Leo Eclipse in T-minus 24 hours and counting

Dear Friend and Reader:

As mentioned almost daily since God knows when, an eclipse of the Leo Moon occurs Monday morning at 9:49 am EST. This is also the Leo Full Moon. This eclipse is a penumbral type, so some sources say that it will barely be visible, as the Moon will only pass through the edge of the Earth’s shadow. I would propose that makes it a kind of invisible eclipse all the more interesting for being opposite Chiron and, more to the point of invisible, Neptune.

Cat. Photo by Bares.
Poster child for the Leo lunar eclipse that's exact Monday morning at 9:49 am EST. Photo by Bares.

Put simply, this is a Full Moon no matter what you do, full of all the usual things a Full Moon is full of, like one colossal case of PMS: such as the sense of edgy anticipation that something is about to happen. It may be, but don’t discount the hormonal illusion, the insomnia, the nervousness, the sense of polarity. The Moon is opposite a LOT of planets right now; it’s just about the only thing of any size in Leo, while Aquarius across the sky is home to Mars, Jupiter, the North Node, Nessus, Chiron and Neptune.

The Sun for its part has been making a series of conjunctions to all these planets, so this is creating a rough ride for a lot of people, particularly on such questions as what the heck am I doing here. This astrology looks pretty important so you can at least assume you have a purpose, otherwise you would have incarnated at a much more boring time in history.

What’s adding to the sense of both polarity and bigness of the moment is Saturn opposite Uranus. These are the traditional and modern rulers of Aquarius, respectively. There are some people such as my astrology mentor David Arner who thinks that Uranus (the first planet ever discovered by science) is just not the right fit for Aquarius, but of course that would be typical of that sign. I am with him all the way that when you think of Aquarius, think of Saturn first and any other planet you want to associate with Aquarius second.

Anyway, this eclipse should release some of the psychic tension that so many of us seem to be dragging around. I’m sitting here with a list of things I have to write that is even managing to intimidate as I sit here on a Sunday morning wondering how I’m going to meet all these deadlines — though I know that it’s a) at least partly an illusion and b) that around eclipses I always do at least some of what I really love because I want to encode that into the pattern of the next six months. I think this is the basic purpose of eclipses: to help us make progress, break continuity and establish a new pattern.

If you’re taking this energy on the frantic side, you might want to ask yourself what, exactly, the rush is, and I do mean exactly; document your issues, really know what needs to be done by when. The chances are you can slow down. Maybe bot a lot, but probably just enough to restore a sense that you have some ability to choose. That alone would be something useful to encode into the next six months.

Overall I think we’ve done pretty well with this transition into the the new year, the new presidential administration, and coming through a Mercury retrograde with two eclipses — but of course there is one to go, and it will be soon enough. Oh, and please don’t let any less-than-creative newspaper horoscope scare you into thinking you’re going to have a bad week. More likely it will be an interesting one.

Eric Francis

58 thoughts on “Leo Eclipse in T-minus 24 hours and counting”

  1. Ooooo. Keeeh?

    What in the world are you talking about, JD? I have done, said, acted in *absolutely no way* to do anything with, for or against you –as you say– “offline.”

    It is possible, given the oddities surrounding me, that someone else has under my identity.

    Otherwise, peace, woman. I was not giving you any crap, I was just teasing you a bit.


  2. :). Okay, Mysti, I’m going to be real frank with you: It was never any of your business what my gender was and I’ve sometimes pondered why it was so important to you to find your way in to fuck with me personally offline.

    I am not interested in your gender proscriptions or any blueprints for my identity. I do not need a Cancer Mommy-Dom. And if I didn’t write an awful lot already in non gender-specific environments getting trolled about *any part* of my sexual expression on a public board would bother me a whole lot more.

    Like the rest of me my labia are mostly Scorpio. Stay out of my shit. Back the fuck off and do not call me “honey” ever again.



  3. Janes… “I’ve been writing as a guy since I picked up a pen, nobody listens if you don’t have a penis, doncha know.”

    Honey… you gave birth to a boy. You walked around on autofuck for 9 months. Get over it. Time to let the labia have their say.


  4. Hello Lovelies:

    JanesD, have to confess I thought you were a guy at first too – dammit man. Great dad advice about the ‘I think’ passive tone women want to take. A lot of women still raise the end of sentences like they are asking a question, which I find real annoying.

