Owls, Messengers of the Underworld

By Carlos Cedillo

In the Mayan Creation stories known as the Polol Vuh, owls delivered messages from the Lords of the Underworld to the Grandfather and Granduncle of the Hero Twins for making too much noise playing the Mayan ball game. They were put to painful tests and ultimately killed by the Dark Lords. This week we have been sent the message that there is too much freedom and individuality in the world and we should conform to corporate mediocrity. Do you find this acceptable?


On 1 Owl, Monday June 30, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States delivered a message to the people of the USA, from the Lords of the Underworld: corporations own your soul! The “beliefs” (right or wrong!) of the highest stakeholders of a corporation completely invalidate the beliefs of the actual human being under their employment.

The five creepy old men wanted to make sure women not only cannot get birth control paid for by their mandated insurance, but will surely be fired for expressing opposition and independent thoughts. Oh, and if the employee tries to get an abortion, SCOTUS believes they should be harassed at as close range as possible.

What’s with these guys?

You can almost hear the guffaws and laughter of the Lords of Death like a room full of Dr. Evil clones. So it is up to the Light-workers of the world to shine brighter than ever. The Supreme Court is not actually permitted by the Constitution to CREATE laws, but it will take major action by sheeple of the U.S. to transmute all of our own inner darkness and pains into Love and Light. We are truly the least helpless of all; we have each other!

I know there are more intelligent and creative people than myself at work at this already. My position is to “hold the space,” active non-participation in the corporate sphere while beaming psychic Light into whoever or whatever I see may be under the corporate/materialistic spell. I would play a gig for them if only to expose their souls to what an individualized expression is, and to help raise someone’s vibration.

Owls were also used by the Underworld Lords to take the Princess, Blood Moon, up to the Earth and to kill her. Blood Moon convinced the owls to let her go and they took a dripping red fruit and told the Dark Lords it was her heart.

I am working my light very hard for my fellow humans right now. As wonderful as the light and love may be in higher dimensions, it is this Earth-time experience that really pulls our heartstrings! There must be a reconciliation now between the patriarchal/material world and the newly flowered souls that we have become since Dec. 21, 2012.

This 13 day trecena ends July 12, 2014. That is 13 Qanil/Semen, the day of being Spoiled Rotten — that is, getting everything you wanted, since 13 is the number of transcendence and of the union of male and female. A more ‘polite’ term for ‘Semen’ in Maya astrology is ‘Rabbit’ (you get the joke, yes?).

The Dalai Lama is 13 Rabbit; one of the best dates I ever went on in my life was on a 13 Rabbit day. Let yourself really live this one day — just this one day! Only as a child shall you enter the Kingdom/Queendom of Heaven.

July 5, 2014, is 6 Imix, the same tzolkin glyph as Sept. 11, 2001. Connect the dots folks; connect the dots. The war of the uber-wealthy elite vs. the people of the USA is going to end someday. What is your vision of the outcome? Apply that vision in the now. Please share in the comments!

All together Relations,

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Carlos is available to help you along your road of spiritual awareness through private Maya tzolkin readings and sacred ceremonies. Contact him at cosmicjaguar@yahoo.com and check out his website, Violet Flame Records.

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15 thoughts on “Owls, Messengers of the Underworld”

  1. Thank you, all Commenters, for insightful and heartfelt discussion. Thank you Carlos, for your understanding and clarity concerning the recent SCOTUS eruption from the Dark Lords. And thank you even more, for the outstanding consultation for my birthrate being seen through the eyes of the Mayan Calendar system. Brilliant, insightful and accurate.

  2. Yes, yes, and thank you for explaining the pic Carlos. I do understand about the Federal Reserve, it was the Queen and Pope thing that threw me for a loop. Looking forward to seeing the rabbit!

  3. @BKoeler the pic on my posts is the Moon goddess pouring out water at the end of the great Baktun cycle. She should be facing to the left instead of the right. Next Full Moon, look up and you will see her holding a rabbit!

    I was writing very late last night and made some bad typos in my previous comments. If you are not familiar with the origins of the Federal Reserve system, it may sound a little dark to learn that money is not what we think it is, a simple tool for us to exchange goods and services. There is much more to it and it is very frightening to learn about.

    Sending Love and Light!

  4. I will try to remember to write about the actual tricks the Underworl/Dark Lords played on the hero twins and how the twins escaped and beat them.

    This Supreme court decision should be seen for what it is, Corpoate personhood over people! How Insane is it to know that to work for and recieve money from a corporation you must guve up your soul, your Bible and your brain.

    Really it is the Federal Reserve system that is the Tyrant over all tyrants of the world! The Almighty Dollar is the Beast of the Book of Revelations demanding blood from all its victims.

    Dracula is a fitting metaphor for the corporate State. Let me drink your blood, or spend hours at work doing something you hate tompay taxes to Dracula’s war machine that doesn’t want you to know how yhat money is spent or that you are already free if you would simply not choose to participate!

    Ph, yes we can do something, send out your Loving Light energy wherever you are, to who or what ever you can always, even when it looks most hopeless….

    I forgot to mention about thiss – http://itccs.org
    The special take down unit to arrest the Pope, yes the “good Pope” and the Queen of England… Please God let it be a real happening!

  5. An owl has appeared at dusk and perched on a cactus overlooking our property. I photographed it and when I cropped it out and blew it up, eerily it’s eyes were looking at me. In the spirit of blood moon (I am such a princess – yeah, sure, right!) perhaps myself and like minded individuals here can join you in beaming that psychic light to break the spell of the dark lords. I’ll send you the photo 🙂

  6. Fascinating stuff Carlos, the Owls have much in common with Hermes, what with their tricks and message deliveries. A necessity of every culture I suppose. Do you think the owl has a trick up his sleeve with that Supreme Court decision regarding a reconciliation between patriarchal – matriarchal world? It was like pouring gasoline on a fire; that decision.

    What does the picture symbolize?

  7. Thank you, Carlos. I echo Len’s sentiments (thank you, too, Len), and appreciate your post so much.

  8. Bravo, Carlos. “Holding the space” is a Divine attribute — allowing others to open and flower, extending the Hundredth Monkey energies. Seems to me those five crusty Supreme’s are so invested in how they think it should be that they’ve failed in their duty to properly interpret how it is for the whole of us. History will not be kind to them.

    As for today, there can be no [r]evolution until we stop – think – make new decisions. You help us to do that and I throw ALL my weight behind a full-throated, open-hearted explosion of awareness. Only that can take us where we want to go. Thank you for encouraging us along the way.

  9. Love this column, Carlos.

    Got to keep energy up and forward moving. Visualize result and be it. As my niece and nephew say to me all the time “Make it happen, Auntie Fe!!”

  10. Thank you, Carlos. The flower of my soul feels a bit withered at the moment. Your writing today (both expansive and insightful) is of great help, and i am grateful. As to the outcome of our current struggle, my vision is not clear. One thing is clear, however; the struggle must be recognized as a struggle in order to prevail.

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