Schedule update

Hello —

Len Wallick will not be posting his column today, as he is moving to a new residence. He expects to be back with his regular column Tuesday, Sept. 9. In the meantime, be sure to listen to Planet Waves FM for insights into Monday’s Pisces Full Moon. — Amanda

7 thoughts on “Schedule update”

  1. be, aword, kate, P. Sophia, Chief Niwots Son, Lizzy (and all): Thank you for your expressions of support. As Venus and Neptune would have it, my residential transition is still not complete (albeit mostly so), so i’m taking my own advice as i work through the relationship situations of to finally finish the remaining details of my move-out and move-in before the end of the week.

  2. Lots of luck and love for your move, dear Len! I really recommend arnica (pills) and rescue remedy for the emotional and physical wear and tear of moving.
    Am really grateful to you both, Be and P, Sophia for your great astrology updates. My natal Chiron in Pisces is leading a merry dance right now, with all the wounds coming out to play.

  3. Len hope the move goes well. It’s a change, but I am visualizing you are in a place that offers you a creative sanctuary.

    Be thank you for the heads up on Chiron trine Vesta and Juno which is leading us nicely into our cleansing full moon! As I see it this trine is another chance to create space to Integrate. Our healing, towards wholeness with Chiron’s and the Godesess may offer another release point of negativity, letting go of any toxicity remaining in relationships, stabilizing existing, or focusing on developing new healthy partnerships in/of integrity. It is an opportunity and season to further trust our gut instincts and follow our sacred inner guidance.

    Len is missed today.. : (

  4. Great posts Be and Aword. Len, I send you lots of blessings and hope this marks the start of a more peaceful time for you. You deserve it.

  5. Be, thank you for preventing Len-withdrawal symptoms from being too intense. I might have noted something personal about Uranus and Saturn and daughter/father aspects and maybe brothers too. Vesta jumped rope all alone a lot, keeping with her skill-set until it could be shared with others again another day.

    Len, how wonderful! Lots of movement in these waters. May your move be blessed, without complication, and a delightful shift for you.

  6. Well, if he WERE here I bet Len might have written about how Chiron would trine Vesta and Juno within less than 24 hours, on September 6th (5th and 6th on the west coast). I bet he would have some remarkable history and astronomical facts to coincide and integrate with Chiron’s supportive trines to these goddesses. I would be amazed by that info and then comment on how Chiron’s teaching abilities would hopefully redress the stories of Vesta and Juno, enlarging upon their core concepts of focus and partnership.

    Len would probably see something in the Pisces Full Moon chart that everyone else would miss as to how this grand water trine fit into the bigger picture, ie. what Chiron’s conjunction to the Pisces Full Moon could mean for us. I would then harp a little on the Vesta quincunx to Uranus aspect and how she was changing the concept of Saturn (her father) to whom she was conjunct, to include the feminine version of the work ethic, and how she and the Sun in Virgo (opposite the FM) made a yod with Uranus in Aries at the apex point. Unexpected progress on the equal pay thing maybe?

    I might also have ad-libbed something about Ceres’ conjunction to Poseidon in Scorpio at the New Moon and how they both squared Jupiter, and – along with Venus’ opposition to Neptune – it might mean we all should “invest” (Vesta conjunct Saturn) in a boat real soon. But he’s not here and it’s no fun jumping rope all alone. Hope you’re getting settled in Len and that you will love your new digs. Talk to you next week.

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