Ayn Rand’s Bitches

“This is America. How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor’s mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can’t pay their bills, raise their hand? . . . . I’m an Ayn Rander.”
CNBC’s Rick Santelli calling for the uprising of a Tea Party Movement, Feb. 19, 2009

How many of you watched Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential announcement last weekend? Yeah, me neither. Yet, most of us have seen his face before, only it was not a face, it was his Congressional budget plan, which has many people either confused or concerned. But Ayn Rand, at least, must be smiling from her upper east side townhouse in the afterlife.

Mr. Ryan’s Plan, called “The Path to Prosperity” for America, was a blueprint for minimizing the size of government which made him a darling of the Tea Party. You know those guys, the ones that demand that the US government takes its hands off their Medicare?

Well, in a way, Mr. Ryan’s budget does that — after he’s gutted Medicare so that the wealthy get a tax break and your mom and dad pay extra for what will end up as a $6,000 Medicare voucher. At least Mr. Ryan’s hands will no longer be on Medicare. There will be much less of a program for him to put his hands on. $6,000 won’t be enough to pay for a year’s worth of prescription drugs.

Oh yes, we’re very familiar with Mr. Ryan, who along with Mr. Romney is a devotee of the Ayn Rand philosophy of virtuous selfishness, or as Ms. Rand would say, “concern with one’s own interests.” It was Ms. Rand who said the equation of selfishness with evil had caused “the arrested moral development of mankind” and needed to be rejected.

As Chairman, CEO, and sole shareholder of Bain Capital — the corporation whose life depends on sucking the life out of other companies, Mr. Romney perfects the Randian religion of “every man for himself” and goes hand in hand with Paul Ryan’s budget to gut Medicare. These two are joined at the hip with an exact complimenting partnership with Romney’s Ascendant at 00 Gem and Ryan’s Ascendant at 00 Sag. Romney just feels good around this guy. So much so that he doesn’t care about the negative scrutiny Ryan’s budget has already had, or the fact that its highly unpopular, vetoed by the guy they’re trying to take down, and gives the country a chance to scrutinize and discover, to the Republican Party’s dismay, just how heartless they really are.

Chris Hitchens, author and former editor of Vanity Fair once said of Ayn Rand, “I don’t think there’s any need to have essays advocating selfishness among human beings; I don’t know what your impression has been, but some things require no further reinforcement.”

Here is the choice we face as the US comes to this edge of the river – the fourth decade of the supply-side economics sprung from the head of Ronald Reagan has evolved. In this evolution we are now making Rand’s John Galt ideals of “Every Man for himself” — also known as “screw you if you didn’t think for yourself” — into policy.

As I mentioned last week, the Pluto-Capricorn presidential election of 2012 is the response to the years of Chiron- Capricorn shedding light on things made wrong since Pluto-Uranus’ last conjunction forty years ago. The selection of Paul Ryan as Romney’s Vice Presidential nominee confirms this. The Romney-Ryan ticket is trying to resurrect Reagan at the worst possible time.

We’re dealing with the aftermath of supply-side economics: a war-based economy, runaway corporations, reeling unemployment figures, addictive outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to increase profits, unregulated banks and demonization of the poor have forced the majority of people in this country to their knees. Let’s add onto this a majority of our population on Social Security and Medicare — successful programs that are highly vulnerable under this type of budget conservatism. We know this extreme brand of policy philosophy no longer works. We’ve known since 2008.

Pluto is putting our national conscience to a test. In this election, we’re on two roads going opposite directions along the same knife’s edge. But that knife edge is not only economic. It is spiritual and emotional. As befitting any discussion about Pluto, the stakes aren’t just high, they are do or die. Republic or banana republic? I think we’re beyond that question. Some can argue that we’re already at the latter, only we have more weaponry. This election may not even be a fight for the soul of the country. I think it is beyond that. This election is about our country straddling that knife edge like a fence, looking at the traffic coming at us from both directions, deciding whether or not to continue having a soul.

7 thoughts on “Ayn Rand’s Bitches”

  1. Be:

    Agreed. Got to hand it to Chief Niewot’s Son. It makes for great haiku — just enough for a bumper sticker. And I can’t wait for the fall. Ready with my popcorn.


    As always, a clear support and deepening of what I wrote. Thank you, brother.

  2. Fe,

    So glad you bring clarity to the ever-increasing fuzziness of what the Repugs are offering up this election season. The Chief’s Son has reduced it to one great, short line, which is probably all the review it really deserves. . . theory. . fictional. . . 2nd rate. However, the death of the GOP as we once knew it still provides enough paper moonlight and cardboard sky to fool the last of the diehard Americans who refuse to give up their group fear of losing the good life. Even the love-fest between Romney and Ryan, still glassy-eyed with their combined Venus’s in Aquarius (+ Sun for Ryan) and their Neptunian-Piscean trance (Paul’s north node conjunct Mitt’s Mercury in Pisces) will finally give way when they come down to reality and their Saturns’ goat-butt heads. Romney’s 2+ Leo Saturn and Ryan’s 2+ Taurus Saturn will form a T-square with transiting Saturn entry into Scorpio in October. Nothing like a “fixed” goat fight, heh-heh! Trans. Saturn will then engage Mitt’s Pluto in Leo that squares Paul’s Jupiter in Scorpio as the months go by, but even by Halloween the balloons will likely all be popped and lifeless. These boys think they’re real now but most of us see the little emperor’s with no truly convincing clothes at all.

  3. Fe: Thank you. This piece succinctly splays out what the Republicans will attempt to obfuscate, and the means by which they will probably do so.

    Thank you also for mentioning how Mr. Romney’s ascendant reflects Mr. Ryan’s ascendant – that is very telling, especially when one considers that was also the axis upon which he May 20, 2012 annular solar eclipse took place. Your invocation of Pluto-through-Capricorn is both technically sound and spiritually profound.

    Most of all, thank you for concluding with an emphasis on soul. That is the issue. Oh wow, that really is the issue. Knowing and respecting the value of soul is no less than knowing and respecting the value of life.

  4. Paul Ryan’s family money comes from a construction company that built highways- bought and paid for by the government. His dad passed when he was 16, Social Security benefits helped him go to college. As an adult he has only worked as a staffer or a paid politician- sucking from the very he claims is a danger to all. Draw your own conclusions,

    As for Ayn Rand, she collected SS and Medicare benefit in her waning years.

    A political theory on a fictional character in a second rate novel is what the GOP is bringing this year.

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