Mercury retrograde in Leo got your tongue?

Editor’s note: Jan is a longtime Planet Waves reader and psychologist who is offering this feature to answer one reader letter per week. If you have a question you would like answered and explored in this forum, please email her at Drjanseward [at] Please note, depending on volume of emails, not all letters may be featured. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. We’re really excited to see what our readers come up with! — amanda

Hello Dear Readers!

In true Mercury Retro fashion, I’ve had no new letters this week, so I’ve decided to give Mercury his due and stand still. It’s a great time, though, to pause and reflect on this crazy world we’re living in (can anyone say earthquake and hurricane, same coast, same week?) and why now, more than ever, it’s important to retreat, reflect and evolve.

I wish you many blessings, a place of calm against the storm, and I look forward to answering your questions again next week. Keep your letters coming!


4 thoughts on “Mercury retrograde in Leo got your tongue?”

  1. thanks gary for asking — somehow the last couple posts did not get the editor’s note with that email address! i’ve just added it to this one. my apologies to everyone about that.

    can i blame mercury?

  2. ..I have perhaps an odd question, perhaps not? If we’re made to get out of this shit, how do we get in, to get out?!

    We’re 6 billion strong, and counting…

    ..It’s still odd that folks are so… reticent.. yeah, that’s a word..

    ..I’m confused as all hell, but it’s pretty much mundane..

    ..I hit a deeper level on the June 15th eclipse, ..shit just aint the same.

    I feel this ‘power’ growing within my being. Yet, the isolation is immense.

    ..I’m not a bitcher, and I’m totally cool with the Universe workin’ it’s way out, in its way..

    ..I just wonder.. when will we work our way to a more integrated form of interaction?

    Love ya guys,

    thanks for lettin’ me chat,

    your fiend,


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