Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon

Equals Neil Young. Or at least his Sun and Moon. I’ll try to come back to Neil around the time of his birthday on Nov. 12. Currently, the Moon is indeed in Aquarius, where it is mental, idealistic and needs some grounding in a schedule or project. Today is an idea day; but make sure you apply sufficient focus and structure to make your best ideas happen.

Apropos of Scorpio (where the Sun entered on Friday), a story. I was on the phone with Amanda a little while ago, who wrote the hippie gay marriage referendum blog below. She told me she was at her family home this weekend and took a look at her globe, the one she had as a kid, which was unhinged from its stand and floating freely in the universe.

Looking carefully, she noticed the globe had a Scorpio symbol on it. Small; along a line; the line intersected the equator at an odd angle; and upon further investigation she noticed other zodiac signs were along that line.

“Gee, that’s interesting,” I said. “I wonder what line that is.”

“Um, the ecliptic?” she said. Aah! Yes. She as thinking; I was not.

Astrology, which is part of Paganism, the Occult and the Devil’s Work, is printed on a globe given to children? And they don’t leave off Scorpio, just to be polite? The thing about astrology that is so often forgotten (in its usual treatment as a boutique item) is that it’s part of mainstream western thought; it is one of the foundations of such.

And in this framework, Scorpio is the central issue of existence, if you ask me. That is where humanity is thrown into its seemingly most terrifying struggles: sex, money and death; the root of all power dramas.

Just to track the symbolism here, definitely a great conversation starter, Scorpio is the sign associated in ancient literature with the private parts. It’s also the sign when we celebrate Samhain (pronounced sah-wen). That is, Days of the Dead, which are still commemorated today by Halloween; and these always take place at the peak of Scorpio time.

We know that the link between sex and death is intuitive. The “occult” has known about it forever. But it wasn’t until doing the research for this article in a Planet Waves series two years ago that I found out the connection. In our DNA, sex and death are functions of one another. In order to have sexual reproduction, we must give up immortality. Sex is directly a privilege of death.

Not everyone likes this fact. There are many among us who would rather be immortal and asexual.

As for that Aquarius Moon…

10 thoughts on “Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon”

  1. Jere… in response to your idea that Love is an anchor or an illusion:

    I suggested that :: Love and only Love can teach the path to that body.

    I’m no NeoPlatonist, looking to venerate Venera. Pleasure (Love’s most important …as you say… ‘key’) is an instrument to open the sensory array, and therein discover how we tick along, constructing our experience as we go. That’s step One. Step One leads to Step Two – the ability to alter the basic sensory outputs. When you can accomplish this, you stop seeing the Other (hey you! yeah I’m talking to you!!) as walking away with What You Need.

    Thanks for the communion, Your High Dudeity.



  2. Love, working on and through the Individual, evolves spirit, from the ignorance of mundane patterns to the use of intelligent creative will. This, on my path, I’ve come to realize. Also, as far as I see love, it is a key, a means, a product of Reality/pathway and not the Source I am searching for,.. although it will lead one there, It is not to be worshipped. There is something beyond Love,.. Love is a tool, a KEY.. What is this beyond?! Love is like an anchor, it holds everyone in illusion. Or, the potential is there. And that’s all we are,.. Potential.

    That’s my philosophical essay for the day.. (I’m freakin’ workin’ on the shit kids {no disrespect}).. (You cats got knowledge I only dream of.. Spill it, Fuckers!) Spill It!

    Once again (you brave-ass souls for tangling with me..),

    Love ya, Peace, and Happiness,


  3. Mytes,

    Whew! Finally a chance to reply.

    What you wrote today is, in my estimation, the most beautiful and poetic teaching you have ever contributed to this space. Glad to see that you are clickin’ on all cylinders once again.

    i do not believe, however, that the implications of science are irreconcilable with yours. Indeed i can feel a common pool of truth feeding both fountains.

