Gemini Full Moon Reverb

First snow under the Gemini Full Moon, in New Mexico. Photo by Stacey Duncan.
First snow under the Gemini Full Moon, in New Mexico. Photo by Stacey Duncan.

Heyoo and All

I woke up this morning, forgetting the Full Moon had just passed, certain I had to stay back and not be giving my opinion for the day. Interesting work, that, but every now and then I want or absolutely need to keep my thoughts to myself, or between me and whoever I am corresponding with.

Eric Francis.

I’ve been listening, though, and I’ve noticed that a few people have been thrown curves, had difficult nights, or been struggling emotionally. Not everyone, though — maybe due to the dualistic nature of mutable energy (Full Moon across Gemini/Sagittarius), certain nervous systems are better at processing this kind of nervous energy than others.

Mutable can morph as fixed or cardinal; as stable or assertive; and a third position, highly receptive and spongy. Nothing absorbs energy like a mutable sign, and it’s easy to get your circuits blown. As I suggested Monday, there are some powerful minor planets in this alignment. There is a lot about seeing and believing; visual proof; the fraud of seeing; seeing what you believe; this kind of thing. Not everything is as it appears visually, and some things will require you specifically to take a look. Given that we’re talking about the Moon, that would be — looking within.

One last thing. The Full Moon is on the waning side, but the Sun is applying to Pholus AND the Great Attractor. This is the polarized, out of control feeling that is coming from somewhere beyond your emotions. Way beyond in fact: the Sun is approaching one of the most intense, slippery minor planet energies (Pholus is more potent than anyone gives it credit for being) as well as a massive point called the Great Attractor. Pholus references multigenerational themes, as well as alcohol and by extension all substances — please be careful, especially with what you say when your awareness is colored by any substance (even coffee, this is a good week to cut back) and where you go.

Pholus has a property of transformation through curiosity. And finally there is the quality of small cause, big effect. This is a reminder not to dismiss things that seem irrelevant but which you have that faint clue ‘might’ be important.

All of this said, there is a lot of Chiron in the air, as Jupiter makes its last approach to the first Centaur planet for this cycle. Chiron is about awareness and healing; healing through awareness. I know there is a lot to be aware of at the moment and not all of it is pleasant. Yet this moment is charged with so much potential, any of us could ride for the next 10 years on what we discover, encounter or decide right now: in many ways it’s one of the most interesting, beautiful thresholds we’ve ever been at.

Len Wallick will be doing the morning stars for you tomorrow while I prepare the new edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, our subscriber service that makes this daily blog possible.

Fan that flame. Keep that faith.

14 thoughts on “Gemini Full Moon Reverb”

  1. Thanks man, I wasn’t expecting any more than the echoes from my head. As long as you’re game.. what “formula” do you speak of? Is it Soul shit, or can I read it in a book? (I’ve the feeling it’s Soul, that’s been wrapped in a million pages..) I’ve been toying with the Tarot for ages, and it still hasn’t accepted me as “Wisdom”. Still can’t put it all together.

    Alright, better question, (one more time), what books would you recommend to track oneself through conscious awakening?

    Thanks for the insight, man. Disregard my shit anytime, if you want, you’ve no necessity toward me. (I’m a child of Jupiter, we get by on the Universal-Kick-Ass!). And, “I will survive, I will get by”.

    Thank you, man..

    Inner Peace, and Soul Love,


  2. Well, it’s an odd system. Chelsea makes a lot more than me, per hour. There are two sides to the story. The value of an astrology reading has a formula, and I’m the only one who follows it — you triple the cost of one therapy session in your area. That’s about $100 where I live, so my sessions cost $325.

    Part of why I can ask and receive that [actually fair, on par] fee is because many people read my work for two or five or 10 years before coming in for a reading; they trust my competence. And I am fully confident that I’m worth it, and I mean this in strictly monetary terms. Generally, if you come to me for work, you will profit, either personally, monetarily or both. My business consulting is excellent; I have both ideas and recommendations for strategy and timing. Because I have confidence in this, I can ask a healthy fee.

    I don’t collect the money; Planet Waves gets it; so you could say that I buy 300 subscriptions a year, which close any budget shortfalls. Writing fees are different. Pay is generally per word or article, and it varies wildly. Working for Cainer I could make $600 an hour writing horoscopes. Writing for local papers, it’s more like $20 an hour. If I write a really, really good marketing letter, Planet Waves can take in thousands. So my writing can go from a relatively low value to a high value based on how I present it.

    I am paid a weekly salary that does not go up if I work more; though on certain products, I get a royalty. So, the only royalties I’ve ever been paid have come from the company that I founded. That is my personal definition of success.

  3. I’ve a question. Eric, how did you go about deciding the value (in $) of your time? I know you must spend countless hours, and have spent a lifetime, deciphering the metaphoric, as well as literal, code. But how, did your work evolve to a meaningful space, one worthy of dollars and cents? (Not that that is the cut-off for value: money is a joke, Human relations are the only thing that matters.) But you know what I mean. How does the mars in pisces treat you? ..the semisquare between Merc. and venus? (I’m curious for learning’s sake). Is it the fact that you get yourself out there, with “Marketing” managing your portfolio, or are you conscious of every last being that slops some crap upon your door?

    Honestly, I know this work is a lifetime, so, when it’s just you, and not a bunch of other cats who need to make a living too, What guides could you possibly use to assess your value, as well, what “value” are you willing to “exist”in? …. How did you come to the capacity of making a buck?! Where did you slip in? (Insight would be cool, [cool insight, that is] bad mojo is never my being.

    …give me a raw estimate,.. how much do you make per hour on your work? $.25. A dime? (Life work aint even minimum wage, so…) (..but, you, seem to have some connection between cash and connection.)

