New Issue On its Way to Subscribers

Today’s subscriber edition analyzes the astrology of the David Petraeus issues — the sex scandal as well as the Benghazi incident.

When is a sex scandal not really about sex? Well, most of the time — and especially in the case of David Petraeus. In this premium subscriber issue of Planet Waves, Eric lays out the basic known facts of this story — which amounts to a box of puzzle pieces from several different puzzles — and then with the help of astrology, asks the questions no one else seems to be asking.

There are a couple ways you can get access to the whole issue, which includes horoscopes for all 12 signs that are focused on Mars ingressing Capricorn and retrograde Mercury in Scorpio, plus astro-news briefs. One is to purchase the issue individually here. The other is to sign up for a subscription to our twice-weekly service. You can do that with a one-month free trial subscription here.

5 thoughts on “New Issue On its Way to Subscribers”

  1. Yes – thank ypu so much, dear Eric and team, for another totally knockout edition. It’s unbelievable the amount of work, talent, skill and love that goes into these weeklies.

  2. Does anyone really believe that Paula is on a vacation? Could she be in a prison cell someplace, maybe in another country?

  3. I second what Len said below. But I am curious to go deeper into this whole piece with the military, FBI and CIA. It feels like a window opened in the facade of America, offering us a glimpse into an inner turmoil and fight for control, a very Pluto square Uranus situation. Perhaps Obama’s re-election triggered some of the events now playing out in public.

    Pass the popcorn!

  4. Looking forward to reading this issue in depth.

    My comment is about the photo above. What strikes me is how similar these people look to each other…sure age and gender inform the features and details, but the basic bone structure and physiognomy is powerfully similar, especially in their faces…it is uncanny! Knowing that these two people are also Scorpios, career military and real go-getters it is easy to feel the sense of Destiny which is playing out in this drama. The often mixed concepts of “twin flame” and also the Shadow materials that have been so well covered here in PW recently….along with equal and balanced polarity seem to saturate these two individuals at least in this photo. I know that all of this is completely subjective and therefore not very useful to the way some people think here in PW, but this impression is incredibly strong for me. The sense of Fated-ness is profound. Not only was press announcement oddly timed, it bears mentioning (if it was not in the article) that the day was also her birthday….talk about timing!!! If the timing was contrived or just divinely orchestrated, it is very clear that these two individuals could not be better suited to play the roles they did…nearly archetypal in scope. If one had written this as a fiction, it would be hard to swallow as “realistic”…but here it is…whatever it is.

  5. Eric: Many thanks to you and the other contributors who put this outstanding subscriber edition together. It brings to mind something Isaac Asimov once wrote, that it is important to first ask the correct questions before looking for the correct answers. You ask the right questions in the feature piece, a trait that distinguishes you among both astrologers and journalists. There is nobody like you, and it is a privilege to have access to your thoughts this week.

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