New Edition On its Way to Subscribers

New edition on its way to subscribers
New edition on its way to subscribers

This week’s beautifully illustrated issue of our premium subscriber service will take you deeper into the astrology of this amazing season as it heats up and aims for the heart of the Uranus-Pluto square. Eric lifts the edge of Pluto in Capricorn to show us how we can use its depth of movement consciously.

You can read the full issue, which includes horoscopes for all 12 signs based on the Taurus New Moon and a selection of astro-news briefs, by purchasing this single issue here. Or, try our one-month free trial subscription and make Eric’s global astro-journalism and guided personal inquiry part of your weekly rhythm.

6 thoughts on “New Edition On its Way to Subscribers”

  1. Yep. Blackmail and sex…danger… Jeesh.

    The sex issue aside, I’m tired of the “blame game” with all of politics. The brouhaha over the FB posting by the SS agent in 2008 while guarding Palin… Hmm. If Palin was being protected, then that must have been before the election, and ergo, must have occurred under Bushie’s watch, right? Or is the linear timeline switched to an alternate reality?

    Thank you, Eric, for the concise agenda for the coming months. I’m paying attention with transiting Pluto opposite my natal Uranus.


  2. I can’t figure out why everyone is so surprised and shocked that the Secret Service agents would want to have a fun night of sex. The granddaddy of all agents was James Bond, and the first secret agent film I ever saw featured “Pussy Galore” and a lot of implied sex. The agents have these wonderful positions but can’t tell anyone; then they spend all their time away from home, including weekends and holidays, so gee whiz….a foreign country away from prying eyes should have been a fairly safe night out except for the cheapskate. I guess James would have made good on his word and wouldn’t have gotten drunk.

    Then there was ‘Undercover Brother’ and his downfall, “Black Man’s Kryptonite” – which was way funny.

    I think old Toro opposing Taurus is about hot sex. Should I, or Shouldn’t I, is the conflict. Depends what is at stake I suppose.

  3. Eric, wishing you the pisces huge opening too! I was wondering with the pluto uranus square about being real. This week we saw the Matrix again and in 1999 seeing it was so wonderful because reading Brave New World had been so distressing, and here was a reply to that nihilism and ‘giving up’. And that is it isn’t it, with Pluto you go into whatever you are facing as completely real (true) as you can be, as completely as you can – like diving into and through a wave: what is real doesn’t hurt you and what is not real either becomes real or fades away? Being big and real sets the base note in a way that comes through? Gandhi. Mandela. HHDL.

    This issue makes me think too of Hana in The English Patient singing the Marseillaise, whole, and later fractured. And of kd Laing – not the same song, but finding again some sort of wholeness more than any brokenness?


  4. “Then you started to see where you could maybe slip in edgewise. Suddenly there’s a huge opening — but it doesn’t look like people are having one of those Nike sneaker stampedes. Don’t let that fool you. I don’t know what it is, but you’re in possession of something that people not only need — better still, it’s something that they want. Even though you’re not motivated by money, keep your financial strategy in the front of your mind and you’ll do well with this, whatever it might be.”

    Wow. It is as if you are a light into my heart and life with this. That is EXACTLY what I am feeling and working with right now. I am always amazed at how you hit it every time, week after week. Thank you so much for these insights; they help so much!

  5. Thank you Friends at Planet Waves! This issue was one of the most important and comprehensive issues I’ve ever read. Life is incredibly challenging for me at this time and your notes and observations help me feel the purpose behind the chaos of all that is on my radar screen at the moment.

    Thank you all for your steady hands on the tiller as we navigate these turbulent waters!

    Blessed Be

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