Nancy Pelosi, will you marry me?

Dear Friend and Reader,

I wish I was married to Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives.

Then I could treat her really well and, in return, she could give me $99,000 from her political action committee. One sec, I’m just going to check if she believes in gay marriage.

She does! (Check out Pelosi’s voting record here, she’s a liberal’s wet dream: no to defining marriage between a man and a woman, no to banning partial birth abortion, no on making the Patriot Act permanent, etc.)

Unfortunately, she’s taken, so Paul F. Pelosi has already capitalized by becoming treasurer of Nancy’s committee in 2007, and getting close to four timesВ the previous treasurer for services rendered.В Last year, she wanted to ban the practice of paying spouses with campaign funds.

I guess I’ll have to wait for another liberal, and semi-hypocritical, female politician to come along. Anyone know ifВ Belinda StronachВ is available?

Yours & truly,

Rachel Asher

5 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi, will you marry me?”

  1. Can we talk about her hair? her suits? As Sam Bell (Daily Show) reported recently, we Vagina Americans enjoy the girl talk … the rest is too much for our lady brains. 🙂

  2. Chump change. Republicans are blaming her for the failure of the bailout bill … I thought her speak right on the money. Go Nancy.

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