Full Moon over Lake Lahontan

Full Moon over Black Rock City.
Full Moon over Black Rock City, on Lake Lahontan. Photo by Eric Francis

Burning Man is held on the bed of an ancient lake — Lake Lahontan. From what I have read, this was similar to the rift lakes in Africa: it was a large endorheic lake, where water could come in but not exit. The result was ever-increasing alkaline. The lake existed during the last ice age, with peak water levels occuring about 12,000 years ago. Today with a couple of rare exceptions, all that is left is a vast playa, or sandy surface.

I reminded myself many times that the ground we were standing on was once under 50 or 100 feet (or more) of water.

The astrology was interesting this year: the Full Moon peaked in the mellow, empathic sign Pisces the night before the burning ritual, and the whole event parked itself into Mercury stationing retrograde earlier this week. Black Rock City seemed to be exempt from the usual madness of the Full Moon: people seemed energetic, though I spent the night riding around with some medics looking for really bad stuff, and there was none to be found. I confirmed this with a medical base that said no serious incidents occurred that night. People had already vented lots and lots of energy and as far as I can reckon were not triggered by the Full Moon energy.

In the photo above, the magnificent Pisces Full Moon rises in the east, above the canyon walls that once contained the biggest lake in North America. This was taken on a 200mm lens using a tripod.

2 thoughts on “Full Moon over Lake Lahontan”

  1. Stunning photo Eric. Mesmerizing.

    JLO; what a great response. When the full moon peaks, it IS time to release, fall back, arms outstretched onto the biggest pile of duvets piled high and know we are supported and loved in our surrendering – yes we are.

    luvs ya right back j .
    All o’ youse (Northern Irish vernacular!!)

  2. Dude, you’re on to something! When the full moon peaks, it’s time to ditch the build up of energy. Release. If, If, If, (pardon the stutter) society has systems (brain scramble right there) that allow the floodgates of emotional being to channel through, (we’ve all got to take Personal-Responsibility right there), Then, we have the capacity to Alter the patterns set down from ages long ago. We come to the moment of the Now space, and we make love to that wave that We create, and which carries Us forth, through the Now, (on the board of our own creation).

    Just some verbiage from one who envisions the future in the now.

    Love ya all, (seriously šŸ˜‰ )


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