Personal, Political: Welcome to Aries, 2012-style

By Amanda Painter

The Sun is on the Aries Point, where the personal is political. We’re just a few days on the heels of The New York Post’s story on Meghan McCain’s interview with Playboy (she’s the daughter of 2008 Presidential candidate John McCain, and a political contributor for MSNBC and The Daily Beast). And as if on cue, the threads of the big ‘personal/political’ issue of the year — who gets to control sex and sexuality — are in the news yet again. But with a couple of twists.

Meghan McCain in 2011. Photo by David Shankbone/Wikimedia Commons.

First, let’s check out a segment of that interview, available in full here. It’s full of down-to-Earth commentary (aside from her assertion that her dad would have had the country in better shape by now if he had been elected president instead of Obama) but what caught my eye was that she calls out the role of sexual repression in political sex scandals:

PLAYBOY: Why do so many politicians get caught up in sex scandals?
MCCAIN: I always say repression breeds obsession. Politicians have to be goody-goodies. They put on this face of perfection and pretend they’re completely above indiscretion. But the more you deny your sexual side, the more it builds up and comes out in inappropriate ways. Not to bring any particular politician into this discussion, but I always find it fascinating that the number one state per capita for downloading porn is Utah. All those pious Mormons and they’re drooling at their laptops all day.

Spoken like a true Scorpio, eh?

In fact, Meghan — who did not pose nude for Playboy, but instead wears a red sequined number while lying on white satin — openly proclaims she likes sex. And why not? It would seem the progressive pro-birth control forces could take a cue from this socially liberal Republican and take a positive stand for liking sex. Should access to birth control for medical purposes be protected? Of course. But when those on the front lines get squeamish or defensive about its use to prevent pregnancies by women who like to have a lot of sex, they do everyone a disservice by playing into the shame-and-guilt trap.

Even worse, pro-women groups run the risk of starting to sound more like Rick Santorum, the presidential candidate who has proven the most rabid in his anti-sex, anti-women crusade, as he proclaims how free he now is from his former porn addiction. That’s right — according to yesterday, Santorum told a bunch of Baptists this weekend that he just couldn’t get enough of the stuff — or his own hand:

While making a pitch yesterday to a crowd of over 1,400 evangelical leaders at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, Rick Santorum admitted to having a past addiction to pornography.

‘I believe the foundation of a strong society starts with the strong foundation of family. The threat of homosexuality and pornography is leading to the ‘sexualization’ of America. I know this because I’ve lived it. I’ve learned from my past addiction to porn.’

An awkward silence fell over the crowd as Santorum went on to say, ‘The devil pulled me into lust. I would stare at screens, magazines, my hand… but now I’m free. I’m free of the devil’s grip.’ The crowd organized by the Family Research Council erupted into cheers as Santorum vowed to wipe the ‘pandemic of pornography’ out of America.

The devil’s grip? Well, as much as I dislike Santorum, I hope the Devil used plenty of lube. And note that in this latest statement, slow-hand Rick acknowledges that his crusade is not just about putting sluts or gays in their place. It really is about eviscerating everyone of their sexuality — their basic human creative potential. But then, we knew this about him already, because we’ve seen his natal chart.

Meanwhile, what does John McCain think about his daughter’s appearance in Playboy — a porn mag, albeit one of the ‘softest’ around? Apparently, not much. She claims she talks to each of her parents daily, so it seems unlikely he did not know about her decision prior to the issue hitting newsstands this month. To the contrary, John McCain has called for his party to drop their focus on the uterus. (Hmm… given that women’s breasts are such a sexualized body part, could we call it the Right’s ‘Tit Offensive’ in its War on Women? Anyway…). Here’s what he had to say on Meet the Press on Monday, when host David Gregory “sensibly asked McCain whether he thought there was a war on women being waged by Republicans in light of this sudden, bizarre fascination with whether women are having sex they enjoy without suffering the divinely-prescribed consequences,” according to

I think we have to fix that. I think that there is a perception out there, because of the way that this whole contraception issue played out. We need to get off of that issue, in my view. I think we ought to respect the right of women to make choices in their lives, and make that clear, and get back on to what the American people really care about: jobs and the economy.

