Astrology Today: The Oracle for Friday, May 22, 2009

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer monthly of April 3, 2006

The Oracle.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Now that you have finally blown through the glass ceiling that was holding you down, it’s time to start climbing and get a view from what remains of the roof. The world inside an old system of belief, and outside it, are entirely unrelated, except that one seemed to follow the other in time. You can safely figure that all the old rules you believed in for so long, and all their limitations, are a done deal. Work with the idea that everything is negotiable, and then get yourself into the negotiation process. Just remember what you’ve learned many times: on some issues, there really is no compromising.

(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. The Oracle is a divination tool like tarot cards, and also can be used to research any horoscope for the past 10 years. It is available to subscribers of Planet Waves Astrology News in all its working glory. This is a brilliant piece of programming combined with a full decade of Eric’s writing — when you have a question, it really works (as long as you’re sincere), and we know that you’ll love it. Sign up to discover how and why. Or enjoy one selection free here every day.)

20 thoughts on “Astrology Today: The Oracle for Friday, May 22, 2009”

  1. victoria, just saw your note(s) and so no time to form opinion on your request. As I’ve not had use for the word (singular, or for God’s sake. . plural!) for a long time, I can only recommend http://www.etymologyonline dot com as a resource. However, the season IS rampant with productivity and even though I’ve not had opportunity to see the flowers like you have, I can verify that the squirrels and birds are doin’ it.

  2. bk, hope my giggling at myself like a preteen boy didn’t confuse. It’s just that the signature of nature is everywhere in the bloom of the delicate flowers of spring.

  3. bk be, have hit a complication in the writing process. It’s langual. What is the proper plural of phallus. Phalluses sounds funny. The dictionary offers li. Does that make it phalli?

  4. victoria – yeah, the slowdowns help us retain our sanity I think, and stay stuck to the planet. Otherwise we’d just whirl right off in high speed.

    Wish you would take that idea “mother is protesting time by arguing with the clocks (literally) while I am having to look at one again” and build a story around it. It makes a reader smile, relate, and want to read more.

  5. bk be, thanks for your patience with my elementary observations. Luckily I have had time for slowdown to better feel shifts in my awareness. The squares bring me new understanding.

    Things are speeding up, though. More and more to tend to. I actually write things on the calendar now. And while mother is protesting time by arguing with the clocks (literally), I am having to look at one again. The year sabbatical I started four years ago is winding down.

  6. victoria – sleep deprivation is torture isn’t it? But you’re still alive and blogging, and I still got most of my teeth, so these darn squares can’t keep us down for long. I’m sure spending the night with your mom was interesting and hope that something of value was gained. Hang in there!

    Also, checked out Saturn retrograde dates and they appear to start later each year. This past one started at the end of December ’08 and the next one will start January 13, 2010 and end in late May. In 1997 Saturn retrograde started early August and ended mid December that year.

  7. In all due respect to this new moon, I would have to say it did make some interesting squares. Staying overnite with a restless and wandering mother was most helpful, among other things of course. Not alotta sleep.

  8. Be, so briefly I reply: mystes – delights delovely, huh?

    Not quite yet. I move very very very slowly in this realm (I used to say at a ‘glacial pace’ but no more), until the Veil Tears. But there are excellent indicators that everyone is pleased with the process. It’s early and I’m content to see how this unfolds. The Sigh-factor* seems pretty high on all sides.


    Yes, I have had my eye on the June 21st point as well. It begins my solar return, and I can actually *use* that square and opposition to volley a few things into position. I had thought to wait till the 21st, but with your insight/information I am backing up a few days to consider appropriate ritual and legwork on the 17th.

    Kissies to you, Dame K. I’ll put this to good use.

    (*the ‘sigh-factor’ is when you think of someone and find yourself breathing just a little more deeply… thinking “steady-steady…” It can take a season or two to move from that point to a kiss in my world. Though not a Taurus, I am *thorough.*)

  9. mystes – delights delovely, huh?
    victoria – true, can’t know till you experience, but speculation’s still an option, right?

    In honor of the New Moon today and my dad, who would have been 99 years old yesterday, I have been speculating, Gemini style, lightly and with options. Curiosity, also Gemini, led me to check out a date, June 17, because it’s when the Sun will square Uranus.

    Bill Moyers Journal Friday night featured healthcare workers (nurses, docs, etc.) demanding recognition of the “single payor” plan (government does it all). This viewpoint has had no voice in any Washington health care reform discussions apparently. So on June 17, Juno (demands equality) will join Uranus (shocking reform) in Pisces (hospitals, prisons) and both challange the Sun (leaders, consciousness).

    There’s more. . .The Galactic Core/Center is opposing the Sun and squaring Uranus & Juno. This promises the possibility of greater understanding of universal principals, but it won’t come easily (square and opposition).

