Note, we will be posting the Music Hour focused on Mozart a little later than usual tonight as Dan is off being a Sagittarius somewhere for most of the day. Oh wait that means bartending at an event at BSP. From what I know of how the show comes together, that might be as late as 11 pm ET. Apologies for the inconvenience and looking forward to this edition, which will include a reading of Mozart’s mindblowing natal chart.
Ok, so I’m going to try and ‘name that tune’ you play at the end, I’m pretty sure that it’s the overture to The Magic Flute, one of my favourite musicl works ever (though I haven’t heard it for a while, so…).
Thanks Dan and Eric! I enjoyed every minute of this- it’s how great art should be discussed, with spontaneity, humour, erudition, and was so fascinated by Mozart’s chart. Off sick from work today, so had the time to indulge, and couldn’t have taken better medicine than this!