saturn retrograde in Virgo is not exactly James Bond.
The chart hints that there’s another similar event coming, created by the same people who created this one. But of its own, Saturn is not making new aspects; it’s just there, lurking, waiting. I think I saw it yawn.
Based on this setup, I would rate the story we’re being told at approximately 50% true. Either 1) the whole thing is a setup (based on the double significator, Moon = known terrorist, and Moon = investigators) or 2) there is something much larger going on — represented by the presence of a secret enemy (Jupiter in Pisces) whom the investigators have not yet reached, or revealed, but which is in itself active, and about to take an aspect from the Moon, and to make an aspect (Jupiter opposite Saturn).
And – the Moon’s last aspect before leaving Capricorn is a sextile to Uranus. Look for the surprise ending.
Comments welcome. Additional details as I figure them out…
I remember back about a year ago, an investigative reporter from CNN who had an odd first name of either Iwa or Awa, reported about the conditions in one section of Iraq. Iraq is divided up into three sects, Soonies, Sheites and Kurds. Well she showed how the Kurds ( everyone always reports on just Soonies or Sheites never Kurds) and how their section of Iraq everyone had a job, money was flowing with infrastructure, housing, everything was being built new, bright shinny. She even made the comment how unlike the rest of Iraq was not able to perform like this section was and everyone there was at peace with each other. I mean in her piece everything was new, well spent invested monies all of the citizens were enjoying their new found wealth. Remember Sadam Hussain did not like the Kurds, they were punished most of the time. Now somebody really loves them, they would have to have some kind of “high elaborate business industry” as their leader. You never hear about the Kurds nor are they shown ever, and some industry would have to be calling the shots, as Iraqis have proven time and time again they can not govern themselves. She also stated that this LUSH new environment or new lifestyle of the Kurds was from the newly developed oil wells. We never hear from the Kurds or see anything about their new found wealth to all. But she did this piece about it, now I have tried to locate this piece or her, because again this “hidden” oil and a large corporation has to be there? Could it be Hallburton again?
Here is your answer Eric
re the phone tracking – just out on the nytimes
John Francis
Have we all seen WAG THE DOG – the modern day Dr Strangelove. Twenty minutes in, it was my new favorite film.
One last thing, wasn’t the quail shooting just about the same time as the “Scooter Libby Case”? Where he was an aide again to a Vice President, and he just happened to tell the story of a secret CIA employee whose name was Valerie Pfaume. She covertly found no evidence of WMD of us bombing Iraq but again Oil was the best factor to get us involved in that war.
My gut is speaking here, how can you possibly have 13 one hundred dollar bills to purchase an SUV and a plane ticket to Pakistan bought in cash but your house is in foreclosure. You would pay your house first with that kind of money. Secondly in order for 13 one hundred dollar bills you would need a transaction from a bank in Oder to do that. Or a nice friendly person giving you the money in order for you to preform the task for them. And if someone was paying his way to do this, 100 dollar bills is the surest way not to raise a flag ( as it is the lowest paper amount so as not to carry a lot of bulk, and nobody questions this transaction.). Now Eric you just brought up something that spoke to me. Have a terrorist attack to cover up the oil spill. Didn’t we have a terrorists attack on 9/11 but the pentagon also was bombed. Wasn’t that a diversion also, as the Pentagon pictures that you posted sure looked to me as if it was blown up from the inside outwards. Now we also have had a Vice President who was responsible for shooting a man while quail hunting. Was that a diversion also? Now the name of the Vice President has come up 3 times in a diversion. Once Pentagon, second quail hunting, third Hallburton Oil Spill. Now my gut is really talking.
..I’m gonna limb it, and see if I don’t get whacked. You guys can crush me right now, so, thanks… This stuff is easy. I could be a piece of shit in my spare time, if I felt like it. But, I try to be a decent person. Holy shit! What the Fuck is that!!
..the ax fell, and I’m still alive..
..Yeah,.. we’ve got some conversation that we need to speak of, regarding,.. some .’tards..
Jere, in askew meditation..
Love, (it’s always forward).
