Wikileaks posts documents – San Mateo location

Here is the chart for Wikileaks posting the documents. The time, time zone (EST) and date come from their website. The location comes from the Whois directory. Obviously, the data was not uploaded in California; but that is their registered location. We could look at the chart set for Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, as well.

3 thoughts on “Wikileaks posts documents – San Mateo location”

  1. Hi Folks, this is my first post on any blog anywhere so it is a compelling time for myself.
    Hi to all beings, or if you prefer, hi to the One being which is, Us?

    First of all, thanks for your fantastic weekly audio posts Eric. I only discovered your website recently.

    I just wanted to communicate something in relation to Julian Assange (the founder,
    or “boss” of Wikileaks) . First of all I looked up his birth date which is 1971 (the year I was born also). I wasn’t able to get his exact date of birth though. He also was born in Australia (as I was). So as a person who has a large interest in astrology I was slightly interested by that. Then we hear on the news that this leak is being compared to another famous leak that occured in 1970, that helped turn around the
    idea that war is unwanted (to put it mildly) re- Vietnam.

    Now what I found even more interesting is that his (Julians) parents met at a
    an ANTI-WAR RALLY and then of coarse they concieved Julian and then (apparently) instilled in him an active, and pro active sense- I will say!

    I will let the reader decide all these coincidences for themself, of coarse, and not add too much more, (at this time). Thanks for all your creative energy and listening capabilities.

    Cheers Brian

  2. And the Sabian Symbol for 19-20 Scorpio is: A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a sacred pathway.

    The energy of the first half of the third decan of Scorpio is amazing. Not pleasant to deal with, but somehow it seems crucial to human life (and to us, now, specifically.)

  3. The Ascendant is 19 degrees of Scorpio? Holy cow. That particular degree of the 360 chart always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

    I’ve known quite a few people with this degree prominent in charts; both my parents have their Mars there. The Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon of May 2009, two weeks after my mother’s death, was at that position. The energy of 19 Scorpio is intense, focussed, and in my experience, fully expressive of Pluto in all its glory. People with this energy have served as wake-up calls for me, in a major slap-upside-the-head way. Traumatic, “icky” (like being dragged through a sewer in the midst of a nuclear explosion) but ultimately helpful if you can remain aware enough to take advantage of it.

    According to deVore (Encyclopedia of Astrology), 19 degrees Scorpio is “[T]he degree of avidity, an evil degree; the crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will; animal life.”

    Interestingly since it’s Wikileaks, the Wheeler version of the Sabian Symbol for 18-19 Scorpio is: A parrot repeats the conversation he has overheard.

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