    BK – Not feeling as much pressure – that bad feeling of dread – which I thought could be the fire in Australia. My good thoughts are in Australiala these last few days.

  5. Gardener:

    I can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes
    On the road to Shambala
    I can tell my brother by the flowers in his eyes
    On the road to Shambala

    Neptune in Aquarius opposite a Leo moonshadow on the invisible heart of the sun is what I read right there. You know, if there were no block on songsending on this board I’d probably be spinning astroradio. I can see the reasoning though; astroradio could quickly become adspace for penis enlargement commercials. I really wanted to give that guitar run to somebody today though. Ditto pear. I had one too today, the brilliant thing.

    Mystes, eeeyeah, no kidding. It’s a lot easier for me too dammit. I hate writing female. I’ve been writing as a guy since I picked up a pen, nobody listens if you don’t have a penis, doncha know. My dad told me once: ” Never write ‘I think’ anything. That’s writing like a Girl. We’d like to already assume you’re thinking.”


  6. bK, “I heard Dan Rather in an interview tonight say the war in Afganistan could last up to 15 years. ”

    Doesn’t have to if Mr. Holbrooke can get ahold of the right people. Does anyone have a connection to Kati Marton?

    As for that moonpie, sure, hon… they’s plenty, climb aboard. Unidentified Feeding Object. Just look out for the Spins…



  7. Paletiger, so glad to hear you’re feeling better and good luck tomorrow. Also thanks for the new word (you know. . thingumyjig!)

    Gardener, you’re a good soul; making bread for those folks in the nursing home, and lucky them if they get the pear butter too. I assure you they “will feel better” for it! Now about that “major disturbance” you mentioned. Did that feeling go away yet?

    mystes, I confess. .I’ve got the old aqueerius moon myself, so pass around that moonpie please!

    kristenb, just want to add my congratulations to you and wish you well.

    Hope all are doing well after the first flush of the full moon eclipse. . especially you Fe!

    Off the subject, but I heard Dan Rather in an interview tonight say the war in Afganistan could last up to 15 years. That’s how long Pluto is in Cappy; do you suppose that fella is a closet astrologer?

  8. Gardener writes: “… home-made whole-grain bread for the nursing home activities room for tomorrow, so here I am making bread tonight and wondering if I should try to make some pear butter with no sugar.”

    On my way out the door to the steams, my dear… but afterwards I am *heading for your house!* Who says you have to wait till the afterlife to become a scent-eater?

    I’ll try to make some room in my musculature for your aching arms, by the way. I used to bake organic bread for my neighborhood, so I know the work.


    p/s ~JanesD… okeedokee, but it was simpler when you were a guy.

  9. JanesD – I’m going straight over to u-tube and find Shambala.

    I think I’m feeling the effects of the chiron conjunction right now, because it is in my 4th house, me being a late libra rising so and so.

    My brother demanded home-made whole-grain bread for the nursing home activities room for tomorrow, so here I am making bread tonight and wondering if I should try to make some pear butter with no sugar. The old folks are mostly diabetic. Then I started wondering if I should provide a list of ingredients too, in case someone has allergies. I can’t leave well enough alone, and just make plain bread, then I’m like OH NO, WHAT IF? Ack – so I’ll take the heart energy and assume someone will feel better for the good organic grains and honey they get to eat tomorrow. You said the day smelled like pears and I’m like – oh yeah! Shambala!

  10. Hello chums. Well that’s me arrived now. In the hotel, conference starts tomorrow. Left 3 feet of snow and -17 degrees chill behind and drove 8 hours to fog and sleet and just on freezing. But interestingly enough, in the hours pre eclipse, I started to feel heavy nagging stuff slip away and it was all rather pleasant. Woke up to lots of ideas fighting for the front of the queue in terms of attention, and spent the car journey going through my workshop from beginning to end and it flowed, oh it flowed. Now please just flow on the day.

    I’m no pussy cat but with ascendant, venus and mercury in leo – maybe I did get a little thingumyjig with the eclipse and all. Anyway, great to hear from you all. Lots love.

  11. :). Ah, Mysti, admit it, ya love me.

    Gardener: Cool! See what I mean??

    I tried to send the best youtube recording of Shambala but the Lizard Computer King wouldn’t unfold his arms. Ah, well. Shambala later if ya want.

