The South Dakota Abortion Ban Initiative

Dear Friend and Reader,

I mentioned, briefly, in yesterday’s post that I had a bone to pick with South Dakota. Two years ago, about half of the voting population was in favor of a near-total ban on abortion. On Nov. 4, it’s on the ballot again, this time as the South Dakota Abortion Ban Initiative 2008. This time, the law will include exceptions in the case of rape, incest and threatening the mother’s health.

This ban, if implemented, could threaten Roe vs Wade, the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion, nation-wide. Eric explained to me that this occurred when Chiron, the surge of awareness, was conjunct Eris, representative of all women who are left out of the conversation. He wrote a full piece about Eris for the subscriber edition, entitled “Calling Home the Castaway Woman.

The 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion was a powerful conjunction for feminism and women’s rights in this country, demonstrated by this Chiron-Eris conjunction, and we’re not going to see the likes of it, again, anytime soon.В 

Eric will be discussing this case further in the Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, our subscriber series. It’s going to be a big election issue: after a long period of resistance, he’s finally examining Barack Obama and John McCain’s natal charts. I met with him last night, and I can tell you with absolute certainty: you will not find this analysis anywhere else, and it’s really juicy.

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Yours & truly,

Rachel Asher

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