Astrology: Hillary takes a ride on a Grand Earth Trine

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last week I predicted that Hillary would make a move on the convention. Tonight, she did. Not quite the way I was expecting, but finally a move befitting the actual political skill of the Clintons. In case you mised it, here is the New York Times write-up of the event.

One of our worldwatchers, Lloyd, sent this in late Tuesday night.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton gave a big, big speech. She essentially was attempting to unite the party and have her supporters elect Obama. She electrified the audience. She touched all the hot topics, Healthcare, Ecology, oil prices, Education etc. She even mentioned gay rights. She killed the Republicans and McCain. She quoted Harriet Tubman who started the underground railroad. “When you hear the dogs keep going. When you see the fires keep going. When you hear the shouts keep going.”

We have yet to see the effect that this will have on the nominating process or the Democratic party. I think that the sentiments are extremely strong at the moment, positive like the Democrats just have in recent years had nary a clue how to muster. One reader wrote in and said everything’s gonna be fine. I will allow myself a modicum of optimism, but only because the astrology checks out.

This is actually an interesting chart, the sky tonight — Earth signs are strong, with a grand trine between and among Vesta in Taurus, Sun, Saturn, Venus and Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn. Earth energy is grounded, it tends toward intelligent and the Moon in Cancer gives a soft feeling. I did not hear Hillary speak but rumor has it that she felt human.

The chart for the convention’s opening yesterday afternoon gave me more angst than any chart I’ve seen in quite a decade. That was the Moon in 9/11/tsunami position (28+ Gemini) opposite Pluto (28+ Sagittarius) chart…and my ultimate decision on how to interpret was as realism. Realism on account of the danger and potential of our times; and a sober attitude on how divided the public is. We are talking Gemini’s dualism met by Pluto, though on reciting the words, it could be the image of a uniting force; some cause we deem worth taking up on some collective level: for example, what we’re gonna do about climate change and a general thirst for justice.

Wouldn’t it be about time? Aren’t so many million of us pulling in the same direction, only separately, not together?

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

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