But as Jezebel contributor Erin Gloria Ryan points out,

Oddly, McCain’s assertion that the GOP should ‘get off’ the issue of contraception and babies and onto things like jobs and whether or not all these babies born of compelled pregnancy will ever be able to find jobs comes on the heels of McCain’s vote in favor of the Blunt Amendment. That stinker of a bill would have allowed any employer or insurance company to refuse to provide any sort of insurance coverage they found morally objectionable. Nudge nudge wink wink birth control.

And as our own Len Wallick noted, McCain is a military man and a strategist. If he sees his party shooting itself in the foot, he’s going to find a way to point the gun elsewhere. But that’s not the same as taking out the bullets. This is, after all, an election year — and McCain isn’t likely to leave politics any time soon.

It doesn’t look like Meghan McCain is going to go into hiding anytime, either. And strange as it may seem, that could be a really good thing for anyone who cares more about getting sex — and living — out of the dark, shameful shadows and out in the open where it can breathe, even if it’s counterintuitive for some of us to appreciate a Republican these days. Planet Waves often makes a point of describing the strength that can come from shrugging off the shame game and instead living your life no matter who’s watching. Meghan seems to get that:

PLAYBOY: Do you ever think twice about partying in public for fear it will show up on Gawker the next morning?
MCCAIN: Oh, I can’t live like that. I do get paranoid when I’m wearing low-cut dresses that somebody’s going to take a picture and put it on the internet and be like, ‘Meghan was showing off her breasts again.’ But you know, showing a little cleavage can make a girl feel sexy too. Like Jessica Simpson says, if you got it, you should flaunt it once in a while.

Most fun of all, perhaps, is the fact that she’s single:

PLAYBOY: And you’re still single?
MCCAIN: Oh my God, I love being single. I can do whatever the hell I want all the time. I have no one to check in with. When you’re in a serious relationship, you kind of have to check in before you go out with your friends or do whatever. I think I’m a bit of a commitment-phobe. Or maybe it’s just that I haven’t met the right guy. Dating’s okay, but guys can be weird. They think if they Google you and talk about stuff you’ve said, they get to make out with you at the end of the first date.

She’s single. She likes sex. She’s 27 years old. She’s a Scorpio. She posed in Playboy. She has chastised conservatives in the past for hypocrisy regarding abortion and sex education, saying “They go on and on about how evil and wrong abortion is, but don’t like to talk about how easy it is to not get pregnant.” I have a feeling she regularly “stares at her hand.” But unlike Rick Santorum, I don’t think she’ll start loathing herself for it anytime soon — or turn that loathing onto the rest of us.

7 thoughts on “Personal, Political: Welcome to Aries, 2012-style”

  1. If she were on the ballot, I’d vote for her today… could we start a Scorpio party to deflate the idiocy of the current system?

  2. Hi Amanda,
    The bit about Rick Santorum outing his porn addiction is from an “almost news” site…There is a more recent post about him developing immigration policy based on the “Hunger Games”. While all of this seems very believable given the creepiness of the candidate, I just wanted to clarify the fact that the event was concocted by a satirist. When satire is woven through real news, the boundaries of credibility can be rather blurry. Thanks for posting an otherwise insightful article.

  3. I knew it Rick Scarcastic not only is disowning his sexual nature but blaming his compulsive porn addiction on the old scapegoat devil. It sure makes it neat and tidy for him believing he has absolutely no accountability and no need for further self reflection . He stumbles on clueless that the sex hangups are entirely created and birthed no where other but solely within himself. Free will Ricky boy can’t be obtained until you explore your inner cesspools , Know Thyself .
    Meanwhile until this gentlemen wises up, what has always and is divine he will further corrupt projecting a fragmented twisted version of sex onto all he sees and what all others do.
    I know for a fact that sex really sucks in the bedroom of rick santorum and the unspoken tension lack of intimacy with his wife reverberates much more loudly , so loud in fact the whole family will not be able to escape it. Divine hounds of heaven won’t have it any other way cause there is none. Its impossible and you can’t enter the kingdom of heaven when you deny the inner existence thus the keys remain hidden while continually insisting they reside where they are not and never will be but his ID entity is so in love with this illusion..