” The naturalized U.S. citizen was also implicated by a set of keys left inside the lethal SUV Pathfinder parked on W. 45th St., the complaint said.”
And later, more people involved, maybe…
“A source told the Daily News at least three other people were involved in buying the bomb materials found in the SUV Pathfinder. Shahzad, of Bridgeport, Conn., was one of several passengers removed from the plane.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/05/04/2010-05-04_faisal_shahzad_confesses_to_times_square_terror_plot_spent_5_months_training_in_.html?page=1#ixzz0n0Cmg3LW
Umm gee whiz.
It’s easier to destroy than to create. Give me a match and I can burn down…whatever. A tube of glue, and I can lock a whole building out of its apartments in half an hour.
So it’s not the difficulty of destructiveness that prevents it — it’s something else.
A bit more. Also, she has a facebook page where she posted about the sale:
Here a tad more:
MANHATTAN — All it took was a $1,300 car from a 19-year-old college student, stolen plates from a junkyard and a trip to any hardware store to create a weapon of terrorism that police believe could have wreaked mass casualties in Times Square.
Faisal Shahzad, a 30-year-old Connecticut father, assembled the necessary parts for his mobile terror station with chilling ease, according to initial details released by investigators.
The alleged terrorist bought the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder, later found on West 45th Street packed with explosives, from a Craigslist ad, authorities said.
The seller was 19-year-old college student Peggy Colas, of Bridgeport, Conn., who handed over the car keys at a Connecticut mall in exchange for $1,300 in cash.
Accused Times Square Car Bomber Could Have Assembled Parts With Chilling EaseThis makeshift timer was found in the Pathfinder. (NYPD via Getty Images)
The receipt-free transaction would have been perfect for trying to thwart investigators, except for the fact that Shahzad did not file off VIN numbers on the engine and left a treasure trove of evidence, according to law enforcement.
Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/20100504/manhattan/how-assemble-car-bomb-take-1300-answer-craigslist-ad-visit-hardware-store#ixzz0n07g8YdJ
This from the NYTimes:
Yes, it was a pre-paid cell. Same number got 4 calls from Pakistan in the hours before the car purchase.
Got the VIN number from the car’s engine block.
“Investigators were then able to track down the registered owner, who had passed the vehicle on to another person, who in turn had sold it to Mr. Shahzad.
Mr. Shahzad seemed more interested in the vehicle’s cargo compartment and seating area than its engine, even though the seller warned him that it had mechanical problems, according to the complaint, which said he never lifted the hood to look at the engine.
“And he did not take the car for a test drive the first time he examined it, although he did so the second time, on April 24, before he bought it for the agreed on price of $1,300, paid in 13 $100 bills in a Bridgeport supermarket parking lot.
“At that point, according to the complaint, when the seller sought to complete a bill of sale, Mr. Shahzad told the seller there was no need, explaining that he had his own license plate, which he displayed to the seller, who then gave him the keys and he drove the car away. A few days after the sale, Mr. Shahzad called the seller and asked when the oil had last been changed.” (THAT HAS TO BE THE MOST BIZARRE DETAIL SO FAR.)
“Mr. Shahzad bought the Pathfinder from a Connecticut woman within the last three weeks for $1,300, officials said, and it was that transaction that eventually led to his arrest on the airport tarmac.
“The authorities found Mr. Shahzad using the e-mail address he had given the seller, a young woman. The two had met in a parking lot in Connecticut, and Mr. Shahzad gave the Pathfinder a test drive before negotiating the price down to $1,300 from $1,800. The owner told officials she’s advertised the S.U.V. on several websites, and that the sale was handled without any paper work. ”
Whole story is here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/05/nyregion/05bomb.html?pagewanted=2
As for the arrested guy in this story; methinks we are being distracted from the “man behind the curtain” again. Two things: follow the money and ask yourself: who does it serve to have a Pakistani be responsible for an “attempted” bombing of a very public American place? Aren’t we having some issues with Pakistan right now? As Xeni Jardin put it,
“It’s another sign that America’s once-small, once-secret war in Pakistan is growing bigger, more conventional, and busting out into the open. The U.S. Air Force now conducts flights over Pakistani soil. U.S. security contractors operate in the country. U.S. strikes are growing larger, more frequent, and more deadly; the latest attack reportedly involved 17 missiles and killed as many as 29 people. U.S. forces are dying in Pakistan.” http://boingboing.net/2010/02/03/3-us-soldiers-killed.html
Finding a Pakistani “terrorist” on American soil who tried to blow up Americans seems perfect for an excuse to step up things in Pakistan. It is just “too” convenient.
