Wednesday: Eros trine Uranus

Dear Friend and Reader,

Today finds us in the midst of a trine between Eros and Uranus. Both of these deities in myth are said to be primordial: Eros is one of the fundamental building blocks of existence, and Uranus is the starry sky, who conceived the gods with Gaia, thus giving them form.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Kim Falconer of relays a tale told by Aristophanes of Eros coming into being from a germless egg layed by Night (or Nyx). After a long time, Eros sprang from this egg and mated with Chaos in the depths of Tartarus, thus bringing the immortal Olympians into existence.

Another myth claims the goddess of rainbows and the god of the north wind are the parents of Eros. Still another traces the heritage to Uranus and Gaia, or Artemis and Hermes. Falconer writes:

“The mixed parenthood of Eros, as well as his transforming images, (some versions of [the] myth have him assisting Aphrodite at her birth and in others he is her offspring), may illustrates ongoing changes in the collective awareness of the concept of love and creativity.В  As the son of chaos, he has no tangible form.В  He is the power of attraction that co-ordinates the elements of the universe bringing harmony to all creation.В  In this image, Eros is more a cosmic force than an actual god of passionate or personal love.”

For an excellent article regarding the myths involving Eros, including his origins and an impressive list of sources, please visit the above link. It’s a really interesting read.

Falconer also suggests that throughout the metamorphoses of Eros, one thing remains the same: it is his fundamental power to make things mingle. Without his assistance, there would be no striving and no interactions. This, in my opinion, puts him in close relation to Mars.

So here we have the god of elemental attraction and co-mingling in a trine with Uranus, also attributed with the formation of the gods. According to Wikipedia, Uranus is attributed as being lord of the night sky and of the stars. He was the first god in a long pattern of cannibal infanticide, ending with the young god Saturn castrating him with a scythe and tossing his balls into the sea.

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