    Heart energy all day. 🙂


  12. Lots of love; lots of drugs. . . whaaaaat! Is this a lunar eclipse opposite Neptune? Must be why I’m watching a George Clooney film right now.

  13. Hey JanesD and Mystes,

    My son is a Leo too, and is full of energy right now. My nephew is an Aries and called this morning to further iron out what was a big misunderstanding and say “I love you”. So between all these relatives, some bad energy is now good again! Thank goodness. There never was bad energy between my son and the aries kid, who are the same age. They are having a real breakthrough with their engine and it was my nursing home brother who got all bent out of shape. He is seeing a lifelong vision come into being and he’s afraid someone will sell it down the river (or into oblivian). We had to convince him we weren’t a bunch of l’il cheneys. LOL.

    The future will be very different. There is a paradigm shift coming.

  14. janes… “I took my Leo kid four wheeling through the mud yesterday while his great sunpowered heart glowed like a ruby. . .”

    Of course he’s a Leo. Mine, too. And he’s been much cooler lately, not so fast to try to topple the Momtower (little does he know how far down the basement goes).

    I don’t love you in particular, but I love what you are. Will that do?

  15. ooohhhh, never heard that before, mystes … the Green One feels very comic book hero-ish, but I like it. .. a lot. Excuse me, gotta go google …

  16. :). Funny thing, Gardener.

    I don’t feel anything like this. About three days ago people started telling me they loved me, people who never say that kind of thing; you look around to see if they might be hallucinating somebody standing right behind you. I’ve been feeding my family. The other day my mother put a blanket around my shoulders. I took my Leo kid four wheeling through the mud yesterday while his great sunpowered heart glowed like a ruby and he gave me one of those grins you have kids for in the first place.

    All I’m getting is deep, sweet Heart energy. It tastes like a pear; a Marian sense of compassion flowing like a river through my solar plexus. It’s better than peace, it’s lovelovelovelove, as in All You Need is. That’s the thing behind the thing behind, that’s the subtle illumination we can’t see.

    Maybe I’d pick The Weight. :). More likely I’d pick Shambala.


  17. Gardener… I’m good. It rained here this morning. 1″ down, 33 to go.

    As for funny people, MaryMack you certainly qualify with that observation about truth and “the point.” Merc is a curious paradox. Lord of the Secret (hermetics) as well as the Telling. His particular teaching has to do with timing(spacing) the information. At certain points it is merely info, at others the very same data performs as fully-functioning Wisdom. Which is to say, it Initiates, disrupts the ordinary static we call normal.

    He is not only big in western alchemy, but also in Islamic mysticism, btw. Known therein as Al-Khidr, the Green One. A fact that a few ‘fundamentalists’ in that tradition could be reminded of, prophet-ably (hardyharhar…)


  18. What a great exchange here! wish I understood all the very clever-brilliant responses, but I digress.

    I wanted to see if anyone else has this issue with the “rulers” of Aquarius … while I initially embraced Uranus over Saturn that may indeed be about my own challenging relationship with reality/responsibility. But now that you mention it, I’m not “feeling it” this Uranus-Saturn co-rulership thing.

    I’ve now decided that all this Aquarius conformity is about laying the groundwork for actual communication with one’s tribe. All this truth finding/telling is great but if you can’t share it with your peeps, what’s the point. THUS, I’m thinking, the co-rulers should be Saturn/Mercury — Mercury, sneaky devil, will do what he/she has to do to connect with anyone, any planet … all in the name of truth.

    God there are some funny people here.

  19. Actually when I’ve felt like this in the past, there was a major disturbance about to happen, like an earthquake.

    Sorry to keep rambling.

  20. Forgot to mention that i also feel completed weighted down this morning, with heavy pressure. I never feel like this. Eric, The song “The Weight” is right on.

    Mystes are you ok?

  21. Yes Brendan, where are you?

    I never sleep late, but I woke up this morning at about the exact time of the eclipse, thinking about the world-wide drug problem. It must be what we need to be meditating over and praying over, since it reared its ugly head in this normally peaceful space. I don’t know a single family that has not been affected by this.

    Some of the government websites put the costs at hundreds of billions of dollars, and thousands of lives lost – which doesn’t count the gun crime victims of drug abuse.

