Astrology News: Georgia and Russia, the Democratic National Convention and More.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Planet Waves Astrology News’ Friday edition is now available to subscribers, and for those of you who haven’t signed up yet, we’re offering a special discount subscription: for $5.50 a month, you’ll get two editions per week in your inbox, containing:

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Barred Spiral Milky Way. By R. Hurt.

– a weekly horoscope;
– three monthly horoscopes (Planet Waves Monthly, Inner Space and the Eriscope);
– a lead article by Eric Francis on astrology and current events;
– and an article by Judith Gayle providing political commentary with a soul.

You’ll also gain access to the Planet Waves archives, with years of astrology writing, horoscopes and astrology questions and answers. All of this for the cost of a bagel and shmear at Zabars. Take a look at our limited time discounted subscription, click here.

Today is the right day to sign up, because in addition to the patented sure-to-make-you-think-and-feel-good weekly horoscope (click here for our cover and this week’s Leo horoscope), we finally got an official start-time for the Democratic National Convention on August 25, and it says something pretty concrete, and pretty unnerving. Eric writes:

Looking at the chart for 4 pm on Monday, Aug. 25, 2008 in Denver, CO, when the DNC opens, we find the Moon at 28 Gemini 38, about half a degree in distance from both Sept. 11 and the tsunami; and notably, occupying the same degree, 28+ Gemini. This is stunning and ominous. Were we considering the chart for any other campaign, or for a theater performance, it might not be so noticeable, so strange and deserving of so much consideration. But this is a very important election.

Let’s zoom in a little more. In the DNC chart, the corresponding opposite degree in Sagittarius is rising, or the exact ascendant — the way you would say that is 28+ Sagg — is rising. Sagg is the rising sign and 28+ is the rising degree; this is an angle (the eastern horizon). This does several things.

One, it puts 28+ Gemini (and thus the Moon of all three events) on something called the descendant. The convention begins with the Moon on an exact angle (the western horizon) at the precise moment of moonset. When you place a planet on an exact angle, you crank up its emphasis by quite a lot; name a proportion — five-fold, 10-fold, pick a number. It puts it in the cosmic spotlight. And that planet happens to be the Sept. 11 and tsunami Moon, which is now the DNC 2008 Moon.

Judith Gayle also contributes, bringing us up to speed on the Georgia/Russia/South Ossetia/United States war, and provides us with some insight on how to judge our own intuition. She writes:

How we define ourselves tells us a good deal about what drives us; that’s why our goal of authenticity is so important. It’s not that we so often plunge ahead aggressively to achieve those things that underpin our psyches; not many of us are self-starters. More often we are simply opportunistic in grabbing what presents itself and turning it toward our goals.

Politics, of course, is usually defined as a game of chess, so there is a longer view in political opportunism; in our individual lives, we’re more playing Chinese Checkers, leaping over obstacles and trudging toward our long-range desires. Carefully choosing our next play is the art of the game — but the art of consciousness is in choosing only the moves that are ethical and meet our soul’s purpose.

We are creatures of both instinct and intuition; instinct comes from our mammalian DNA, while intuition is a faculty of Spirit. Both of them are working overtime but most of us choose not to notice. If we had no news, no government, no neighborhood organizations or tribal families to inform and police us, we would still be successful as a species following our instinct and intuition; perhaps more than we are now. The more removed from these vital capacities we remain, the less aware we are of our authentic personhood.

The more we are in touch with our intuitive gifts, the more we will know which game board moves are appropriate for us and which to avoid. Developing our intuition is a matter of trusting Higher Self to float up the information that we need at any given point.

It’s an edition that shouldn’t be missed, and, with our special subscription offer of only $5.50 a month, it’s a deal for your wallet and your mind.

Scroll down for the daily Oracle and astrology aspects.

Yours & truly,

Rachel Asher


Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini weekly of Feb 14, 2002

(The Oracle is a random daily selection from among 10,000 horoscopes written by Eric Francis)

You have waited long enough. Or have you? I don’t blame you for hesitating. I don’t blame you for wanting to think things through in a careful and structured way and for wanting every detail of your plan worked out and for having some healthy respect and caution for the larger powers-that-be. However in a little while you are apt to throw caution to the wind no matter what you think or plan now and you might want to invest your energy in making sure you have a little extra cash and a few free weekends and keep your backpack by the door to collect sundry items like your favorite sunglasses.

Aspects for Friday 15 August 2008

Mars (27+ Virgo) sesquiquadrate Nessus (12+ Aquarius Rx)
Asbolus stations retrograde (8+ Taurus)
Vesta (12+ Taurus) quincunx Ixion (12+ Sagittarius Rx)
Sun (22+ Leo) opposite Neptune (22+ Aquarius Rx)
Venus (11+ Virgo) semisquare Atlantis (26+ Libra)
Mercury (8+ Virgo) trine Asbolus (8+ Taurus Rx)
Venus (11+ Virgo) septile Varuna (19+ Cancer)
Mercury (8+ Virgo) sesquiquadrate 1992 QB1 (23+ Aries Rx)
Eros (29+ Leo) conjunct Orcus (29+ Leo)
Arachne (18+ Libra) trine Chiron (18+ Aquarius Rx)
Mars (27+ Virgo) sesquiquadrate Vesta (12+ Taurus)
Mercury (9+ Virgo) conjunct Saturn (9+ Virgo)
Sisyphus (19+ Libra) square Varuna (19+ Cancer)

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