Very Auspicious Times

By Carlos Cedillo

Valentine’s Day falls on the Maya Tzolkin date 8 Ahau, the day of strong light, the Sun, the Ancestors. 8 Ahau is a very auspicious day. It also happens to be on a Full Moon in Leo.


Here in Texas, that Full Moon is right before 6 pm, so if you take your sweetie to Enchanted Rock, outside of Fredericksburg, you should witness the most spectacular sunset/moonrise ever!

Last week I discussed metaphoric speech as a way of gaining a shamanic understanding of the Mayan calendar. We can look to previous cycles of the Tzolkin to find metaphors in historical events to begin to develop an idea or intuition of what to expect during the current cycle.

I like to imagine that there is a big etheric hard-drive etching all that happens in the universe into files running on a Tzolkin and Long-count operating system!

8 Ahau holds some very potent events in its memory. Two hundred and sixty days before Valentine’s Day 2014 was May 26, 2013. There were some powerful tornadoes in Oklahoma. The storms pummeled the Midwest for five days. The day 10 Wind is just two days after 8 Ahau and that metaphor of Dark Wind certainly was evident.

Sept. 12, 2012 was also 8 Ahau. President Obama had to address the nation about the Bengazhi, Libya, embassy situation of the previous day. That does not sound very auspicious, but the intense energy is there and the issues of political power were brought to light.

On Dec. 27, 2011, some lucky person from New York won a $208 million lottery; I bet he was feeling very lucky.

Backing up one more Tzolkin cycle, on 8 Ahau, April 11, 2011, there was a major aftershock in Japan near the Fukushima nuclear plant that had just suffered the tsunami of March 11, 2011. That major event was on a 3 Water day (3 is a metaphor of motion).

In all these events, we see clear expressions of raw power, not necessarily “good” or “bad” applications of power, but enough to understand the energy that is returning to us Feb. 14, 2014.

I believe this covers the major energies we are in the midst of. You can use the days mentioned to look through your journals, emails or other documents to discover how the 8 Ahau metaphor showed up in your own experiences.

Blessings and Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

For private Maya tzolkin readings, contact Carlos at

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1 thought on “Very Auspicious Times”

  1. “In all these events, we see clear expressions of raw power, not necessarily “good” or “bad” applications of power, but enough to understand the energy that is returning to us Feb. 14, 2014.”

    Thank you for the differentiating raw power from the moral judgements of good and bad. Nicely done.

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