  22. wworld – oh, cool crossover… yeah, upaya… jukai in 2006 with roshi, now path to ordination, not chaplaincy… maybe we were chopping vegetables together? but then again, it was very cold and snowy and i didn’t get there as much as usual… i won’t be a resident like others locally, will continue to live and work as i can… i was in nyc in 2007 for a few months, but living up north off metro north line… sf is where i am to be for a while i guess, but i still clearly see the images around rhinebeck in my waking and dream state, very strong connection… you can email me at gegelpani@gmail.com if you like… hope your path is magical in nyc…

  23. Mystes – morning all. It’s funny you mentioned Tachikata, as I had been wondering why we’d not heard from her and had been on the verge of asking. Also noticed that I hadn’t seen a post from Brendan for ages… I get used to folks being around I guess. Then decided not to ask as it’s a blog, and people can fade in and out when they want – they have their reasons, what does it matter, none of my beeswax. Must be the Cancerian mom in me, I worry about them and wonder if all is okay…

  24. kristenb:

    Hi, I’m fairly new to these boards, but I wanted to add my good wishes for your new fortunes. When I first started to read your first post, I couldn’t help but feel a SUDDEN pinon-scented waft of New Mexico, and as soon as you mentioned “formal buddhist study path” and the plaza, I was amazed…

    After a very interesting period of time in New Mexico, before returning home to NYC, I spent my last few days in a very snowy Santa Fe (right between Pluto transitioning to Cap and an eclipse) volunteering at Upaya (correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounded like you are speaking of the Upaya center? Maybe the champlaincy program?). An amazing and beautiful place, and I hope you have an equally amazing and beautiful time there.

  25. :). Hey Gardener.

    The snow’s melting down to little black-flecked peaks on the roadsides and the fields are full of water. The winter sun was still thin and pale today but I smell that fresh air coming, too.


  26. Lol…glad ya liked it, Miss Fe.

    Missus Mystes. I’ve got a sleeping thing. I had a job once where I worked 24 hour shifts and I never was the same again. Full moon, real bad news, telephone rings way too late at night: my adrenals overclock. Not saying you’re wrong but…like the man said, lots of juice running through that moon tonight, girl.

    Twelve hours from now could be a whole new picture show. Pretty sure it will be, in fact.


  27. Oh dear Kristen, how sad.

    Drugs and war …our poor little children….and the poor twinkie head parents.

    It will be a good day when we all wake up.

    Mystes what happened to Tachikata?

  28. Fe, we’ll talk elsewhere. My ‘too late’ to JD is just means that where ever I turn up, there is a certain amount of interest. Don’t worry, we’re all on the radar from another perspective. (And you know… it’s Chinatown, Jake.)

  29. jD~ “This morning my last joke was gonna be, well, just don’t let the drug lords find out about efc”

    sigh… They aren’t going to mess with our host because he isn’t the point, but the ‘too late’ is PW is already on the radar. Cf Tachikata’s sudden withdrawal.

  30. JanesD:

    I laughed through your entire 1:55 post to the point of fainting.


    All I can say is having an Aquarian sun in the ending degrees of the 12th house, I am able to keep five or six toes on the ground with the current stellium of today.

    Only planet in Leo is Pluto, and I guess, you can say I am feeling some oats tonight.

  31. G – That’s cool, I do hear ya. I too spent decades showing up for my parents, affirming them, their choices, listening to all the weird shit they went through when they would occassionally talk, then a year+ ago when I needed a booster myself, during career, locale shift, they told me to my face “Your education and you are worthless.” Why? I was single, broke, unmarried, undivorced, abortionist, adulterer. They want me to be happy, but only if I do things they can understand even if that means work 12 hours a day in denigrating professional environments which make me sick. I finally woke up to fact of who they truly were, which granted is not every parent. I don’t want to be their extension any longer. So, that’s where I am coming from. And, as I have watched friends get pregnant for reason of cementing, manipulating relationships or pushing their child to learn a bazillion things all by the age of 6, I grow sad indeed. Not everyone does this, but many kids have grown up in vacuum of ‘must succeed as specialist’ with little regard to child’s true gift having the ills of the world thrust upon them instead. Where’s the joy of just being able to wake up in the morning? SSRIs are rampant, and Ritalin flows like water… those are the REAL scary drugs imho.

  32. : ) Well, now, I agree, sugar puddin. Obtuse, very lowband, if relevant. Which is why I didn’t bring it up the first time. Thought it was interesting it popped up anyway though, see what I mean?