Speaking of oil spill turns out Halliburton (Dick Cheney’s old company) is involved; seems they knew that pouring cement for deep cold water platforms could result in trapped gas blowing out but went ahead anyway. Interesting that already Dick Cheney’s name is linked here.
firedoglake has the actual power point Halliburton made that warned of a gas blowout:
More news linking Cheney and Halliburton:
Terror plots make a nice distraction from environmental disasters.
yes, gut says, seller is still a key and vin number was already missing at purchase – or after seizure.
oh – and has the collective “we” forgotten about the oil spill yet? as hoped by something still lurking in the mist? (and i don’t mean here at PW)
About 10 years ago, my father-in-law was in a very bad accident. The investigative insurance rep completely “totaled” out this truck. Six months later state trooper from New York State called to ask about the owner and the truck via the telephone. I told him how it was destroyed in an accident and that it was “totaled” according to the insurance company. We were instructed to get copies from the insurance company of the accident and it being totaled out. Evidently the truck was stripped after it was totaled out and any good part was then sold out as used. Once we got the paperwork together and produced it for the state trooper. He then had stated that the engine vin number was used in an armed robbery in New York. This was before cell phones and within 24 hours, he had the telephone number of my father-in-laws truck being reported by the police to his family of the accident. He had the exact time and date we reported it to the insurance company, and he had the date and the agents name and telephone number of him coming out to see the wrecked vehicle. This was 10 years ago and they were able to do all of that back then in 24 hours. They even had listed how many telephone conversations that my father-in-law and his agent had together.
..Edit rocks,.. why not! Yeah, tried to hold my tongue,..
I saw a couple days ago that fool, (I apologize, Person,) Ahmidenijad (?) (hope I didn’t really screw that up with my Americaness.) (Although I’m pretty sure I did!? Laughter.), I saw that dude making a wreck of shit, just because he’s an asshole (that’s my opinion). Dude’s bad news, needs to be.. How did Roger Waters put it,.. Closed circuit T.V.?
Love, Peace, Flow, Beauty, and Intelligence.
Er, parking lot, or Craig’s List? Or maybe it was Craig’s Lot — an all-cash swap meet
“The law enforcement official who said Mr. Shahzad had implicated himself also revealed more details of his purchase of the Pathfinder, saying that the authorities had found Mr. Shahzad using the e-mail address he had given the seller. The official said that the two had met in a parking lot in Connecticut, that Mr. Shahzad had given the Pathfinder a test drive, and that he had then negotiated the price down to $1,300 from the $1,800 initially sought by the seller. ”
From The globe and mail – canada – home was in foreclosure!
The SELLER of that van is key, obviously…newshounds please pull quotes and links! I am doing this while writing horoscope 815.
Okay two more arrested — in Pakistan. Do either of them resemble retrograde Saturn in Virgo?
News Alert: Pakistan arrests two in connection with Times Square bomb
12:18 PM EDT Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Pakistani authorities have arrested two people in connection with the failed bombing in Times Square, according to an intelligence official who was not authorized to speak for the record. One of the suspects, Tausif Ahmed, allegedly traveled two months ago to the United States to meet with Faisal Shahzad, the American citizen who has been arrested by U.S. law enforcement.
For more information, visit washingtonpost.com:
jinspace — agreed. it’s all too tidy; like many stories we’ve heard in recent years.
“Now even these phones have GPS and can have their microphones easily monitored by law enforcement, even when off.”
Also, I’ve seen the previous owner referred to as being male and female. Take a look at the NY Times (i don’t have the link). Hmmm…
Aword – alas, every phone call made by every cellphone is logged. Handy when you want to dispute a bill, but really shitty in the age of Big Brother. But we’re forgetting email. The car was found online, and the computer(s) would be a snap to trace.
