Nessus in the Air

Before I get going wrapping up the weekly horoscope that comes out in a few hours, it seems timely to mention a current aspect — the Sun opposite Nessus. As you can see from the ephemeris below, Nessus is making a transition from Aquarius to Pisces. It spent much of 2014 in Pisces, and how now retrograded into the last degree of Aquarius. By this time next year, Nessus will be in Pisces to stay.

Position of Nessus every 45 days, cased on the True-Node ephemeris.
Position of Nessus every 45 days, cast on the True-Node ephemeris.

What we get to day is the last, and indeed only, iteration of Sun opposite Nessus in the last degrees of Leo and Aquarius. There have been many oppositions between these two points during the past 10 years. Events in the last degrees of signs carry special emphasis because they relate to what happens at the end of the cycle, which is the seed of the new cycle.

Nessus is considered the third-discovered centaur. (That is now in question, because a point called (944) Hidalgo, which crosses the orbit of Jupiter, was discovered on Oct. 31, 1920, and is now considered a centaur. I will be opening up this discussion more fully soon.) Nessus is one of the most interesting points I’ve ever worked with — every bit as intriguing as Chiron, and every bit as useful in astrology as a healing practice.

On the surface, Nessus carries a theme of abuse and the response to abuse. At its heart, Nessus is about accountability. This is not a popular topic right now. Indeed, one of the defining themes of our time in history is the lack of accountability, and what often seems like a vast struggle to avoid any responsibility at all.

We see this from the highest levels of corporate and government structure to the denial trips that seem to provide all the lubrication of modern life. There is such a stunning effort to avoid the conversation that it takes nothing less than murder to spark the discussion — and even then, it rarely happens and only lasts for a few days. For the past two weeks, we’ve had some semblance of a national discussion of how the police treat people of color, and we’ve even noticed that there are standing militias in small towns, ready to come at us with automatic weapons.

Let’s see where this discussion goes. I think it’s about to vanish for a while. Who knows, maybe we will get a full three weeks out of it.

Today we get a proving moment for Nessus. If you’re interested in how these new planets are developed, and how they come to mean what they mean, observe the news, observe your personal interactions with others, and most of all, pay attention to what’s going on within you. Nessus aspects can seem to trigger all the unresolved material of the past, as if it happened yesterday. It’s necessary to work with this phenomenon in a balanced way, and to go beyond blame.

Blame is not accountability. It is a mock of accountability, a ruse that goes nowhere. Take it slowly and work with as many viewpoints (inner and outer) as you can muster.

My weekly horoscope today covers this aspect. You can subscribe here.

From Etymology Online, a multi-source etymology dictionary.
From Etymology Online, a multi-source etymology dictionary.

9 thoughts on “Nessus in the Air”

  1. The chart for the Rodney King beating has Sagg rising with Jupiter in the 8th house. It is at 4’43” Leo, which is within a degree from where it is in the Michael Brown shooting. The King chart was at night, and the perpetrators weren’t expecting to be seen/videotaped. So the misuse of authority is here but it isn’t as out in the open.

    In addition to being trine Mars in Gemini in the 7th, Nessus is also conjunct the Moon at 15 Libra, in the 10th, at the highest point in the chart.

  2. If we take accountability for something we did wrong, we are instantly guilty. If we justify our actions, we can continue to remain innocent until guilt is proven, therefore, we can blame someone else for the reason our actions were taken. We have become unable to apologize to one another. To have candid conversation. To sit at the coffee counter at the local café and be neighbors. Unfortunate times.

  3. Hello Nessus. My 0:30 Sun in Pisces is greeting you. Feeling the triggers from Virgo. So much is coming up. I’m searching how to use this fruitful time.

    These words are helpful, although I’m not seeing what the balanced way might be?

    Nessus aspects can seem to trigger all the unresolved material of the past, as if it happened yesterday. It’s necessary to work with this phenomenon in a balanced way, and to go beyond blame.

    Blame is not accountability. It is a mock of accountability, a ruse that goes nowhere. Take it slowly and work with as many viewpoints (inner and outer) as you can muster.

  4. The home video that was taken has time stamp of 12:53 am. It is about 30 seconds into the video and when the police where already beating him.

  5. I was in Jr High School in Idaho when Rodney King was beaten. In other words, completely disconnected and confused by it all. Ferguson has brought this to my mind, so I thought I’d look up the Nessus placement for the day it happened.

    I don’t have the exact time, but on March 3, 1991, Nessus was at around 14’ 51” Libra, trine Mars at around 15’ Gemini. Eric, you have said that a trine can have that quality of, “If you lie, I’ll swear to it.” Abuse and lack of accountability for violence are definitely present here.

  6. Many thanks Eric, this opens the door to much more understanding of the meaning in Nessus’ position on Election Day (Nov. 4). He will be conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon, as well as Neptune in the Obamacare chart (27+ Aquarius), and though “abuse” was adequate, “accountability” is much more pertinent when electing state reps and senators. Looking forward to your discussion on Hidalgo as a centaur too.

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