    Thanks for any words that flow through. (I’m not tryin’ to nail you, just tryin’ to navigate the flow.) I’m at a point of “sharing for food” so I don’t give a fuck about the cash so much, .. a full belly always “suits” me better. But, I’m curious about the cash ’cause, fuckin’ A!, That’s a lot of food,.. for a lot of people!!

    Love ya bro! Thanks for the being…

    Catchya on the flip!


  4. Sarah,

    Your words resonated for me. I, too, have been having these realizations in recent weeks whether related to healing or anything else I’m involved with. Aligning with these forces beyond me, these currents that are carrying me – is the only way that makes sense. I am awed as my external world starts to reflect magnificence that could not have happened if I had forced the “old” ways of doing by myself. The “hiccups” or ups and downs in the external world coincide with my perception of disconnection from these forces.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Len: “Spock” it is! LOL!

    LindaGM: I’d say your doggie silver lining takes the cake. That was good news for sure!

    Sarah: Isn’t it the most wonderful – and most difficult – thing to not/do?; to let go and let it?

    Blessings and Silver Linings to Us All (Heaven knows we could use ’em.)

  6. Isn’t chiron conjunct jupiter behind the astrology of the bombing of Hiroshima? I can’t help but wonder what the president knows that he can’t tell.

  7. I’m finding a curious thing, which I thought I’d share. Right now, it feels like I’m in the thick of facing family patterns and taking a good look at my own behaviours, and how the past has shaped me and continues to do so.

    One of the things that I have constantly berated myself for – inwardly and outwardly – is that I’m not doing enough in this process: that I’m not seizing healing opportunities; that I’m missing the boat when it comes to learning things; that I am passing insights by.

    I’m beginning to realise that this might not be the case. I am so hell-bent on controlling my entire healing process, that I’ve only just come to the faint understanding that there are forces at work that lie beyond me. They work with me, through me, and – I now believe – I actually have to relinquish control and stop *trying* to heal so that they can take over and do their thing. I pass the baton; they run with it. I don’t have to do everything myself. In fact, that is counter productive.

    Most valuable for me: I can’t “let go”. I can’t “change”. Letting go and change both happen naturally, when I’m not watching, and once I have done as much as I can, and handed things over, trusting there is something greater at play.

    Healing might be our responsibility; but we don’t do it alone.

    I hope this makes sense.


  8. Ah – things are not what they seem here ‘Downunder’ either…..

    – A political stoush happened 48 hours ago that put the ‘climate change deniers’ in charge of the opposition party and killed Australia’s Emissions Trading Bill. Looks very bad except the Bill was so flawed, it `paid the polluters to pollute’ from working folks taxes. Even the Greens were trying to stop it! So in fact, what looked like a step backwards was actually a roadblock on the wrong road – a good outcome albeit for very ignorant reasons….

    – HH Dalai Lama has been teaching for the last 48 hours as well here in Sydney. Over 5000 came to hear him and yet he claims to be a simple monk. Small cause, big effect.

    – And on a personal note, we came home from the teachings last night and our little Australian silky terrier was bleeding profusely from her anus. We rushed her to the 24 hour vet clinic and prepared ourselves for bringing her home to die in our arms. No such thing transpired – she has a simple case (well, maybe that’s the wrong word) of doggie haemorrhoids and with a little treatment, will be just fine.

    So glad that one wasn’t as it seemed either!!

    Breathing gently and keeping awake here,

    Linda in Oz

  9. aworde: glad to hear of your silver linings!

    Whee doggie, this full moon as been…full…for me. Trouble sleeping (WIDE awake for hours & then not very restful sleep), which happens to me about 1 out of every 3 full moons. Happened on the previous one, so was thinking it wouldn’t happen on this one. Wrong! And anxiety, which is usually not so present. Irritability. Trouble focusing on one thing for more than a few minutes.

    On the more enjoyable side…excitement about a new venture, which was started before this moon.

    Funny you mention substances & their effects. I’m pretty “clean”, substance-wise. No drugs (including caffeine, just about all kinds of sugars, artificial sweeteners), refined grains, or alcohol. But I’ve noticed I’m very sensitive right now to even small amounts of natural sugars in fruit.

    My work is in some ways the bane of my existence. And it’s been tougher lately. Today, in fact, I got a bit of a talking-to about some projects I haven’t made progress on. Lots of reasons for this, one being that I’m not a “bulldog” about getting things completed. Don’t know if I would be, in a job that I actually found interesting…my Taurean nature really does dig in and resist! (Taurus sun @ midheaven/Cancer moon/Leo rising/Neptune in Scorpio @ nadir)

    “Pholus has a property of transformation through curiosity.” That really struck me. I haven’t felt very curious for a long time. I need this in my life, especially in my work (where it is not present). Hmmm, this *appears* to be a clue for me.

    Thanks for another lifeline, E. luv to you & all y’alls.

  10. Thank you, Eric, for the concise insight so beautifully expressed but… don’t mess wiith my coffee, please šŸ˜‰

    aword – if what you are “betting” turns out to be true, maybe you should name your car Spock (or your USB, or both).

  11. I’m finding lots of silver linings right now – situations that could be huge-ly upsetting but they aren’t what they seem to be – and that things end up better than before.

    I’m certain my car “died its final death” to keep me home this week. Turns out we’re repairing it although it LOOKED certain that it was finally a goner. and I’m betting it will be in better condition post-“dead” than it was pre-dead as this seems to be the trend.

    My entire school application was on my USB drive; when I took it for printing, a copy shop employee claimed the drive had died and all was lost. I said “no” cannot be – and indeed the drive is alive and well and all my info available.

    It seems to be a variation of the “hear the lie” theme of recent weeks.

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