At any rate, the car was purchased two weeks ago and the plan backfired,all apparently due to poor planning and mechanical failures – thank you, Mercury retrograde 😉
They’ve just printed in the NYTimes that the guy is already saying he acted alone (investigation still ongoing). I’m ALWAYS suspicious when a suspect in something major is ‘identified’ so quickly. I remember my total disbelief when they miraculously ‘found’ the terrorists’ passports – intact, no less – in the rubble of the WTC. And now, they suddenly pick this guy up just as the plane has pulled away from the gate? Granted, they’re not exactly painting a portrait of a bright guy and he (or someone) left an SUV full of forensic evidence…
oh wait wait wait! I have another little hole…um, so the nice man at the door SAID he sold the SUV a few weeks ago via craigslist?
So, he has no record of the sale (unless he was smart enough to do his due diligence and fill in the transfer papers WITH the new owner – which would have identified the new owner sans “cell phone story”.)
But we believe HIM without further thought? why?
What else is wrong with this “story”?
My understanding is that the vehicle identification number (VIN) is now stamped onto every part of the vehicle; the FBI got it off of the engine in this case.
In theory removing the VIN was to slow down the investigation. It would prevent, for example, quick access to the PRIOR owner, who would be connected to the VIN.
Apologies for the slur on prepaid phones. I did not intend to insinuate that they are used for crime; only for those not in the credit system — and also those who don’t want to be tracked. Now even these phones have GPS and can have their microphones easily monitored by law enforcement, even when off.
I’ve used a pre-paid phone for years – can’t afford a “real” cell phone and one $12 “throw-away” device has served for half a dozen years and still going strong. So from that standpoint “for poor people” who can’t afford the overpriced alternative is true, but most of them are not criminals. High school kids and others who are “financially challenged” more like it.
And who says that this guy is the one who removed the vehicle PIN from the dashboard? There are more holes here than one.
Besides, if the car was purchased for cash and not re-registered, what would be the point of removing the PIN at all? Anyone could buy it. Anyone could drive it.
And the “database/s” is a total laugh. What database? Of people in America who use cell phones? hahahaha. Funny except to anyone wrongly incriminated by said “database/s”.
How often has that line been used thus far in US criminal investigations? Makes one fear the census guy at the door doesn’t it.
You can buy those pre-paid phones anywhere, including 7-11. What if from the phone number they were able to trace the phone back to where it was purchased and when. Most stores have videocameras now. Perhaps that’s how they were able to match the suspect with the video they have in Times Square. But that still doesn’t explain bow they got his name. Maybe he got on Craigslist from his own computer…
In the USA these phones are intended for poor people, who don’t have debit cards or even bank accounts. My friend Chris calls them Crack Phones, a pun on Trac Phones. They are cheap. It’s easy to use more than one — one to make the purchase, and then toss it, and another to call your buddies wherever, at Base Camp. But who knows, when you’re busy making a car bomb you might not think of that.
The investigation remains very much ongoing, and the dedicated agents, detectives, and prosecutors on this case will continue to follow every lead and use every tool to keep the people of New York City safe. We will not rest until every terrorist, whether homegrown or foreignbased, is neutralized and held to account,” said United States Attorney Preet Bharara, FBI Special AgentinCharge George Venizelos, and New York City Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly.
Eric – Oh, wait. I see what you’re saying. Over here you can’t buy a cellphone or even a prepaid chip without giving major forms of ID (so much for Spanish privacy laws). I’ve forgotten you don’t have to do that in the US. But you may be giving the guy too much credit. Whoever removed the serial number from the dashboard didn’t know that serial numbers are hidden all over the car.
Also, running the cell phone number ‘through a number of databases’ can reveal every call made with and received by that phone. Add those up and you’ve got not necessarily the guy who planted the bomb, but at least the person who bought the car. Or arranged to buy the car. Or, or, or — you’re right – time will tell.