    However, as the mighty Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron are still conjunct, but now retrograde, there will be reassessing and readdressing of issues from April and May (what’s going on now), and since they trine the Sun (leaders, consciousness) they will be powerfully influential. Let’s see, Neptune and Chiron directly relate to healthcare and the healing professions, and Jupiter could be the judicial system and/or networks such as phone, internet and other media. They also sextile the GC so include some reception of higher power data facilitated by these superstars.

    So on June 17 the Sun is only days away from moving into Cancer, the summer solstice being on June 21. Vesta (dedication, focus) is traveling a few degrees in front of the Sun and on June 21, and they will both be at 0 Cancer, an Aries point (political is personal) although their exact conjunction won’t be until the next morning.

    Also on June 17, Venus and Mars are conjunct (exact on 6/21, just hours after the solstice) in the sign of Taurus (money, values), while Ceres, who also champions underdogs, approaches a conjunction to Saturn (exact before the end of June) is trine the lovers in Taurus. So connect the dots . . . something about material (earthy Taurus)values or just plain money will be enabled by a sympathizer that will soon help structure (Saturn) a project in the service (Virgo) area.

    Leastways, that’s the way I speculate it. On the other hand (Gemini) if you apply these theories (or dots or aspects) to the Gitmo situation, you can come up with some pretty audacious speculation, but we can talk later.

    What do you think fellow astro followers? Pie in the sky? Will have to follow victoria’s lead and wait till we experience it.

  10. Dame Koehler wrote: “Damn shame to give up delight…”

    Umm, I didn’t.


    Kittens, whatever shall we do on this Gemini New Moon? It is a mere shiver away — and is it just me — or does this feel like this New has been waylaid by Merc Rx? Seems like the Aquarius triplet is getting all of the attention. Somehow Luna Neue may be the trigger, but the Events are rolling in from the 27th through the 31st.

    As NM occurs in my 6th house tomorrow I shall go off and ponder Left&Right Livelihood. At least I know where I *won’t* be working!

  11. bk be, you keep gettin funnier. At least you still got teeth.

    I experience feeling and forces. I depended on rules for a long time. While I have found that I just don’t fit into any box, I can fit into a defined box when I have to, like on a job and work toward shared goals. Except it seems that the goals on the cover of the business box aren’t really how the job game is played. That is a conundrum for me personally.

    I am taking notes on this Saturn rx and the eclipses (although I admit this probably seems like 1990 cause of my progressed chiron). And will check out the next one and see what that brings. And I know there are transits and all that, like Saturn in Virgo (no nasty comments please). But I can’t know till I experience. This is why I call myself a slow learner. ‘ Hey, but I’ll never die bored.

  12. victoria. . .yeah, well, you forgot I was BE! Don’t think the Saturn rx is that predictable though, ask Eric, he’ll know. Getting a root canal day before yesterday made me forget a bunch of things, like, got milk?

  13. bk, you forgot saturn went direct? You are too funny. Is this always a winter thing, the saturn retrograde?

  14. mystes . . .Almost forgot that Saturn had gone direct, and yes, it can be one hell of a wake-up when it does so. I suppose it has its benefits, going direct, but it can be like a steam roller if you are in the way (having an aspect in your chart would do it too). Sounds like it ended well so all is well for all.

    Damn shame to give up delight, but not worth the risk (to heart or reputation).

  15. Hey B; I actually think it was Saturday’s Saturn-direct spreading out in waves, knocking me off of my cushion. The whole bump/seizure event was very curious. Everyone in the company kept saying: “It’s just an accident,” but I replied: I don’t believe in accidents. This was to show both of us something.

    And it did. My victim/coworker and I are peachy (she’s back, made a series of interesting discoveries via her neurologist through this adventure). I barely had time to consider what kind of energy I am holding when it was called forth again in Event No. 2, triggering a project-wide discussion which has needed to happen for two years.

    Today was the natural end of the project, but I am also enchanted by someone in the company, so it was time to leave the professional relationship behind.

    I’m no fool. Money’s everywhere. Delight? A little rarer.

  16. mystes,

    Well, the Mars conjunct Eris was 2 days ago. .do you suppose it is a delayed reaction?

  17. This entire week has been a ringing endorsement of this particular Oracle for me. First I bumped into a coworker, threw her into seizures and a hospital stay (literally). The following day I pointed out the 900 pound gorilla in the room vis the autocratic behavior of one of the supervisory personnel, which set a huge process into play. This morning I had a come-to-Jesus (with me playing the role of Lord) with the project director – who had turned up in my dreams on Sunday and given me the baby as the bathwater went flying.

    As we arrived to the top of the C2J discussion, I heard the ceiling crack. From there it was pure vertigo.

    Off to make my next million…


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