11 Wind: The Potential for Change

By Carlos Cedillo

Change is the only constant, as the old proverb goes. The Maya calendar is one of the best maps of how humanity evolves through the changes that the Cosmos puts us through. It is particularly ingenious of the originators of this system that the count of days matches the cosmic design of the human body.


It is clear that most humans have twenty digits to count with. This is reflected in the 20 glyphs used in the “uinal” cycle of the tzolkin. This creates what is known as a vigesimal counting system, as opposed to a decimal system based on ten digits. Each of the 20 glyphs is a unique archetype of human experience; some are animalistic traits like crocodile, dog or monkey, others are natural phenomena like wind, earthquake or night.

There are also 13 numbers the Maya count daily alongside the uinal glyphs, like cogs in two gear wheels, and they are as much archetypal as they are numeric denotations. The origin of the 13 count is much more difficult to discern because our modern calendar and time keeping systems are centered around the number 12. Thirteen is part of the Fibonacci sequence. That makes it a very important number when we look at natural phenomenon throughout the universe. It is also the number of major joints in the human skeletal system.

When you multiply 13 by 20, you get 260, and every number and glyph combine once every 260 days in the tzolkin cycle. This Friday, March 28 (on the Gregorian calendar year 2014), we will come to the combination of the number 11 and the glyph Ik, which connotes wind, breath, and spirit. Eleven represents the potential for change.

On 6 Earthquake, July 6, 2013, a Boeing 777 airliner crashed at San Francisco
Airport killing three passengers. This flight, Asiana Airlines flight 214 from China, was the first flight for the co-pilot, who misjudged the speed of the plane while landing. Five days later, July 11, 2013, it was 11 Wind when the survivors were brought to inspect the wreckage.

Now, I cannot say what this implies for Malaysian Airlines flight 370 that disappeared 245 days after Asiana Airlines flight 214 crashed, but there may be some new clues as to what happened or finding of debris, or the families of the passengers may resign themselves to accepting the loss of their loved ones. The energetic signature of 11 Wind will still be present.

There will also be some new development in the NSA whistle-blowers situation involving Edward Snowden or perhaps the CIA vs. the U.S. Senate computer hacking scandal. It was 11 Wind on Oct. 24, 2012, when whistle-blower and ex-CIA officer John Kiriakou was convicted of releasing the name of another CIA officer involved in the torture (water-boarding) of al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah.

On July 11, 2013, 260 days later, in an open letter to Edward Snowden, Kiriakou said “DO NOT, under any circumstances, cooperate with the FBI. FBI agents will lie, trick, and deceive you. They will twist your words and play on your patriotism to entrap you. They will pretend to be people they are not –- supporters, well-wishers, and friends –- all the while wearing wires to record your out-of-context statements to use against you. The FBI is the enemy; it’s part of the problem, not the solution.”

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

For private Maya tzolkin readings, contact Carlos at cosmicjaguar@yahoo.com.


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6 thoughts on “11 Wind: The Potential for Change”

  1. Yes, Patty, I’ve also read on a psychic blog that the electrical storm hit the plane when they were over a portal, like the Bermuda Triangle, and that they are in a different dimension, landing on a beach safely with everyone still alive. They are being helped by locals on the island as they come to terms with the reality of their situation, and have fresh food, water and shelter. Interesting about the gold, though. I also read that the media are sick of this story so, the announcement by the Malaysian Govt was designed to get rid of this story, so the authorities could continue to search for the plane without media glare, as they are all at a loss as to what really happened.
    Very interesting how we align so beautifully with the earth energies, as designed by the Mayan calendar,
    Thank you Carlos

  2. Yes, this makes as much sense as anything else.

    My son tells me the airplane had a load of gold headed for China. Don’t know where he read it, but I am starting to think the dude Cosmic Awareness (at High Heart whatever website) isn’t as nutty as I once thought. He says the plane went into another dimension because of a weapon that opened a pathway by accident. It disappeared into the other dimension, and all of the souls are alive.

    May the force be with us. LOL

  3. http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2014/03/rothschild-takes-down-malaysian-airliner-mh370-to-gain-rights-to-a-semiconductor-patent-getting-rid-of-those-who-stood-in-his-way-2607888.html

    It was 6 Earthquake when the Malaysian gov announced the plane was gone and everyone had died, but offered no concrete evidence.

    The Freescale employees on board are the least mentioned subject on the mainstream media, therefore it must be the most important clue to hat happened.

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