    I was going to say: lately the official name seems to be just Drug War. One enormous, borderless Engine.


  33. Oh honey…”You know, Santeria, Candomble, drug runners and luck…anyway I didn’t sleep at all last night, was this also mentioned somewhere?”

    Pfft… it is so very very too late on that score.

  34. :). Wanna hear somethin weird?

    This morning my last joke was gonna be, well, just don’t let the drug lords find out about efc — but I zapped it thinking it was obtuse. You know, Santeria, Candomble, drug runners and luck…anyway I didn’t sleep at all last night, was this also mentioned somewhere?

    In any case. I had to scroll up to make sure I cut my last sentence. Of course I done it. And of course drug lords made an appearance regardless.

    Frickin moon. If it’s even the moon, this stuff happens to me *all the time* around here.


  35. Kristen, I don’t think parents are selfish. The kids are an extension of who we are and are part of our identity. My kids helped their dad through the Viet Nam veteran crisis by recognizing him on Veteran’s day, displaying his medals, and asking questions about it. He needed to feel good about what he had done, instead of feeling good about what they were doing. They both recognized that it was an issue that wasn’t going away. I think that is what I am trying to say.

    The older you get the more you realize how fragile eveyrone is. My 82 year old mother still needs affirmations too, and instead of getting exasperated or bored, I try to listen and let her talk about it. She recently told me things I didn’t really want to know, but out it came and the difference in her is just amazing. We go through our entire lives doubting ourselves, when we just need to have faith.

  36. Oh my Mystes, you are on top of it. I’m pretty sure the 2nd big trip for the old neighbor was a federal deal for him to get an early release – but it was too scary to talk about back then. That was in the 80s. The kids came to my house a lot and babysat and mowed our grass, so we learned more than we wanted to know. The ex-wife was involved with a cocaine smuggler in Florida and the kids lived with dad. The kids still visit us, but seriously need to forgive dad. The oldest son is around 40 now. The dad even had all of his personal property in his mother’s name so it wouldn’t go through forfeiture. He’s a broken man today, but I suspect he was sucked into it through the ex-wife’s connections. The sad thing was that he probably could have earned in one year of work what he earned from one smuggling deal. The son is still angry. He would do just about anything for us, and will still come by and mow if we need help. I’ve talked to him about forgiving his dad.

  37. Hey Gardener… I may have one better. I blessed a wedding a few years ago between a friend and her lifelonglove. He was part of regional, then federal law enforcement running all sorts of fun stuff in his twin prop.

    This was years ago, so the statute of limitations are all out on that one. But seriously. Even my bio-mother’s husband knew that his buddies, the Nicaraguan Contras, were funded by Fed-sanctioned Colombian coke sales. Now the loop is a little tighter, the money going directly to Col. death squads. That’s not even scratching the air over the surface.

    War on Drugs? I think it’s more like War and Drugs.

  38. Gardener, yeah, I appreciate the sentiment of wanting lovely things, but I have always balked at “better and more and ever expanding and keep from all harm to point of not living.” Having a kid to redeem ones own life, see one do better is selfish parent imho. What ever happened to simple love?

    Wow! That’s a story too! The heroin guy was normal, frankly, harsh in language (which I take issue with, with anybody), but otherwise never know. Well, when money runs the show, smart folks will take measured risks to participate as they can… heroin flows here through little village of Chimayo though they fought and continue to fight hard, its tough. Here there are so many have nots floating in a sea of nuclear runoff and rich waiting to die, drugs and proximity to Mexican border are easy way out/in. I can understand the anger of poverty, especially given my struggles since crash in 1999 of Nasdaq, and growing up poor in Oregon many sun cycles ago.

    But, what I always had, which I realize many do not, is access to wilderness, to forest, to wild rivers… It is amazing how the natural environment puts things in perspective, good and bad. We must give Gaia a 5 star vacation it is her turn.

  39. KristenB

    Hey we are all human aren’t we? We want our kids to be better than we were, but they can also do a lot to make parents feel good about themselves.

    Speaking of heroin, my neighbor was an airline pilot who was caught smuggling 4000 pounds of marijuana into the country. No shit. He got out and did it again. It was all organized crime related. Network indeed – that’s probably the absolute truth.

