By Sarah Taylor
Today marks the first Weekend Tarot Reading with the Röhrig-Tarot deck that I featured in the mid-week article, A View from the deck: the Röhrig-Tarot. (If you’re unfamiliar with the Röhrig-Tarot — and given it sits in stark contrast to the Xultun Maya Tarot that I’ve been using for the Sunday readings since September 23 — it might be useful to read that article first so that you become acquainted with its imagery, how you relate to it, and how you feel it is relating to you.)
This week’s reading is comprised of cards from the minor arcana: this will be something that becomes apparent in your day-to-day life and your interactions with others. From left to right, the cards are the Nine of Swords, the Nine of Wands, and the Two of Disks (Pentacles) — Cruelty, Strength, and Change respectively.
The suits are balanced, their corresponding elements being Air, Fire, and Earth, which are also seen in terms of thoughts/beliefs, libido/creativity, and the physical world. The missing suit is Cups — element of water, which governs emotions and our unconscious depths (emotions being a doorway to the unconscious).
Which says something to me immediately: there is a thrust into consciousness of that which was once hidden. It has been hidden under a layer of self-recrimination, shame, guilt — a layer of swords that has been preventing us from seeing past them. As soon as we came close to the source of the pain, it triggered our defence mechanisms. We turned the swords on ourselves — a fight so up-close-and-personal that it prevented insight.
Look at the picture: it is the eye that is the target of the attack — our ability to see. There are grief, encroaching barbs, razor-sharp blades. But what might be hardest to see of all is that it is self-inflicted. Those swords are sketched into the skin; they are not pointed at the eye from some external antagonist. Our perceptions, what we believe we are seeing, are what wound us.
In that moment, we become blind to our inherent beauty.
The Nine of Swords was the central card in the Weekend Tarot Reading of September 16, 2012. Here, it has moved to the left; its energy is receding. Have we learned our lesson? Do we now understand that punishing ourselves because we feel inadequate in some way is simply cutting off access to our light? When we do that, we not only deny it to ourselves, but we also deny it to others. Our shame is what we bring into the world, and it is our shame that gets reflected in our relationships with others.
When we are able to look into ourselves with searing honesty and compassionate acceptance of who we are — apparent warts and all — we bring light to the darkness. Here, it is as if it bursts out of us in a flash of revelation and release. In the Nine of Wands, the eye has become star, exploding the stone walls holding us in, holding us back.
This stone cube is not a one-off image in the Röhrig-Tarot. It is one of the visual themes that runs through the deck, and it is seen most clearly in the stone cube that forms the centrepiece to the Five of Cups (Disappointment). The Five of Cups was the focal point of last week’s Weekend Tarot Reading, where I wrote about the grief and disillusionment we can experience from a sense of loss, not realising that our perception is mistaken. We have been looking at the wrong thing. The loss we felt there becomes clear here: it is the loss of a part of ourselves with which we have identified so closely, and for so long, that we forgot to ask ourselves whether it had been doing us any good.
Amazing how we can cleave to the very things that hurt us simply because it is more comforting being wounded by what we know than being released into the unknown. Uncertainty, freedom, pulling up anchor: all of these can seem terrifying. Maybe in the face of the unknown the swords are a sacrifice (a self-sacrifice) that we tell ourselves we can handle. At least the pain feels familiar. For a time we believed that we had petrified so much that our hardened centres could contain anything — keep it safe from consciousness.
Not anymore. The opportunity is there for an insight that blows the whole damn charade apart. We put up a really good fight; we put up a good front. We learned to be brave; we learned that strength and fortification would stand us in good stead. Instead we became imprisoned.
What we are being guided towards now is alignment. We can burn so much brighter than we have. We can burn so brightly we burn through an idea about ourselves that no longer works in our best interests. In that moment, we become vulnerable, and our beauty becomes apparent.
And so we open ourselves to change. That change is evocative of the eternal dance of opposites, living in co-operative, dynamic partnership that opens the flow of the universe to us. Disks are manifestation, and here we have the ability to create something tangible with our connection to the divine. If we choose this, we liberate ourselves from the mirror of pain we have been so used to seeing in front of us. Our cell is opened, the landscape is illuminated.
