So maybe this is Armageddon?

By Carlos Cedillo

Would it be so bad to get all the final judgment stuff out of the way so we can be in the 1000 years of Peace?


For all the recent trauma the world has witnessed this past few weeks, it is even more important than ever to remember WE ARE DREAMING.

It does not really matter who fired the missile that downed the 777, it matters that everyone stop shooting at each other! UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to his face, “stop shooting!”

Remember when Republican strategists announced openly that they “create reality”? Yep. They were dreaming! There is no reason to believe that the Democrats are not trying to create their own version of reality as well.

We create even stronger dreams of peace every night; now wake up and start creating dreams of peace in true reality!

Many are holding on to that dream of Baktuns past (1 Baktun = 144,000 days). The truth is that this was very much predicted to be a time of the explaining of Great Mysteries. The great mystery about why our governments and social systems aren’t functioning is because those with “power” over others want to preserve that power more than they care about helping those they are supposed to be serving.

The Chilam Balam says of this time, “… there is no truth in the words of the owners of the town.” In other words, most central governments and the wealthy elite who believe they own the towns they inhabit use all sorts of deception and double standards to get the lower classes to be subservient to their whims.

We all have been allowing such out-of-balance relationships to flourish. All 7 billion+ of us need to stand up together and say “I demand to be treated with respect and dignity and love just as every other human being on earth deserves the same! I am Awake!”

Of course, some who say that will be immediately truncheoned and dragged to the nearest jail. They are still dreaming of the abusive relationship they have with their government. Yet, each time one of us dreams a healing uplifting dream, we heal and uplift all of humanity.

This Wednesday (July 23, 2014) is 11 Kawok/Rainstorm. This tzolkin day happened on Aug. 11, 1999, the day of the grand cross eclipse Eric once related to the “four beasts of the apocalypse” (the symbols for the four fixed signs involved in the eclipse), as described in the Book of Revelation.

We were at another media-hyped Armageddon back then, the coming Y2K computer meltdown. Remember some thought that “airplanes would fall from the sky” when their computers could no longer read a date stamp? It may look like the sky is falling over Ukraine and Gaza right now, but the tide is turning for Peace.

Thursday is 12 Ahau/Sun, a real abundant time. Maybe we can give war a rest for a couple of days and grab piles of tortillas down in Mexico. Just as Maya prophecy predicted, I am driving my folks to Mexico this week, and Thursday we should be transferring an old retirement account my father had set up when he worked for Pemex at Isla del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico. On my mom’s shopping list for Mexico is tequila and “piles of tortillas!”

Friday, July 25, 2014, is 13 Imix/Crocodile and promises to be a magical day. It is a day that is a beginning (20-day uinal) and it is an end (13-day treceña). The Venus Transit energy that happened June 5-6, 2012, will re-activate between 13 Imix and the following day, 1 Ik/Wind. We will see the Earth’s magic continue to increase the following 40 days to 13 Ahau (Sept. 2, 2014).

As the great prophet Bill Hicks said, “It’s just a ride!”

May peace prevail and grow in all our hearts
Let us know Oneness with all creation and beauty and love flourish forever.

All together relations!

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Carlos is available to help you along your road of spiritual awareness through private Maya tzolkin readings and sacred ceremonies. Contact him at and check out his website, Violet Flame Records.

To get a free trial subscription to Planet Waves, which will deliver Eric’s psychologically and spiritually brilliant horoscopes, please visit this link.

12 thoughts on “So maybe this is Armageddon?”

  1. OK so, I think I got my answer to that Venus Transit 2012 magic I mentioned. Eric summed it up in his email last night:

    “Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself which you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false. Every illusion is one of fear, whatever form it takes. And the attempt to escape from one illusion into another must fail. If you seek love outside yourself, you can be certain that you perceive hatred within, and are afraid of it. Yet peace will never come from the illusion of love, but only from its reality.”