  40. kristenb~Wonderful, positively! No “mememe” at all. You wrote: “and *maybe* stirs of forgiveness to my mother for being a frozen twinkie headed sort of Aquarian and all her many thwarts against me living my life versus me living her life as way to validate her pain, her ill health”…I can relate, and I am grateful that you’re where you are…positivity all around! Enjoy your new surroundings.

    The gap between knowing and living truth…sometimes a crack, sometimes an abyss.

  41. kristenb writes: ” I awoke this morning to MUCH news, it is almost unbelievable!!!: office job at local healing office which means no more midnight client calls, unless its a creative project I. . .”

    No, Kristen, it does NOT sound like ‘mememe’ — it sounds like you can exhale now.

    Funny, the day after I invited you to Austin, local news reported that (~whine~) all of our film monies had moved to yeah, New Mexico.

    This was part of a pitch being made to sweeten the pot for out-of-state producers. But presently you seem to be sitting in the crows nest. Land, ho!


  42. PT – Tell me postal address, and I’ll send some pixie rocks and dust your way! Abso-lovinghugs-lutely! You don’t mind a little paganism do you?

  43. oh, probably *sounds* me, me, me, huh…

    well, i’ve spent multiple decades serving, being enthusiastic, responsible, helping others, etc. only to be shafted by *systems* nearly every single time… and then slammed for not having “achieved” per those systems… it’s tough to not be cynical when showing loyalty is rewarded with being abandoned and kicked in the gut… there are big systems that do need and are in the process of change, but what i think i am really learning, is that those big systems don’t change, the structural violence, unless every single person lives their own truth… the gap between knowing and living truth is, or can be, a long hard multi-year/decade process as one encounters old paradigm folks over and over and over in all realms of housing, play, lovers, work, creativity, etc.

    to me, aquarian age is to support each person for exactly who they are, not who we hope or wish or dream them to be, and make sure they are safe as they do so… in this way we are unique, together in a big group and we do what we can by each and every one of us being the role model for ourselves…

    i am aware how difficult this can be as i have been subing at a group home for mentally challenged adults and my buddhist sangha does much, much prison work (really interesting dharma talk by THE head guy of the usa heroin import network in recent times)… just writing that phrase makes me guffaw, because, aren’t we all challenged?

    oh, i agree with the saltwater baths, steam thing… been doing that since 1996/7 myself and it does change every single cell… one day soon we will all be able to see our rainbow bodies in mirrors.

  44. kristenb – that sounds absolutely wonderful! In some ways wishing it was me!! Well done you – best wishes, PT.

  45. I just have to share!

    After an 18 month logjam involving no less than parental denigration for lack of proper societal achievement, filthy mouthed bosses, mean, nasty and greedy, residential moves x3, trying to switch emphasis on daily planet participation further while honoring myself alongside all the crises, loving and failing, miserably, I awoke this morning to MUCH news, it is almost unbelievable!!!: office job at local healing office which means no more midnight client calls, unless its a creative project I want to take on for fun, new casita with fireplace and crows and magpies and lovely tile floors (being a taurus, what’s under and on my feet is very important) and garden space for my special cherry tomatoes and hummingbird mint for next month and affordable!, acceptance into a formal buddhist study path, and being able to walk to the grocery store, plaza and ride my bike to the new gig – goal to not drive car more than 3,000 miles this year which will help the bod factor too i have faith… and *maybe* stirs of forgiveness to my mother for being a frozen twinkie headed sort of Aquarian and all her many thwarts against me living my life versus me living her life as way to validate her pain, her ill health… and a new girlfriend thought I was 10 years younger than I actually am by gegorian calendar… wee! okay, no lover(s), but then i’ve been super duper tired lately… and, besides, i have myself and have never gone without sexing up… just never occurred to me to feel bad about solo sex…

    I was born less than 18 hours after an eclipsed scorpio moon with uranus conj pluto opp saturn loosely conj chiron, venus, pallas – maybe my ship will survive the perfect storm after all?!

    Sigh, nap time… Big day tomorrow starting just after local eclipse time. Hmmm, now to manifest folks to help me move.

  46. JanesD, yeah me too. I have had to call and apologize to several people today and I’m like, ‘w-h-a-t did I do?” Well I am cleaning up some 12th house misunderstandings within the family. The closets are getting cleaned out.