    Hugs and Blessings,
    Len Wallick

  4. Lovely Mystes with loving words! I always believed that we knew our parents before we were born. My many dreams about the daughter I gave away have born that truth out to me many times, especially after we met through many long letters, and later, through many phone calls. And so the spiritual journey continues after we are born, to see what choices we make – will we have a loving, happy home? Or will it be angry and fearful? Will the children cry themselves to sleep at night because mom and dad are fighting or high? Did the children choose those parents because they loved them? I think of sex and death as they apply to seeds – for as soon as a plant is born it begins to die, but not so humans. That journey is born out of pure love. The seed of an idea might need to germinate and die to sprout new life, but spirit is pure love, and infinite, and never dies.

  5. marymack – i too am an Aquarius Sun and Scorpio Moon. It’s not night and day, but it is different. Actually, i feel a brotherhood with those who have an Aquarius Moon and an admiring compassion for those who have a Scorpio Sun.

    Eric – You have very astutely pointed out that the mid points of fixed signs (otherwise known as cross-quarters) will resonate with what you have called the Aries points (the first degree of a cardinal sign). Well, as Bob Zimmerman might have said (were he an astrologer) “the signs they are a fixin'”. First and foremost, of course Saturn crosses into Libra when the Sun is very nearly conjunct the cross quarter between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice (otherwise known as Samheen). Also, The Sun (in Scorpio, a fixed sign) is fixin’ to square Mars (in Leo, you guessed it, a fixed sign); The Moon in fixed-air Aquarius is fixin to trine Venus; Venus is fixin’ to trine Jupiter (in Aquarius); Mercury is fixin’ to transit into Scorpio (yup, fixed); Chiron (in Aquarius) if fixin’ to station forward; and the Full Moon will be in fixed earth Taurus.

    After all that, i figure the ghost of Soupy Sales is fixin’ to hit me in the face with a pie.

  6. Fabulously articulated, Mysti.

    I am not saying I’m a fan of what geneticists have discovered, this particular juncture in evolution where mortality and shuffling the genetic code through sex coincide. And science is the product of monotheism.

    I think that how we address the “facts of life” presented by science is the product of many cultural factors; remembering as well that science barely acknowledges any existence of multidimensional life; of the body as vehicle for something else. Yet that too has the vibe of the cozy little place in celibate heaven awaiting us.

  7. It’s quite a combination. The quarter Moon always is. This one is especially packed with meaningful tension. If you delineate both Scorpio and then Aquarius…you get the picture.

  8. We know that the link between sex and death is intuitive. The “occult” has known about it forever. But it wasn’t until doing the research for this article in a Planet Waves series two years ago that I found out the connection. In our DNA, sex and death are functions of one another. In order to have sexual reproduction, we must give up immortality. Sex is directly a privilege of death.

    Not everyone likes this fact. There are many among us who would rather be immortal and asexual.

    This is a curious binary, E. The old “life has no emotional depth without Death” mythogem. It has a distinctively monotheistic ring to it, as if humans are incapable of developing a spiritual or emotional life without the toll of mortality (personified as the Reaper or Gawd or Charon) hanging over them.

    I am reminded of the Scholastics (false) choice: Laeticia o Gaudium. Passing pleasure or lasting joy? Hmmm… Let’s see. How about Lasting Pleasure? It’s doable. One first has to get used to the idea that Infinity is not boundless sameness (asexual reproduction and all that); and second, recognize that our aversion to the idea of Infinity is recombined and sucked back in as Angst.

    Our slow (and evidently ‘natural’) slide into the arms of death is the gradual increase of our inability to face our own Infinity. That inability (or disability, if you will) is culturally-mediated, to be sure; and it is the job of religion specifically to get us used to the idea of Death’s pre-eminence. I live to differ. Death is the second ‘truth’ after Love, and when Love is in the room, Death serves Her like mute eunuch.

    Depending on how we are born (see last week’s remarks about orgasmic birth), we have relative access to a different way of being in the body; of *producing* time (not just being consumed by it) and space in our very physiology. Death –or the fear of death– can’t touch it. Love and only Love can teach the path to that body.


  9. Me, too!! though not really … at all. I have an Aquarius Sun and Scorpio Moon and … is it just me or is this as different as night and day?!?!

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