    I love it when that happens. 🙂

  2. ..I want to first paradox it as, as real and true as the world is, it’s all just an illusion. Life and death are only carnal constructs to realization of an infinite (un) manifestation.

    Count the infiniteness,… (better start now, time’s running out), might ‘miss’ forever, if it’s not jumped on.

    I’m tired…

    I will endeavor to dream the best possible dream,.. for me. And, if you’re there, I hope it’s good for you.

    ..There is a long row to hoe.. and I’m happy for the work. My body will nourish the landscape when the time comes (and of course along the way,.. I do bleed).

    Peace and Love,.. and Happy Tripping’s 🙂


  3. I really REALLY do like the notion of re-writing the definition of Armageddon, Carlos. I can feel the ‘charge’ dissipate behind the word/concept, even as I consider the possibilities and that can’t help but change the vibratory signature of everything, everywhere. This whole notion of pending doom has colored our thoughts about the world being dangerous-to-teetering-on-oblivion long enough to create that scenario in thousands of little Petrie dishes across the globe. Keeping the vision … and manifesting one … of a loving world would be a lot easier if we pulled Armageddon’s fangs! Good think-piece, here, kiddo — thanks again!

  4. “.. each time one of us dreams a healing uplifting dream, we heal and uplift all of humanity.”

    A beautiful statement of love and truth. Thank you Carlos. Peace-

  5. Just read a Brain Pickings article about string theory and other side- by- side to us universes. Maybe the conflicts we are hearing about are going on in next door universes while you go to enjoy tequila and tortillas with your family on this lovely Rainstorm day and I connect with my friend in the hospital with a Reiki treatment and chat with friends as I do my laundry, building community? Just thinking.
    Perhaps we are truly creating a different alternate reality/universe even now as we type and travel? Maybe as more and more of us pull out of the fear and anger and desire for dominance
    or catapulting to submission and victimization we are creating among us a force field that is separating from the other energies…
    It was a Rainstorm day at the beginning of this month when you did that awesome reading for me. My thinking about nearly everything since then has been influenced by your introduction to me of the Mayan Daykeeper’s way of Seeing.
    Thanks, Carlos. May your time with family be sprinkled with all the blessing of Rainstorm, Crocodile, Sun, Wind and Earth!

  6. I’m with Laura, Carlos; anything that resonates with the Venus occult Sun (Venus transit) of June 2012, indicates an increase in love’s energy to heal. With all this “creating dreams of peace in true reality”, your article fits neatly in with Len’s article on the Sun’s entry into creative Leo. Leo being at the other end of the spectrum of energy from Aquarius (the day-dreamer), encourages the creation of a “standing up together” and “demand[ing] to be treated with respect and dignity and love. . . ” that you suggest we (as a whole) need to do. I now sense that between Friday’s 13 Imix/Crocodile and the coming 13 Ahau in September, the Aquarius Full Moon on August 10th might just bring all that into focus for us human beings.

  7. L’oscar 🙂 your writing and contribution is tremendously appreciated!! thank YOU 🙂

    I’d like to add a piece us humanoids tend mostly to oversee…. we need to stop shooting ourselves in the foot, or … busting our own chops.

    respect, respect, and dignity in all of us.
    yay for the tortillas 🙂

  8. Right to the heart of it, Carlos, and thank you. When we love ourselves and one another enough to STOP this non-sense, it will happen; and that’s the challenge, isn’t it! Coming to full … even slight … awareness that we’re in charge of that will change the vibration of what each of us will allow. Meanwhile, our ability to BE love for one another, BE an extension of peace and acceptance and compassion is the lifeline we can throw/hold on to, and the passport to healing reality. Traveling mercies to you and yours, and excellent, heart-felt journey!

  9. Love it! I’m particularly interested in the goings-on this Friday and Saturday (7/25-26) as they pertain to the Venus Transit of June 2012. I had some magic happen to me then (at least it began then, and it was intentional) so I’m interested to see what shows up this weekend and through Labor Day. It’s all just a ride!! 😀

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