    Anyway, so far so good today. I was thinking about your words too Mystes and thought ‘that’s exactly what I was thinking’ – about the Navy and all. Our navy boys are just following orders, and wouldnt’ they die for any single one of us after all?

    The pressure is great, and the winds of change are here. By next weekend nothing will be the same!

  47. In my personal case, regarding my personal person, Planet Waves has more than once kept me out of…let’s just call it many varieties of serious trouble. It’s really quite weird. Somehow under the strangest of circumstances I’ll be parked somewhere on a page and at the very timeliest moment scroll to something that appears to mean: do not say another word into that telephone. You should probably get some sleep before you drive all that way. You did renew your license, right? It’s a real bad night to push a money issue with firearms around. If you don’t do something extremely civilized right *now* there is an excellent chance you will go to federal prison.


    This always happens in synchronicity, off regular time, like something in parentheses. Typically I”m more poetic and Jungian with my astrology; I don’t expect a horoscope to offer much actionable information so I can’t even quite express how much this can freak me out.

    :). Thanks efc. Just about perfect timing today, too.


  48. Thanks bkoehler! I love hbjb’s as a word too – though I’m not sure I spelt it correctly. But what the heck, it sounds great!!!

  49. eric, you’ve peaked my interest. Will actually check out newspaper horoscopes this week, and make some compares.

    And the cat, the cat is great.

  50. Mystes~ Thanks! I’m almost done with first round of paperwork. Will feed the children lunch, go for a walk to enjoy the mild weather, and then will check out that website.

  51. bkoehler: “what with the frenetic pace people with Aquarian moons can put themselves through. ”

    Y’asm-youbetcha. Right, Fe? Right, Eric? Right, mystes? who else in this party is gnawing on the aquarian moonpie?

    I was just thinking: “Sloth. It’s not just for sinners anymore.” Sloth, of course, is the lazyrians way to write ‘sloweth’ (your ass down).

    And really, its not slow we’re aiming for, but imperturbability. The perfect mawwage (hey Juno…) of Saturn (growdeep&slow) and Uranus (nouvelle, nova, novena, neuve, neuf, nineness, >pop<).

    Here it comes, kittens.

  52. Guess I won’t be so hard on myself. I’ve felt so “panicky” the past few days, overwhelmed with everything I need to get accomplished before Monday morning, and not being able to even sort out a list of priorities. Usually I’m able to think on the fly, but I actually had to sit down this morning and write out my list of things that need to get down so that I could feel like I accomplished something and can cross off what I do get done. I feel anxious…and it really has nothing to do with my list of “need to do,” but this feeling of impending “something” sure is wreaking havoc with my corporal existence.

    What is the best way to get my chart done? I had a copy from way back when I worked a bit with an astrologer in CA, but have no clue where I have put it, and cannot remember what “I am composed of” astrologically speaking. I guess that would be the best place to start from? Thanks.

  53. Juno..don’t forget Juno! The Queen~! The Moon is against her too. Folks are always forgetting to include her. Anyway, this was great writing/thinking/feeling Eric; thank you for it, and for the poster child pix!

    About that sign Aquarius, and “always think of Saturn 1st” then other rulers for it. Does that apply for all planets going through it (at any time) or is that just when the Sun is there? Seems to me that when the Moon is in Aquarius, in many cases it would have to be Uranus in charge, what with the frenetic pace people with Aquarian moons can put themselves through. Or is that just the moon being the moon?

    Paletiger. . well, good luck with the presentation first of all. Those heebeejeebees (fun to type!) come from “it’s all new”. Is it also something you feel strongly about? Is it controversial? I guess everybody is having heebeejeebees (thank you PT, I love this word) over something or other because of the mile high stack of planetary types in Aquarius. That nervous anticipation of something “invisible” coming. Eric really nailed it. “Break continuity, establish new patterns”; the stuff of eclipses he thinks.

  54. Phew! Am I glad to read that!! I have a conference this week and I’m presenting/running some of the workshops in it. Ordinarily this wouldn’t trouble me too much – I’d still get a bit of excitement, a bit of nerves beforehand (I want to do a good job for the people paying me AND the people coming to learn, especially them). But for some reason, this one has given me the increasing heebeejeebees. And I have been aware of this and very curious about why. It’s not my usual format, my usual audience – it’s all new. However, somewhere way inside I know I will be fine, once I get there, once I get started. Meantime, breathe in, hold for 7, breathe out for 7…

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