Of course — that’s how they got the phone number. That part is easy. The news says he tossed the phone. It was a crack phone – disposable; not a contract phone. So he had the phone for some length of time between buying the car and tossing it — anywhere from one minute to however many days. He bought the car with cash; we can presume be bought the phone with cash. So the phone is anonymous. The car sale is anonymous; we can presume he didn’t take it to DMV since the plates were from another car. We can assume that the FBI tracked the phone for as long as he had it, whhile they knew the number. But that still doesn’t point to the guy. So how do you connect a phone purchased with cash, and a car purchased with cash, to an individual?
Using database — as they are saying? The phone would be in the manufacturer’s database. The suspect might be in a database, but they will usually use a clean operative for this kind of thing. (So does the mafia,i.e., no priors). So how do you make the connection between an anonymous phone and an anonymous guy?
This is the missing piece from the story.
Well, he probably would have made a phone call or two to arrange to see/buy the car, no? The calls would be traceable through the original owner’s phone.
Question — The vehicle was purchased for cash. We can assume that the disposable cell phone (which the suspect tossed, according to the story) was also purchased for cash. So how did they connect the phone to the suspect?
May 04, 2010 07:06 AM EST
BULLETIN – POLITICO’s Josh Gerstein: ‘A Pakistani-born American wanted in connection with the alleged car bombing attempt in Times Square over the weekend was arrested at 11:45 p.m. at John F. Kennedy airport in New York City, Attorney General Eric Holder said in an unusual in-person statement at the Justice Department at 1:30 a.m. Faisal Shahzad, 30, was attempting to board a flight for Dubai, Holder said. The suspect allegedly purchased the Nissan Pathfinder used for the attempted bombing from a private owner via Craigslist. ‘Over the course of the day today, we have gathered additional significant evidence which led to tonight’s arrest,’ Holder said in his comment delivered at the Justice Department at 1:30 A.M. ‘This investigation is ongoing as are our attempts to gather useful intelligence and we continue to pursue number of leads but it’s clear that the intent behind this terrorist attack was to kill Americans.’
THE PRESIDENT WAS BRIEFED SIX TIMES YESTERDAY and was notifed of the arrest at 12:05 a.m., all by John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.
ON HAND FOR HOLDER’S STATEMENT, on 20 minutes’ notice: A Fox pool camera and Evan Perez of The Wall Street Journal.
PATHFINDER WAS BOUGHT FOR CASH — AP: ‘Law enforcement officials say Shahzad bought the … 1993 Nissan Pathfinder, from a Connecticut man about three weeks ago and paid cash. … The vehicle identification number had been removed from the Pathfinder’s dashboard, but it was stamped on the engine, and investigators used it to find the owner of record, who told them he had sold the vehicle to a stranger.’
HOW THE ARREST WENT DOWN — A PLAYBOOK EXCLUSIVE — The FBI used the VIN to find the seller, who had offered the Pathfinder on Craigslist. Agents were able to recover the number from a pre-paid cellphone that had been captured in the course of the sale. The suspect didn’t still have the phone. But using a lot of technology and access to database, agents located the suspect. ‘They were able to basically get one phone number and by running it through a number of databases, figure out who they thought the guy was,’ an official said.
BEHIND THE SCENES — HOLDER MANAGED CAPTURE THROUGH THE NIGHT: Around 2:30 p.m., Attorney General Eric Holder was pulled out of a meeting to take a call from David S. Kris, Assistant Attorney General for National Security. Kris said the FBI thought it had identified the guy, and knew his rough location. ‘There was a huge fog-of-war element, where you think you have him, but you’re not sure,’ an official said. ‘Everyone’s telephoning headquarters.’ Holder ordered up substantial resources to track and capture the suspect. The A.G. stayed at Justice until 9:30 p.m., then went home, had dinner and put his kids to bed. At 11:30 p.m., Holder was called about the arrest. He was rushed back to DOJ, complete with flashing lights. He didn’t go to his office but straight to the National Security Division’s 7th-floor SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) for real-time updates. Officials worked until 1:10 to nail everything down. Assured it was the guy, DOJ issued a news advisory. Holder walked in front of the camera at 1:30 a.m.