McVote Coercion

This is from today’s headlines on Democracy Now! Let’s hope this behavior doesn’t get super-sized by either party. – amanda

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has launched an investigation after the owner of a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, Ohio warned workers that they won’t receive any raises if Democrats win on Tuesday.

When workers at the McDonald’s received their paycheck, they also received a note from the restaurant’s owner listing the Republican candidates to vote for. The McDonald’s owner wrote, “If the right people are elected we will be able to continue with raises and benefits at or above our present levels. If others are elected we will not.”

According to The Huffington Post, “On Friday, franchise owner Paul Siegfried apologized in a written statement, saying the communication was ‘an error of judgment on my part.’ ‘Please know it was never my intention to offend anyone,’ he added. ‘For those that I have offended, I sincerely apologize’.”

It’s nice the owner apologized, but I believe the word he was looking for is “intimidate,” not “offend.”

3 thoughts on “McVote Coercion”

  1. I am laughing though. I mean, the press makes it sound ooo threatening note and all…but maybe the owner of the McDonalds is just stupid. I mean, like in tea-baggy stupid. As in, bought the stock, drank the coool-aid and is actually afraid their MCDONALDS (of all things) will go under.

    (Fat chance of that.)

    Regardless of the motivation, glad someone blew the whistle on that hanky-panky fer sure.

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