We are called to relate to our world in a new way, however, committing and re-committing ourselves to a paradigm that thrives on change. This calls for flexibility and skill in an environment that will keep us on our toes. Now that we know what it feels like to be held captive by our fears, we are equipped with the means of steering a different course.
Astrology correspondences: Nine of Swords (Mars in Gemini), Nine of Wands (Moon in Sagittarius), Two of Disks (Jupiter in Capricorn)
If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.
P. Sophia – I’ll respond later to your post when I have access to a laptop, but wanted to clarify that I was writing about the shame we bring into the world as a product of our upbringing, not as newborns. Thanks for highlighting that point of misunderstanding for me. — S
“We can burn so brightly we burn through an idea about ourselves that no longer works in our best interests. In that moment, we become vulnerable, and our beauty becomes apparent.”
Well i hope so. Last week, I coincidentially to the timing of this reading broke a blood vessel my eye! Half of the white is bright red, it looks horrible. Some stress, pressure? I hope is being released…
Sarah, i could not believe the image of the eye and the meaning of the cards. Also connected to and regarding last weeks reading and my response/observations in some way wrestle with the meaning of self inflicted v/s our innocence, especially if we’re a child. A child is vulnerable as a-posed to the awareness that is gained through claiming non victimhood through spiritual knowledge awakening and insight.
For example You express, “Our shame is what we bring into the world, and it is our shame that gets reflected in our relationships with others.” I agree with the later, but the former is to ponder. I know our certain perceptions cause barriers, illusions blocking us from the truth. But it is not of discussion whether, or not shame is something we came here with, caused, or called to us by our intention?
I believe we are all born of innocence and shame is passed down through patterns of generations lived, retained, of limited believed. Yes, this is of our holding on to physically.
But I broke this chain with my life, and with and for my son.
In recognizing the illusion and breaking out from time, these limits, and into reality of the properly perceived.
Two worlds, one foot has been straddled in each. While it’s releasing, letting go, crossing over mentally and emotionally, liberation in an instant can be.
Sarah –
This only reconfirms my initial reaction to these cards the other day – I have fallen in love with this deck! These images speak so loudly and clearly to me, I don’t need words to understand them. Your reading felt to me as if you were expressing my own gut reaction.
What luck to be discover such effortless, mind-opening imagery. It’s a real gift. A huge thank you for sharing this deck. I understand why you love it so much 🙂
Love your further comment, thank you Sarah. Right now I’m wading through fear, but a new consciousness is emerging alongside that fear. Am plumbing the watery depths (without diving bell), but a lot of fire dreams and imagery is coming up too. And have some excellent travelling companions…
What a wonderful piece. Thank you so much <3
Thank you, all.
This seems to be the time for revelation. Not all revelations are immediately full of triumph and joy – I understand this. There are those revelations where we realise to what extent our life has been one of acting out scripts, and other people’s scripts no less. We think we’re free, and then something comes along to show us that we were not perhaps as free as we thought we were.
In that moment, though, we expand – and that is joyous in itself. We’re not reaching for something else to feel that joy; it is the joy of simply being more of who we are, right now.
Am I talking about me too? Who? Moi? 😉
“Now that we know what it feels like to be held captive by our fears, we are equipped with the means of steering a different course”. Not there yet…not there yet…, still battling with this bloody cocoon. Thank you for this amazing piece, Sarah.
My words exactly Alex! Thank you Sarah, truly wonderful.
There was a need to look at something painful, to explore perhaps that environment one last time. Within the certainty of honest exploration came that explosion of truth, shattering concepts and ideals and false expectations, as if I am hearing a voice from the universe yelling “Leave it be! Move forward!”. And where I once thought myself weak and without self dominion, I now find radiance. Within that light I am myself again and bring balance to a new paradigm indeed.
Utterly absorbing! This is a true gateway reading.. it behoves any person wishing to pass through to gather their thoughts and get clear on what this shift truly means.. no going back in my view. A rite of passage would be a very fitting way of marking the transition!
Brilliant perception Sarah, eloquently described! 🙂