Pholus Moon Door

I’ll be distributing my Full Moon interpretations for all 12 signs and rising signs to our subscribers and Core Community members tonight at about 7 pm. You can receive this exciting (and useful) information as part of our Core Community membership, which provides access to my astrological services, or with a basic monthly subscription.

Dionysus factors into the myth of Pholus. Listen to the current Planet Waves FM to understand the relationship.
Dionysus factors into the myth of Pholus. Listen to the current Planet Waves FM to understand the relationship.

With the Moon in early Sagittarius, the full phase has begun. The Moon reaches an exact opposition to the Sun just past midnight EDT on Friday, June 13. Between now and then the Moon makes many aspects, which indicates something of a wild ride. Very early Thursday the Moon cleared an exact square to Neptune. It then forms a sextile to Mars, then Vesta, with a trine to Uranus and a quincunx to Venus in the mix. Later today it’ll make squares to Chiron and Borasisi in Pisces, before finally arriving at the exact Full Moon.

The point I’m making here is that’s a lot of aspects closely concentrated together, with many twists and curves, peaks and drops, all along the way to an exact conjunction to Ixion, then Pholus, and an opposition to the Sun. The the Moon keeps moving of course, and makes aspects to another group of points clustered around the Galactic Core in late Sagittarius.

Yet as the planet most closely aligned with the exact Full Moon, Pholus provides the central theme. Our society produces a lot of repressed, wound up, calcified and uptight people who think they’re really cool. And it produces many hurt people who want nothing more than some love and contact — and there’s an overlap between these two large categories. In the midst of this, many people condition themselves to feed on yearning and aggression rather than on contact and fulfillment. There is a conceal yourself at all costs ethos going around, which is not surprising since it’s not so safe to reveal who you are — even though eventually you will have to. This set of circumstances breeds tension and unhappiness, with no obvious escape.

A few among us have figured out how to be more naturally themselves, though this is a challenge and it’s not always rewarded. Full Moon conjunct Pholus may represent some of that unraveling and a need to lose control, to give it up or to surrender to some deep and unusual impulse in your psyche. This motivating factor is located just beyond the shadow of the worst humanity is capable of, or more accurately, the fear of that thing. Confront that, look at it, admit that it’s some part of you, and you’ll be able to take the next step and set free some part of yourself, or better still, all of you.

The current edition of Planet Waves FM looks closely at the Sagittarius Full Moon.

15 thoughts on “Pholus Moon Door”

  1. Catharsis, and schooling to heal the depths of material realization through active reverent nurturance.

    Pretty bad ass full moon…

    Love, always.


  2. I’m feeling the build-up and am looking forward to the release. It’s very insightful to look into the darkest part of humanity, and ourselves, and accept it as part of the whole. It is difficult to not feel fear or indignation at some of the things being acted out by people’s darkness. But letting go of this even just a little brings a sense of freedom and the ability to relax just a bit more. Thank you.

  3. Bravo Eric for Pholus on the axis of the full moon, I’ve highlighted this evil be with the eve of the full moon, which is considered a day critical just as with the eve of new moon, but the two are not lived the same way
    I will be guided by Pholus and the Centaurs in the sign of Sagittarius
    beautiful full moon all night 😀

  4. Ps gumbybug – I love it when your name pops up here. Your sweet name and nature always make me smile.

  5. Interesting. Like Lizzy, I have similar experiences at work, though I don’t feel I suffer from it much. I just have noticed that I sometimes trigger people with my confidence (not cockiness). With my Sun and Mercury in the fourth house, I naturally gravitate toward concealment of myself, but then Uranus on my MC is my saving grace. I recently came out at work. I’ve been there since February, but never felt compelled to announce my sexuality to anyone; it just hasn’t really come up. I don’t particularly wear my gayness or identify with it much. The past few days brought up opportunities to do so, and I decided to go with it. I feel this culminating Moon in my tenth has had a lot to do with that–this need to “free myself” in various ways. It feels good.

  6. Thank you Eric. What Sage advice: “Full Moon conjunct Pholus may represent some of that unraveling and a need to lose control, to give it up or to surrender to some deep and unusual impulse in your psyche….Confront that, look at it, admit that it’s some part of you, and you’ll be able to take the next step and set free some part of yourself, or better still, all of you.”

