10 thoughts on “Audio Astrology Update”

  1. Love the audio version Eric! Very dynamic and to the point. No editing or spell check. Imagine that. Looking forward to video!

    A suggestion: is it possible to make the time signature begin with the Total time instead of -0-? It is helpful to know how long the recording is when I begin listening.

  2. The best investment I have made in my personal growth and awareness has been to be a subscriber to Planet Waves. You remain an excellent role model for growth, change and evolving creativity. Your new audio features are so grounding – and expansive. Bravo! I am ruled by Mercury, and feeling fleet of foot on Monday, I ran down the stairs with mail in my hands, only to loose my footing and take a header down the stairs! I was not seriously injured, but I’ve been forced to move slowly and have had lots of time to examine my history and think about my truth. I have been forced to accept my temporary limitations and to take care of myself. Hearing you last night and again to today, I know this is exactly what is required of me at this time in my life. Your words, and astrology gave me the strength and understanding to take care of my Self. Thank you.

  3. Eric-
    Love the audio. Wow. Unbelievably spot-on for me…in too many ways to list. But I just want to say that your delivery in Audio is so clear and I really hope you continue to expand this area of Planetwaves. I know you have your hands full with all the things you do, but I’m just putting it out there that I really enjoy listening to you give the astrological weather report. Thank you for hitting the nail on the head in a way that is different from an essay.

    Hanging on to my hat in hawaii,

  4. Very nice Eric! Wonderful nuggets of enlightenment to contemplate. Anger, truth seeking and the influence of Eris. I am tuned on! Definitely helping make sense of a significant shift in my thinking of late.

    Planet Waves is always fun to surf and now to tune into.
    Thank you so much.

  5. ever since I have come to know Planet Waves, I am never bored, there is always so much to read, learn and be inpsired from. I actually have a lot of catching up do because Eric’s forecast about being very busy career wise for cancerians is already coming true and I am having to catch up with PW at 11.47 PM Toronto time !!!

    Today’s Audio was awsome…. and for me personally a lot of it is absolutely true and few things in fact happended today exactly as mentioned in the audio.

    Thank You.

  6. Thank you, Eric. Good to have the voice with the words. This may prove to be a historic day. Pluto stations retrograde in aspect to the personal planets and the Moon and a government in an obscure country hosting an American air base seems to have fallen. Putin says “not my fault”. Pull the other one Vladimir.

  7. I love your audio astrology postings, thank you so much, i’m still learning from all that good info you shared from the NCGR .***

  8. Thank you Half

    As I develop audio, the videos will continue — I am patiently awaiting the arrival of the right videographer and/or editor. I need some help with that part. I can bring the talent and the vision, though I need some tech support and vision support.

    The videos are designed to be simple…as close to one live take as possible. The key things are the ambiance and the overall vibe. I am using audio as a practice forum. Meanwhile for Cosmic Confidential subscribers, the the Key Life Transit audio section has begun to post. That will be available tonight!


  9. Whoa Eric! Great coverage here. Painting with broad brush strokes – the cosmic weather is challenging but conducive to growth. You throw in FREE tuition with the news – what a bargain and the news bit is free too. Bloody hell!

    It’s also good to hear your deep and measured tones, just as it is nice to see you on Youtube occasionally!

    For those of us who are not Stateside, it gives a little more closeness – appreciated.


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