  4. This all sounds like a lot of fanfare around a false dilemma:

    “But for a slightly different angle, note Megan’s comment that “Dating’s okay, but guys can be weird. They think if they Google you and talk about stuff you’ve said, they get to make out with you at the end of the first date.”

    My point exactly. A hot, vivacious 27-year old who clearly loves sex hints that she may indeed have to go without – simply (or not so simply, obviously) because men seem to think that “freedom of sexual expression” somehow means a girl’s going to “put out” straight away (if she does, she’s a slut, if she doesn’t, she’s a ball-breaking bitch – a new take on the Madonna/whore complex)

    It doesn’t mean that at all. (Clean your minds boys, that’s where the problem lies…) Manners maketh the man. Perhaps if men worked towards self-improvement – self love – and genuinely started to see themselves and women as people, with feelings and disappointments and so on (rather than tying their egos to successful “conquest”, or working on the assumption of “me man, me entitled, any woman who says ‘no’ is a nasty, ball-breaking bitch”), they might be pleasantly surprised. (On this note, I’m sorry to inform men that only your mother is your mother – no other woman is – so give your mamma her dues and be done with it – and stop expecting that relationship from other women!)

    Most of the women I know LOVE sex – now if we could only get men to love it too – not just in theory (porn’s too easy isn’t it? The pleasure without the work of building a relationship), but in PRACTICE!!”

  5. Not only do I receive lessons on astrology from PW, I am learning about American politics!

    I love this girl. What a straight shooter.. “one state per capita for downloading porn is Utah. All those pious Mormons and they’re drooling at their laptops all day.” (hilarious)

    Thank you Amanda.. that was refreshing!

  6. That is fantastic! Thanks for posting it – and it’s good to know that there are still some pockets within the US of A that aren’t completely bonkers!! I love her! (And it’s too bad that John McCain took the stances he did in the previous election campaign (that “war hero” thing!) – if he was any sort of strategist perhaps instead of trying to win over these weird repressed sad-cases in the GOP’s religious “heartland”, he could have really made a difference and spoken his mind on these things, and the GOP might have actually had a “human” candidate for once!!)

    So glad to see the American media is rebelling too!

    But for a slightly different angle, note Megan’s comment that “Dating’s okay, but guys can be weird. They think if they Google you and talk about stuff you’ve said, they get to make out with you at the end of the first date.”

    My point exactly. A hot, vivacious 27-year old who clearly loves sex hints that she may indeed have to go without – simply (or not so simply, obviously) because men seem to think that “freedom of sexual expression” somehow means a girl’s going to “put out” straight away (if she does, she’s a slut, if she doesn’t, she’s a ball-breaking bitch – a new take on the Madonna/whore complex)

    It doesn’t mean that at all. (Clean your minds boys, that’s where the problem lies…) Manners maketh the man. Perhaps if men worked towards self-improvement – self love – and genuinely started to see themselves and women as people, with feelings and disappointments and so on (rather than tying their egos to successful “conquest”, or working on the assumption of “me man, me entitled, any woman who says ‘no’ is a nasty, ball-breaking bitch”), they might be pleasantly surprised. (On this note, I’m sorry to inform men that only your mother is your mother – no other woman is – so give your mamma her dues and be done with it – and stop expecting that relationship from other women!)

    Most of the women I know LOVE sex – now if we could only get men to love it too – not just in theory (porn’s too easy isn’t it? The pleasure without the work of building a relationship), but in PRACTICE!!

    Game on!

  7. Amanda,
    Thank you. Love how you wove different threads together in this piece. Love even more your remark about the devil and lube (thank you for the chuckle). Thank you even more for keeping us straight on the issues when there are so many trying to twist the facts (or somehow can’t help but do so). Said it before, will say it again – you are a hero.

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