    There’s a process called working with the opposites that helps one stay present when working with more challenging aspects of their personality or personal history.

    When we let whatever that is into awareness, feel it, get acquainted with it, welcome it to give voice to its reality, and then once better acquainted with this repressed/suppressed/avoided aspect of ourselves, we also then call up its opposite, what feels like the opposite of that which we are pushing away or against, and let the two forces communicate, educate, inform one another, the duality or polarity has a better chance of moving into a more integrated form of energy-in-motion, moving NOW, along with the information expressed from both/all perspectives.

    It certainly can free up the energy used for keeping difficult material at bay.

    One way this works for me, is when I acknowledge the aspect of me that gets so frustrated that I can’t get into my sketchbook what I see in my mind’s eye: the painting trying to take form through me. When I give this aspect of myself a chance to voice all it’s concerns or the “poor me statements” and, then give the energy of the painting a chance to voice its reality, miraculously, I start moving towards conceiving it. These two voices start working together, teaching one another and, something finally starts showing up on the canvas. Is it what I see? Usually not, I have much more to learn. The good news is, I am still at that learning. I didn’t walk away just because it got hard….and trust me, that aspect of me has given me enough reason(s) to walk away.

  7. Lizzy:

    Thank you for sharing your feelings and I hope you continue to participate here at PW. Your words here have been very helpful over the years and just wanted you to know that!

    And everyone: I don’t post much, but I do appreciate being able to read your words and learn as much as I can from all of you. Helps keep my heart open and spirit more free…

  8. Wow, okay, that explains the rollercoaster ride I am on right now. Thankfully, I have a lot of experience with going through, not around, these deep places. It helps to view it all as purging poison. Tears, etc. And in my journal this morning, I realized I am living right into a false choice idea my parents lived, so I know I am exposing and healing some very deep, usually unconscious, psychic rifts. Of note, my ex-husband has shown up repeatedly in my dreams, and I have come to see his appearance as representing some part of my masculine side that needs to be welcomed and integrated. Mercury retrograde is usually a time of review and introspection for me, and I am fortunate to be able to withdraw from the madness of the world’s everyday pace to do that work and breathe through a lot of flying debris.

  9. Gosh! I am so touched. I had actually written to Eric to tell him I wouldn’t be participating on PW for a while, and this was because of these intense felings that have come up around rejection, and I can all too easily withdraw into my crab shell when it gets too much. But I chose to go against that part of my nature and to put myself out there (which I’m learning to do more and more), and I’m so glad I did. Thank you for your lovely words Daniel and Elizabeth – they really help. And thanks for the great advice Daniel. You’re a star too, my dear.

  10. This Full Moon seems to be bringing up the theme of vulnerability, and I am really trying to figure that out. It reminds me of lyrics in one of my favorite songs, “Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear.” I hear you, Lizzy, about the fear of rejection. Our society loves to tear apart anyone who is too open and free, leaving the rest of us to hide behind the wall.

    Thanks for the advice, Eric. Something about this lunation feels like the dam is bursting open.

  11. I agree, brilliant analysis. Lizzy, you have such a huge giving heart. Which no doubt fuels a bit of the fear of being rejected. I’m projecting all over you right now 😉 but I think I know where you are coming from. I have (no) fear of rejection because I (don’t) fear my own power, of asserting myself and making enemies (friends) by taking leadership – which is not always neat and tidy (but always productive). Keep going and keep talking those amazing stories to yourself about how amazing you are doing and the tangible results you have right before your eyes. You are a star!

  12. Come to think of it – think that one of the reasons why i’m there is to work through this aspect in me. The fear of rejection is hitting very very hard right now. Great to see this. Thanks again.

  13. This is such a brilliant analysis Eric – it’s what i bump up against all the time with some of my colleagues at my (relatively) new job . and really suffer for it. Happened again only yesterday. I’ll put this one in a safe place to take out and look at when needed, and also keep workng with awareness. Thank you.

  14. Thank you, Eric. Going into a Full Moon knowing that the monthly revelation of our inner landscape is nothing to fear could well be the small cause with a large healing effect. May it prove to be so, and may posterity record you saw it coming past the “many twists and curves, peaks and drops.”

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